

Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

Do dental implants shorten your life?

The dental implant is the best alternative to improve the quality of life of many people daily,  extending the life expectancy. 

How can missing teeth reduce life expectancy? 
If you ask any provider, the leading cause of death in the United States is heart disease, and people  who have fewer teeth or have lost five or more teeth are prone to develop it. They might also  increase the risk of osteoporosis and diabetes.  

So what is the correlation between longevity and tooth loss? There is a good chance that a large  number of people develop gum diseases. The bacteria that cause gum disease and eventually tooth  loss slip into the bloodstream affect other vital functions, increasing the risk of heart attack, stroke,  etc. 

How do Dental Implants lead to a longer life? 

  • A capable bite: Research says that dental implants can provide a bite force that leads to a more  varied and nutritious diet. You can use it as natural with more efficiency.
  • Healthy diet: Losing teeth restricts the variety in the diet that eventually leads to malnutrition.  Dental implants increase the capability to chew, bite and enable you to eat anything like crunchy  nuts, meats, raw vegetables, etc.
  • Improve the quality of life: The appearance of the teeth has a substantial impact on confidence  and social life. Social isolation and chronic illnesses are both linked to reducing lifespan.  However, dental implants boost your self-esteem and bring a confident smile.
  • No further tooth loss: With proper care and maintenance, you decrease the chances of losing  more of the natural teeth.
  • Easy maintaining: Taking care of the dental implant is as simple as flossing and brushing.  However, after you get your implant, your dentist will provide you with the best way to take  care of it along with a recovery diet.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!