
910 Lee Dildy Blvd #260 Elgin, Texas 78621
Dental care

Do Horseshoe Dentures Work?

When you think of having dentures, you imagine the most common ones, consisting of an acrylic-pink palette covering your natural gums. Although they are an appropriate option to go for, having a whole set of teeth without having proper sensation as your gums are covered doesn’t make you feel too good about it. Horseshoe or Implant-Retained dentures can help you have both a natural look and sense receptors, which you don’t get to experience with other dentures due to the palette. There are various complications associated with the traditional dentures that make the horseshoe dentures even more desirable.

You might still have false teeth with horseshoe dentures, but you will have a more natural look in terms of gum sensation and taste buds that will make your food taste much better.

Now before we review the working of these dentures, let us also discuss what Horseshoe dentures precisely are. And how do they exactly fit into your mouth? Over time, the demand for horseshoe dentures has been increasingly high due to its stability and comfort factors.

What are Horseshoe dentures?

Implant-Retained Dentures or Horseshoe Dentures are the dentures that clip onto your dental implants, rather than leaning onto your gums. These are securely clipped on your gums, enabling you to have stronger and steady teeth. However, you have to remove them while cleaning. Implant-retained dentures take a while to set, yet are the most affordable solution for your denture difficulties.

Horseshoe Dentures Paired with Dental Implants

Usually, Horseshoe dentures are of a horseshoe shape for it to appear less bulky. They rest on the gums in the upper as well as the lower denture. Additionally, setting the implant-retained dentures on the upper denture demands an added number of dental implants juxtaposed to the lower denture for proper support. All the dentures need an acrylic palette to snap on to the jaws, whereas implant-retained dentures use dental implants for preventing the denture from knocking out of place. The reason behind it is that the dental implants clip into the jawbone, which gives the dentures its stability.

Moreover, due to its specific shape, it eradicates the need to have an acrylic palette capping the gums. The most significant advantage of this is having natural gums and its sensations without letting you be concerned about the artificial teeth. Besides the natural and steady look, another benefit that makes the horseshoe dentures stand out is that you can remove it for cleaning or while sleeping.

These are extremely helpful in the process of teeth loss because as the jawbones get weaker, you begin losing your teeth, and the only alternative you are left with is wearing a denture. Dental implants not just make the dentures feel comfortable but also protect your jawbones from any further bone density loss.

Concluding this, dental implants can make the procedure of horseshoe dentures comfortable and get rid of the difficulties that you encounter following teeth loss or with using other kinds of dentures.

Visit your dentist to get proper advice on dentures.

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Dental care

How to Inculcate Healthy Oral Habits in Children?

Good habits are inculcated best when they start early! And what could be essential than making your kids adopt a healthy oral hygiene routine? Making them understand how important a healthy mouth is at a young age, makes sure that they always maintain oral health throughout their lives.

Here are some of the things children can do, right from their earliest days in order to inculcate a healthy habit of maintaining regularized oral hygiene.

  • Use Video/ Reading Material:Teaching something becomes much more efficient when you are having additional support of audio/visual aids. These help you in accelerating the process of learning for your kids. These interactive measures can help you understand how your child will learn the benefits of keeping their oral hygiene maintained and in its upkeep.
  1. Let Them Learn by Example: The best way to learn is by setting the right example. When you set a precedent for your children, they will follow suit with you. The best way is to brush and floss with them so that they can see the right way to do it. They will also learn the importance of doing the same when they see you do it and enjoy the whole process altogether.
  2. Warn Them About the Potential Risk: The best stories that worked for kids, were the ones that had a clear good guy- bad guy anecdote. So when teaching kids the goodness of maintaining oral health, it is necessary to let them know about the flip side, when they don’t pay attention to their teeth. Although, let them enjoy brushing and flossing and don’t make it an activity they undertake out of fear. Therefore, learn to strike a balance.
  3. Take One Thing at a Time: There are so many steps that are to be undertaken while taking care of your oral health. Take your time in teaching the procedure and importance of each step patiently. Start from brushing and then go on to flossing, each of these is imperative hence, making the child understand each is important.
  4. Try Different Things for Toddlers and Different for Older Children: When your child is in the age group of 2-3 years, you need to try specific techniques with them. Use very soft-bristled brushes. Taking smaller steps, you need to maintain at least brushing twice-a-day routine. When it comes to older kids, use the same soft-bristled brushes that you need to replace every three months. Likewise, make sure that you make appointments with a dental health practitioner at least twice a year for your kids
  •  Use Effective Rewards: Kids enjoy nothing more than being given rewards for good behavior. Rewards not only leads them to follow those practices but also helps in giving them positive reinforcement to continue those practices in life.

As they say, learning as a child is learning for life. So why should you let your oral health lag behind? If you have little kids, this is the right time to get them habitual to good oral health care routines. Make sure that you follow a schedule every day and you help them with it. Let it be the start to a great, shining, and radiant smile all their lives.

Book Appointment to find out which treatment might be best for you.