
910 Lee Dildy Blvd #260 Elgin, Texas 78621


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

Is a root canal permanent?

People don’t usually opt for root canals voluntarily, but when faced with a choice between a root canal or a lost tooth, the root canal becomes the better option. However, many people wonder how long the tooth is actually saved?

Do Root Canals Last Long?
It is a subjective question. Your dentist’s skill in removing infected material plays an important role in it. In addition, if any infection remains, it will eventually spread, resulting in the need for another root canal.

Furthermore, keep your regular checkups every six months so that you can catch problems early. As soon as the infection is found, it is easier to treat it before it has a chance to spread further. This is also dependent on what teeth are causing the problem. Roots in the front of teeth are fewer, so there is less room for error. However, back teeth have more, which can complicate things.

Your overall oral health is another important factor. It is easier to undergo the root canal procedure if your other teeth are healthy. An old or severely damaged tooth, even with a crown, may eventually crack even after a root canal. Healthy teeth are the best candidates for root canal therapy.

A Better Option
While the best way to prevent a root canal is to take good care of your teeth, it continues to be the best option if a root canal is ever needed. A crown and root canal will last much longer than extraction and a bridge. In this way, even though root canals are not permanent solutions, they can still fix the issue for many years, allowing you to keep your teeth as long as possible.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!