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Dental care

Foods that Can Harm Enamel

Are you struggling to choose the right food, or are you confused about the parameters for selecting the food and drinks? Well, your diet is the deciding factor for your dental health, thus a significant contributor to your overall well-being. Knowing the do’s and don’ts regarding the food make the task of maintaining the health of teeth easier. Below are few foods that can be harmful to the enamel, if taken into excessive amounts.

Acidic food

The foods with low ph ratings can make a disaster in your mouth if consumed excessively with no precaution. How? Acids from any source, in the form of food or converted from sugars, erodes the teeth enamel, leading to decay. Not only this but if the enamel turns weak, many problems may happen to you, including tooth sensitivity and discoloration.

Examples of such highly acidic foods include pickle, lemon, alcohol, coffee, etc.

Foods with high sugar

This is a common one. Almost everyone knows that too much sugar can harm the enamel. But what is the exact reason and process? Now, sugars are the best thing for the bacteria to feed upon. They create acids from these sugars and then pave the way for cavity formation.

Even though the sugar is so harmful to the teeth, you cannot eliminate them from your diet. However, you can minimize their amount to an extent. Together with this, you can at least make sure that the sugar does not stay in your mouth for long. For this, brush your teeth after the meals and drink a lot of water.

Examples of food high in sugar include soft drinks, candies, dry fruits, jams, etc.

Food that sticks to the teeth and gums

The extended presence of the food can offer a home to bacteria’s. This is so because they will be releasing the acids for a longer time. Thus, you need to ensure you floss your teeth after you have any food, especially the sticky ones.

Starchy foods, for the same reason, are supposed to pose threats. Examples include potato chips, bread, corn chips, etc.

Foods drying your mouth

An important fact is that your saliva is the best remedy against oral health issues as saliva stops food from sticking to the teeth. So, any reduction in the saliva will lead to increments in decays and cavities. Now, the foods and drinks that dry your mouth are sure to invite problems. Avoid consuming them. Examples include alcohol, coffee, energy drink, etc.

Hard to chew foods

Though the enamel is the hardest substance in the body, it will weaken, if you chew hard materials regularly. Hence, eating the hard elements like ice, unpopped popcorn, etc. can invite problems like cracks, chipping off your teeth and much more.

Your teeth are assets for you. Healthy teeth will not only assist you in eating and chewing but also offer you beautiful smiles and looks, boosting your confidence. Thus before picking anything to eat or drink next time, do consider the consequences, only then proceed!

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Dental care

What Are Chalky Teeth

Chalkiness is a situation where the teeth appear to be whiter than the normal. In other words, these teeth show discoloration and the formation of patches and spots. The color after discoloration is off-white in many, yellow or brown in others. It can happen in both baby teeth as well as adult teeth. Chalky teeth need to be addressed like a severe concern, whether it is occasional or a constant issue. You need to have a complete awareness of the symptoms and cause so that you provide timely treatment to your aggrieved teeth.

What are the symptoms?
Few signs of this problem are identifiable, while others cannot be detected easily. You may not realize it, and the issue might grow significantly. The tooth which is falling under chalkiness may show the following signs

  • Color change from white to off-white
  • Irregularity in the enamel surface
  • Cracks
  • Pits and depressions
  • Sensitivity for food and temperature
  • Yellow-brown enamel
  • Wearing of teeth
  • Vulnerability to cavities and decay
  • Post-brushing toothache
  • Pain while eating

If you see any of the symptoms, see a dentist for the checkup to prevent further damage to your teeth.

What causes chalky teeth?
Well, a particular reason behind chalky teeth is still a mystery. Nonetheless, various factors together lead to this issue. As per a few types of research, chalkiness is more familiar with infants having poor health. The causes may be many, including malnutrition, metabolic disorders, low birth weight, etc.

Few prominent reasons causing chalky teeth are-

Genetics- Your genes have an essential role in the development of your teeth. Poorly developed enamel will invite chalkiness.

Harmful habits and health during pregnancy- Hypomineralisation(the technical term for chalky teeth) can also take place due to poor prenatal habits like smoking or using drugs. Weight gain and vitamin D deficiency can also contribute to it.

Existing diseases- If you are suffering from various other ailments like jaundice, cerebral palsy, lever teeth, vitamin deficiency, etc. during your infancy, you are more prone to chalky teeth.

Find the right treatment
If you very often experience chalkiness, it may not be alarming for you. This may be after consuming some acidic food or a particular vegetable. In that case, rinse your mouth immediately after eating. But if your child has a constant issue of chalkiness, he may lose his teeth soon, as a child’s chalky teeth are prone to decay and break easily.

Unlike other dental issues, chalky teeth are not easily treatable. Also, it gives you distressing pain. Thus, early detection and treatment are necessary to avert any significant effect. Furthermore, treatment depends upon how serious the problem is. Depending upon the type, you can avail any one of them. Few treatment options include Resin-bonded sealant, crown filling, dental amalgam fillings, etc.

Though it is challenging to avoid chalky teeth in a few cases, you should always take some preventions-

  • Brush your teeth two times a day
  • Avoid too much sugary or acidic food
  • If the teeth are sensitive to cold water, use lukewarm water.

Book Appointment to find out which treatment might be best for you.

Dental care

Do you know why Tooth Sensitivity happens?

Are you facing a problem with having your favorite food? If yes, you are probably suffering through tooth sensitivity. In simple words, tooth sensitivity is a common problem that includes severe pain and uneasiness in teeth when consuming a few substances and at some temperatures. The problem can grow over time, as a consequence of enamel wear and retreating gums.

Common Causes

Consuming acidic food: Highly acidic foods and beverages erode the enamel that guards your teeth. This tooth erosion leads to changed appearances of your teeth and allows the bacteria to cause infection or cavities, further causing tooth sensitivity.

Hard brushing: Apart from the food you are having, a few daily rituals like brushing your teeth can be harmful, if you are doing it very forcefully.

Clenching your teeth: Even though tooth enamel is the hardest substance of your body, clenching your teeth knowingly and unknowingly can harm your teeth. Grinding the teeth will expose the dentine for the damage, which is undoubtedly an invitation to damaged teeth.

Having excessive plaque: The very goal of brushing your teeth is to remove plaque that always appears after you consume food. This is important as excessive plaque can easily ruin your teeth. The remedy is to focus on following good dental care and get your teeth cleaned frequently.

A dental procedure: It’s ubiquitous to face some amount of sensitivity after a dental procedure. May it be a root canal, extraction, or any other dental treatment; it may end up giving you some pain. If the pain and related symptoms last longer, fix a meeting with your dentist, as it might be signaling to the tooth infection and sensitivity.

Decay around the edges of fillings: With your increasing age, your filling may enfeeble the edges. And the weak edges welcome the bacteria to amass in the little fissures which lead to the breakdown of enamel. Make sure to see the doctor, if you make out any such thing happening with you.

Teeth bleaching products: Any teeth whitening procedures can be dangerous for the health of your teeth. Whether it is the whitening strips, any bleaching gel or any other chemical, it will leave at the risky end. Also, keep in mind, the pain due to these bleaching products is temporary and should be relieved as soon as you stop using them.


Sensitivity pain is not something anyone should have to live with. Thus, it’s better to take precautions for it e.g.

  • Gently brush your teeth twice a day to prevent gum loss.
  • Make sure you clean all parts of your mouth, including the spaces along your gum line.
  • Avoid too many acidic foods and drinks.
  • Use a mouthwash containing fluoride to rinse daily.
  • Do not consume so many carbohydrates like bread, pasta, candy, and chips, etc. They create a problem as they remain on the surface.

Now, if you suffer through the severe pain for a longer time, you should see your doctor and ask him to evaluate the reasons for the painful condition. Remember, your right actions timely can save you from further pain.

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