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What are the side effects of braces?

Everyone feels embarrassed about their teeth and hides from smiling around people because of crooked teeth. To help with it, braces are beneficial for tooth alignment and other orthodontic issues. Dental braces leave you with many oral health benefits and a flawless smile.

Braces might leave you with some side effects during and after treatment. Read further to see how braces may affect your teeth.

Side effects of Braces on Teeth

  1. Difficulty Eating food: This is a typical problem for everyone who wears braces. Food becomes lodged in them, and they may be unable to move their teeth as freely. It is advised to eat only soft foods in the first few days.
  2. Mild Discomfort or Soreness: Braces may cause soreness in the mouth in the early weeks. And also people might feel some discomfort not being used to wearing them. Braces are tightening or readjusting your teeth, so it’s common to have a little discomfort. For such pain, you may take a pain-reliever. If pain or soreness gets worse, consult your doctor.
  3. Jaw Pain: Braces are wrapped around your teeth so might cause jaw pain also. This could happen after every session due to tightening. Depending on the discomfort and severity, over-the-counter pain relievers may assist
  4. Plague or infection: Plague is always a common problem for teeth with braces. Food gets stuck in braces and may build a plague or an infection when it is not properly cleaned and maintained, leading to tooth decay.

You might face difficulty eating during the early week, and these side effects will likely resolve quickly. Good dental hygiene practices are always necessary, but they are incredibly essential for people with braces. It would be best to clean teeth every day, which means brushing twice and flossing at least once daily.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!