
910 Lee Dildy Blvd #260 Elgin, Texas 78621
Dental care

Healthy Foods Promoted by a General Dentist

As your body is a complex machine, the food you consume and how frequently you eat them can impact your overall health and the health of your teeth. When it comes to the health of your teeth and gum, consuming too many sugar-filled drinks, sweetened candies and food items contribute to tooth decay. It is the single most common chronic childhood disease, though; the good part is that it is entirely preventable.

How to Prevent Tooth Decay?

To lead a healthy lifestyle and maintain oral hygiene, think before you eat and drink. It’s not only what you eat, but when you eat, that can impact your dental health. Eating a well-balanced diet, and consuming fewer snacks can prevent serious diseases. Make sure to brush with fluoride toothpaste and floss daily, as it is essential for a bright smile and dental health. If you are on a special diet, consult your physician and choose food accordingly.

Foods for Optimum Oral Health

Starchy and sugary foods that we love are also loved by the bacteria in your mouth and lead to tooth decay and gum disease. You need to understand that eating a range of nutrient-rich foods from various food groups encourage healthy teeth and gums. Have a mix of fruits, vegetables, protein-based foods, calcium-rich foods, and whole grains that offer the needed nutrients for optimum oral health and overall body health.

  • Calcium-rich foods like fat-free or low-fat milk, cheese and yogurt, fortified soy beverages and tofu, almonds, canned salmon, and dark green leafy vegetables assist in enhancing healthy teeth and bones.
  • Vitamin C improves gum health, so consume a lot of citrus fruits, peppers, potatoes, spinach, tomatoes, and broccoli.
  • Phosphorus found in fish, eggs, dairy products, lean meat, beans, and nuts is perfect for getting healthy teeth and gums. Moreover, chewing on crunch food items keeps the saliva going, which, together with water, assist in washing away plaque resulting in bacteria and food particles.

Limit Your Snack Time

Putting a restriction on the number of snacks you eat will also positively affect your oral health. Smart snacking will keep your mouth in good shape. Hold out against the urge to snack often as the more frequently you eat, especially between your meals, the more likely you are to invite acid attacks on your teeth. However, if you snack, make sure to select wisely. Go for healthy snacks such as fruits or vegetables or a piece of cheese.

Food consumed as a part of a meal leads to less harm to teeth than eating several snacks throughout the day as more saliva is released during a meal. Saliva allows the wash foods from the mouth and reduces the effects of acids that can harm teeth. Try to give up on sugary treats like hard or sticky candies and go for nutritious options. Make sure to brush after snacking to keep cavities away.

Moreover, if you’re caring for a baby, avoid pacifying your toddler or young child with a bottle of formula, juice, or milk. Sucking on the bottle puts the teeth and gums in liquid for longer than necessary and contributes to tooth decay from a young age.

Book Appointment to find out which treatment might be best for you.