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Dental care

What Causes Protruding Teeth in Adults?

Protruding teeth, also known as ‘buck teeth,’ is a common dental condition many people face. Buck teeth lower the confidence of many people and alleviate the overall quality of life. Although protruding teeth are associated with few health complications, many people desire to correct them because of their aesthetically displeasing characteristics. But, fortunately, various treatments are available to restore protruding teeth among adults. Let us look at the multiple causes of buck teeth. 

Top 5 Causes of Protruding Teeth among Adults
There may be various causes for protruding teeth, and some of the most common ones are:

  1. Tongue-thrusting: Protruding teeth can be a consequence of the tongue pressing too far forward in the mouth, which results in malocclusion. If you are unaware, malocclusion is the imperfect positioning of the teeth and includes an overbite or open bite. It is noteworthy to highlight that tongue thrusting is caused by chronically swollen adenoids or tonsils, poor swallowing habits, stress, and unconventional sleeping habits. At times, when a child aggressively sucks their thumb during childhood, it can manifest as protruding teeth during adult life.
  2. Jaw Tumors and Cysts: Although very rare, cysts and malignant tumors inside the mouth can cause the teeth to move and result in protrusion or buck teeth.
  3. Periodontal Diseases: Several periodontal diseases can also cause protruding teeth as a result of bone loss and loss of stability. Gum or periodontal diseases can mobilize the teeth, cause them to drift apart, and start the protrusion of elongation.
  4. Missing Teeth, Extra Teeth, or Damaged Teeth: Another essential cause of buck teeth or protruding teeth is the spacing or crowding in the mouth. Missing teeth may also cause the remaining teeth to shift over time, causing protrusion. Lastly, extra teeth can result in misalignment issues.
  5. Genetics: Another common cause of protruding teeth is genetics. Some people are born with an uneven jaw or mismatched sizing of the upper or lower jaw, and so forth. Although genetics play a vital role in malocclusion, most of it does not become apparent till adulthood. The usual treatment of genetic protruding of teeth includes orthodontic treatment during childhood or adolescents. At times, surgery may also become necessary.

Now that we have talked about the various causes of protruding teeth to buck teeth among adults, let us examine a few common treatments available to correct the condition. 

Treatments for Protruding Teeth

  • Opting for braces is one of the standards and fruitful methods of dealing with protruding teeth. Nowadays, invisible braces are also available so that you can get your protruding teeth corrected without people even noticing. 
  • Aligners are also an excellent reversal treatment to adjust the placement of the teeth. Aligners also have an invisible look, and you can use them to deal with buck teeth effectively. 

Therefore, the causes of protruding teeth or buck teeth are primarily genetic and natural; there are also a variety of treatments to deal with the condition. 

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!

Dental care

Teeth Names: Shape and Function of Four Types of Teeth

We all know that teeth are an integral part of human anatomy. They are the strongest parts of the human body and are composed of proteins and minerals like collagen and calcium. The purpose of teeth is to chew foods and facilitate better consumption. In addition, the teeth coupled with the tongue also assist us to speak more fluently. Another interesting facet of human teeth is that they are of four varied types – each having a typical appearance and job. The shape and morphology of the different teeth types depend on their function. The main reason why humans have four different kinds of teeth is that as a species, humans are omnivorous and hence require different types of teeth to handle both plant-based items and meat. Now that we have talked about the fundamentals of human teeth, let us examine its four types, their shape, and function.

Types of Human Teeth
To begin with, human adults have 32 teeth which are known as permanent teeth or secondary teeth. On the contrary, children merely have 20 teeth which we term as milk teeth or primary teeth. It is essential to mention that the first milk teeth of babies erupt when they are between the age of 6 to 12 months. Likewise, adult humans have all their permanent teeth in place by the age of 21. 

  1. Incisors: Alternately known as ‘Cutting Teeth,’ incisors are located at the center of the dental arch – the front part of the mouth. There exist four incisors in the upper human jaw and four on the lower. The shape of incisors is like small chisels. They are flat and broad and have a shovel-like structure. The primary function of incisors is to aid the mastication process – eating and biting food into chewable pieces and moving them inwards.
  2. Canines: Also called Cuspids, canines are located next to the incisors, with two on the top of the mouth and two on the bottom. The primordial function of canines is to rip and tear tough foods like meat. 
  3. Premolars: They are also called Bicuspids and are found adjacent to the canines, towards the back of the mouth. Humans have eight premolars, two on either side of the mouth and in the upper and lower jaw, respectively. The primary function of premolars is the crushing of foods before they are transferred to the molars for the final grinding. The morphology of premolars is an amalgamation of canines and molars. 
  4. Molars: Humans have 12 molars which are the biggest and the strongest among all the teeth types. We can find them at the back of the dental arch. The massive surface area of molars facilitates the grinding up of food. The molars break the food into small pieces. Making it small enough to swallow. Furthermore, the molars also comprise four wisdom teeth, which are the last set of teeth to erupt in human adults. Wisdom teeth usually come in place between the ages of 17 to 21. At times, some people do not have enough space in their mouths to erupt wisdom teeth. In such a context, they are stuck inside the gums and removed through professional intervention.

All four types of teeth are meticulously designed to make the mastication process seamless and help us live healthier and better lives. Indeed, the human dental system is a marvel in its own way.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!

Dental care

Benefits of Cosmetic Dental Bonding

A set of perfectly white teeth are a dream for many people. THis can be proved by the fact that even the slightest of imperfections can make us feel conscious. During such dire times, cosmetic dentistry treatments are here for the rescue. But, often, we tend to view them as inaccessible, expensive, and intrusive. But, dental bonding is a cosmetic dentistry technique that is easy and affordable. Before hopping on to the benefits of cosmetic dental bonding, let us analyze what dental bonding is in the first place. 

Dental Bonding – A Brief Overview

We can define dental bonding as a cosmetic procedure that can cover and repair imperfections of the teeth. A tooth-colored resin is applied over the damaged tooth to produce an attractive look. Dental bonding is a straightforward process that we can use as an alternative to veneers and dental crowns. 

Dental bonding can be used in case of the following situations:

  • To restore a cracked or chipped tooth
  • To make a tooth look bigger by building up its sides
  • To fill in minor tooth gaps
  • To lengthen a tooth that is short
  • Whiten a stained or discolored tooth

Now, let us understand the various benefits of dental bonding.

Benefits Of Dental Bonding

  • It is a quick procedure that takes about 20 minutes.
  • It is painless and does not require sedation dentistry.
  • The composite resin is applied in layers over the damaged tooth. After that, it is hardened during a special light and then polished for future protection.
  • Dental bonding is one of the most straightforward and most non-intrusive methods of correcting imperfect teeth.
  • It is affordable as compared to veneers and other dental treatments.
  • Less tooth enamel is removed in the process of dental bonding.
  • Dental bonding immaculately matches your natural teeth, and the results are excellent.
  • The binding material is solid and durable.

Therefore, if you are not willing to commit to veneers or other intrusive dental treatments, then opting for dental bonding can indeed be the right choice for you.

Ways To Take Care Of Your Teeth After Dental Bonding

Acknowledging that dental bonding is a simple process, you don’t have to dramatically change your dental hygiene routine. Your usual oral hygiene habits will help you maintain a robust and appealing cosmetic bonding for years on end. Nevertheless, there are few extra steps that you can take to keep your dental bonding for prolonged periods.

It can get discolored by dark and staining beverages such as tea, coffee, red wine, and so forth. So, it is essential to control the consumption of such drinks and also brush and floss regularly. Dental bonds are not as strong as natural teeth. So, it is necessary not to put extra pressure on them. But otherwise, dental bonding is an excellent cosmetic dentistry technique for minor imperfections on your teeth. If you want whiter, brighter, and perfect teeth, you can easily opt for dental bonding. 

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!