

Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

What is the difference between the different types of dentures?

You could lose teeth because of many reasons such as periodontal disease, tooth extraction, ageing, facial injury, poor oral care, etc. With missing teeth, your facial muscles sag over time. So one needs dentures to fill out the facial profile. Dentures are also a necessity for people with missing teeth as it helps them eat, chew, and speak normally.

A denture is a man-made removable set of teeth that you can put in place of your missing teeth. In this article, we will find out about all the different types of dentures and what differentiates them.

Types of Dentures
The common types of dentures are listed below:

  • Complete or full dentures – These are traditional dentures that are suitable for a person who is missing all his teeth. These are removable replacements for the entire set of teeth. They are of two types:
  • Conventional – These dentures sit on top of the gums and are typically placed 8-12 weeks after the teeth have either been removed or extracted.
  • Immediate – These are made in advance and can be put in position as soon as the teeth are removed. These dentures require more adjustments as the bones and gums shrink during the healing period.
  • Partial Dentures – These dentures are used for patients who still have a few of their natural teeth intact. Partial dentures prevent the other teeth from moving.
  • Partial removable denture – This is a good option for those who prefer removable dentures. The denture consists of a gum-coloured plastic base that is attached to a metal framework that keeps the denture in place.
  • Partial Fixed dentures – These dentures are non-removable.
  • Implant-Supported Dentures – These are useful for those who need added retention because of bone loss. In these, a dental implant is used to support dentures stay securely in the mouth. The denture gives a lot of support for anchorage and a solid foundation. These implants look natural and blend without being conspicuous and last long.
  • Snap-in Dentures – Snap-in dentures provide maximum stability amongst other dentures. They use dental implants or anchors to stay securely in place onto the existing teeth. They are unique because of the locator attachments that are embedded onto the tissue side of the denture. These locator attachments can snap into the locator receptors or dental implants. They are extremely convenient and removable. Snap-in dentures are used for patients who do not have any teeth, but their bones are strong enough to support an implant.
  • Custom Dentures – These dentures are more expensive as they are made from more expensive teeth and give you a more natural-looking smile. These dentures are customized to suit your mouth and facial structure.
  • Overdentures – It is a removable denture that sits on top of the gums. It is supported by dental implants and can be placed on either the upper or lower jaw, as needed by an individual.
  • Economy Dentures – These are cost-effective dentures but very generic and do not usually fit comfortably or securely in the mouth. They also look fake and require denture adhesive to make them fit more securely.

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