
910 Lee Dildy Blvd #260 Elgin, Texas 78621
Dental care

5 Options to Fill Your Tooth Gap for a Confident Smile

A captivating smile isn’t solely about appearance; it’s deeply intertwined with your self-perception and oral health. If a tooth gap is diminishing your confidence, there’s a variety of solutions available to reclaim your smile and elevate your self-esteem. This article delves into five effective strategies for closing your tooth gap, facilitating proper smile restoration, and a boost in confidence.

Options to Fill a Gap Between Your Teeth

Here are several common approaches for bridging the gap in your smile:

1. Dental Implants

Dental implants stand out as a durable and effective solution for filling tooth gaps. This method involves embedding a titanium implant into the jawbone to support a prosthetic tooth that mimics natural teeth. Not only do implants restore the functionality of your smile, but they also help maintain the health of adjacent teeth and bone structure. With appropriate care, dental implants can serve you for life, representing a sound investment in your oral health and confidence.

2. Dental Bridges

Dental bridges present an excellent alternative for gap-filling. They consist of one or more prosthetic teeth anchored to neighboring teeth with crowns. This solution is best suited for situations where adjacent teeth are robust enough to support the bridge. Bridges not only enhance the visual appeal of your smile but also restore chewing ability and prevent the adjacent teeth from shifting.

3. Removable Dentures

For a more cost-effective solution, removable dentures can fill tooth gaps and aid in smile restoration. Tailored for a comfortable fit, they can be conveniently detached for cleaning. Although dentures might lack the stability of implants or bridges, they offer a practical and aesthetic remedy for smile enhancement. Recent advancements have made dentures more natural-looking and comfortable than ever.

4. Dental Bonding

For minor gaps, dental bonding offers a swift and non-invasive cosmetic fix. This procedure involves the application of a tooth-colored composite resin to the gap, sculpted to blend with adjacent teeth. Dental bonding can significantly improve your smile in a single dentist visit, though it may not be viable for larger gaps.

5. Orthodontic Treatment

When tooth gaps stem from misalignment or bite issues, orthodontic treatments like braces or clear aligners may be advisable. These treatments gradually move teeth to their correct positions, closing gaps and enhancing overall smile symmetry. Although orthodontic treatment is more time-consuming, the transformative results can significantly impact both your smile’s aesthetics and your oral health.

Wrapping Up

Addressing a tooth gap transcends cosmetic appeal, focusing on restoring your confidence and oral well-being. Whether opting for the permanence of dental implants, the support of dental bridges, the affordability of removable dentures, the simplicity of dental bonding, or the comprehensive correction of orthodontic treatment, a myriad of options are at your disposal. Consult with the top Elgin Family Dentist with us to discover the most suitable path to achieving a smile that radiates confidence, ready to be shared with the world.

Dental care

Emergency Dental Care: What To Do When Dental Problems Arise In Elgin, TX

Dental emergencies can be disturbing and cause panic if you don’t know how to handle them. Whether it’s a sudden toothache, a knocked-out tooth, or a broken filling, knowing how to handle these situations calmly is vital. Understanding different emergency dental care methods can make a significant difference in preserving your oral health. In Elgin, TX, residents are fortunate to have access to reliable emergency dental care services that can help them address any dental issue quickly. Let’s explore what steps you should take when any dental problem arises in Elgin, TX.

Recognize the Dental Emergency

The first step in dealing with any oral care emergency in Elgin, TX, is to recognize the situation. Here are some common dental emergencies that can arise at any time:

  • Unbearable Tooth Pain: Intense or ongoing tooth pain can interfere with daily activities such as brushing, chewing, talking, etc.
  • Broken or Knocked-Out Tooth: Trauma, injury, or a broken tooth can cause a dislodged or fractured tooth.
  • Lost Filling or Crown: A lost crown or fallen-out filling can expose the underlying tooth, requiring immediate assistance.
  • Abscess or Swelling: Bacterial infection or inflammation can cause gums or teeth to swell, creating discomfort and requiring medical attention.
  • Broken Dental Equipment: Damage to any dental appliance, such as braces or retainers, can cause pain if worn in a broken condition, requiring medical attention as soon as possible.

If you experience any of the above emergencies, it is important to seek emergency dental care as soon as possible.

Steps to Take During a Dental Emergency

When faced with a dental emergency in Elgin, TX, follow these steps to manage the situation effectively:

  • Stay Calm: Feeling anxious or panicked during a dental emergency is okay, but staying calm will help you think clearly and make informed decisions.
  • Assess the Situation: It is vital to assess the severity of the dental problem before taking necessary action. If you’re experiencing severe pain, gum bleeding, swelling, or chewing issues, you should consult your dentist as soon as possible.
  • Contact an Emergency Dentist: In Elgin, TX, dedicated emergency clinics offer quick emergency dental care. Contact a trusted emergency dentist at Elgin Dentist, TX, and provide details about your symptoms for prompt treatment.
  • Manage Pain and Discomfort: Until you can get professional help, manage the pain and discomfort wisely. Use over-the-counter medication as suggested by your doctor to alleviate pain. Apply a cold compress to reduce pain, discomfort, or swelling.
  • Handle Bleeding or Knocked-Out Tooth: Rinse your mouth with water if you have a knocked-out tooth and are bleeding. Do not rub or scrub the area; apply gentle pressure and use a clean gauze or cloth to wipe the area.


Emergency dental care can be overwhelming, but knowing how to respond calmly makes all the difference. In Elgin, TX, all residents have access to quick and reliable dental care to receive prompt attention in times of need. Always remember to ask for help in dental emergencies and prioritize your oral health even in times of need.

Dental care

How to Get Rid of Bad Breath After Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom teeth removal is a standard dental procedure that, while necessary, can lead to temporary challenges such as bad breath. This guide will explore practical steps and oral hygiene tips to help remove bad breath after wisdom teeth removal, ensuring a smoother recovery process.

Ways To Get Rid of Bad Breath

Maintain Excellent Oral Hygiene:

  • Gentle Brushing: Begin brushing your teeth gently after the first day of wisdom teeth removal.
  • Rinse with Saltwater: Rinse your mouth with a warm saltwater solution multiple times daily, especially after meals. A saltwater rinse promotes oral health.
  • Avoid Mouthwash with Alcohol: During the initial days of recovery, avoid using mouthwash with alcohol as it can be harsh on healing tissues.

Stay Hydrated:

  • Drink Plenty of Water: Water helps flush out debris and bacteria from the mouth, reducing the risk of bad breath.
  • Use a Saliva Substitute: If experiencing dry mouth after wisdom teeth removal, consider using a saliva substitute to maintain moisture.

Choose Your Foods Wisely:

  • Opt for Soft and Non-Irritating Foods: Choose soft, non-irritating foods during the initial days of recovery. Avoid spicy, acidic, or crunchy foods that can disturb surgical sites.
  • Breath-Freshening Foods: Incorporate breath-freshening foods like mint leaves, parsley, and green tea into your diet to neutralize odors.

Follow Post-Operative Instructions:

  • Adhere to Recommendations: Follow the post-operative instructions provided by your dentist strictly.
  • Attend Follow-Up Appointments: Attend scheduled follow-up appointments to assess healing progress and address concerns.

Monitor for Signs of Infection:

  • Watch for Warning Signs: Be vigilant for signs of infection, such as persistent swelling, increasing pain, or unusual discharge.
  • Report Unusual Odor or Taste: If you notice an unusual odor or experience an unpleasant taste, inform your dentist during follow-up appointments.


Getting rid of bad breath after wisdom teeth removal involves excellent oral hygiene practices, hydration, mindful food choices, and adherence to post-operative instructions. By following these comprehensive tips, you can confidently navigate the post-surgery period, promoting optimal oral health and fresher breath.

Dental care

Linea Alba and Oral Health: What You Need to Know

Linea alba mouth stands out in the rich, complex terrain of oral and holistic well-being, carefully woven into the fabric of the mouth and abdomen. Linea Alba serves as a bridge between these two dissimilar universes, piquing the interest of those looking to understand their health better. As your guide on this diverse adventure, Elgin Dentist, TX, extends a warm invitation to delve into the complexities of Linea Alba.

Linea Alba and Oral Health

This thorough investigation seeks to unravel the secrets of Linea Alba, providing insights into its natural occurrence, causal reasons, and cosmetic consequences within the oral cavity. Beyond the mouth, we investigate the remarkable occurrence of Linea Alba in the abdomen, where it plays a different but equally important role.

Join us on this informative journey as we balance Linea Alba’s impact on dental health with its intriguing presence in the abdominal region. Elgin Dentist, TX hopes this exploration will provide individuals with knowledge that supports a holistic approach to health and wellness. Let us work together to solve the mystery of Linea Alba and achieve a state of harmony and vitality.

Understanding Linea Alba in the Mouth

Linea Alba is a benign, elevated, white line often appearing on the buccal mucosa. Frictional forces cause this condition during regular chewing or grinding activities. It is a common occurrence and does not indicate a medical condition.

Dentists frequently see Linea Alba during routine examinations, and its presence is a clinical indicator rather than a cause for alarm. This oral manifestation emphasizes the importance of recognizing typical differences in the mouth, leading to a more complete understanding of oral anatomy and variances in various people.

Linea Alba’s Abdominal Presence

Linea Alba refers to a fibrous tissue that runs vertically along the abdominal midline. It comprises connective tissue and acts as the meeting point for the abdominal muscles, particularly the rectus abdominis. This naturally occurring line becomes more visible during particular motions, such as abdominal contractions or flexion exercises.

The Linea Alba is an essential component of the musculoskeletal system that helps to maintain abdominal stability. Its appearance and integrity are frequently evaluated during medical examinations, and its presence is required for healthy abdominal function, which contributes to core strength and general postural stability.

Linea Alba’s Impact on Oral and Abdominal Health

1. Oral Health:

  • Benign Indicator: Linea Alba is a raised white line on the buccal mucosa that can be created by friction when chewing or grinding.
  • Clinical Sign: Dentists use its existence as a clinical indicator during examinations to emphasize its innocuous nature and the need to recognize variances in oral architecture.

2. Abdominal Health:

  • Structural Stability: In the abdominal context, Linea Alba is a fibrous tissue that connects abdominal muscles, specifically the rectus abdominis.
  • Core Functionality: It is essential for maintaining abdominal stability, core strength, and general musculoskeletal balance.
  • Visible Indicator: Its visibility during specific movements improves medical exams by demonstrating normal belly function and postural support.

Linea Alba’s Effect on Oral Aesthetics

  • Non-Cosmetic: Linea Alba is a natural phenomenon and not a cosmetic concern.
  • Harmless Variation: Dentists recognize it as a normal variation that does not damage the smile’s overall appearance.
  • Diagnostic Marker: While it does not negatively impact oral aesthetics, it can be used as a diagnostic marker during dental examinations.


Elgin Dentist, TX, has emerged as a beacon of knowledge and assistance in understanding Linea Alba and its impact on oral and general health. Individuals discovering the mysteries surrounding Linea Alba can build a better connection with their bodies and adopt proactive steps for a lively and healthy smile. Join Elgin Dentist, TX, on an informative journey to learn about the complexity of Linea Alba and how to take a holistic approach to well-being.

Dental care

A Simple Guide to The Different Types of Teeth

Teeth are essential to our daily lives because they let us bite, chew, and talk clearly. To keep your mouth healthy, you must know the different kinds and names of human teeth and what they do. This easy-to-understand blog tells you about the different types of teeth, what makes them unique, and how they work together to keep your mouth healthy.

List of Different Names of Human Teeth

1. The incisors (front teeth):

  • It’s at the front of the mouth.
  • Edges that are sharp and chiseled.
  • Strong enough to cut and bite.

What does it do?

Most of the time, scissors are used to cut and slice food. Every corner of the mouth has four incisors, two on top and two on the bottom.

2: Canines (cuspids):

  • Teeth that are pointed and cone-shaped.
  • Placed next to the front teeth.
  • Roots that are usually longer.

What does it do?

Canines are essential for tearing and holding food. When the lips close, they help move the other teeth into place, which makes biting and pulling easier.

3. Premolars, also called bicuspids:

  • Flatter surfaces with two or more cusps are its traits.
  • Placed behind the front teeth.
  • Have one or two roots most of the time.

What does it do?

Premolars are functional teeth because they have traits from both canines and molars. They break down food by grinding, tearing, and crushing it, which is an integral part of the first steps of digestion.

4. The molars:

  • Broad, flat areas with many points.
  • It is found at the back of the mouth.
  • These teeth usually have two or three roots.

What does it do?

The molars are the biggest and strongest teeth. They are used to crush and grind food. They are essential in digestion because they break down food into smaller pieces that are easier to swallow.

5. Third molars, also known as “wisdom teeth”

  • These are the third set of molars, and they usually come in late in youth or early in adulthood.
  • They come out differently and may not show up in some people.

What does it do?

Evolution needed more molars in the past for a more robust diet, which is where wisdom teeth come from. However, many people have problems when their wisdom teeth come in, which can cause issues like impaction, crowding, or misalignment.

6. Permanent teeth vs. primary (falling out) teeth:

  • Primary teeth are the first teeth that come in when a baby is young.
  • Permanent teeth come in after a child’s baby teeth fall out.
  • Most adults have 32 permanent teeth.

What does it do?

Primary teeth are temporary teeth that are there until the permanent teeth come in. As children grow, they are essential for developing speech, facial shape, and good oral hygiene habits.

7. Dental anatomy: the crown, the neck, and the root:

  • Crown: You can see the tooth part above the gum line. The crown’s structure and shape depend on the type of tooth and what it’s used for.
  • Neck: The part of the tooth where the tip meets the root. Usually found just below the gum line.
  • The root is the part of the tooth rooted in the jawbone. It holds the tooth in place and keeps it stable.

8. Enamel, dentin, and pulp of the teeth:

  • The enamel on your teeth is the top layer that protects your teeth. A hard covering that keeps the tooth from getting cavities.
  • Dentin is located beneath the enamel. It’s softer than enamel but harder than bone
  • Makes up most of the tooth’s structure.
  • The pulp is inside the tooth and comprises nerves, blood vessels, and muscle tissue.
  • Important for the tooth’s ability to sense and receive food.

The End:

Understanding the different names of human teeth and how they work is essential to appreciate how complicated and useful the human mouth is. Each type of tooth does a different job when it comes to biting, tearing, grinding, and finally, eating food. A balanced diet, good oral care, and regular dental check-ups are all things that can help keep these critical structures healthy and long-lasting so you can smile with confidence and enjoy good oral function for a lifetime.

Dental care

The Role of Dental Crowns In Restorative Dentistry

Restorative dentistry improves oral health and functionality by correcting numerous dental disorders. Dental crowns, or caps, are essential in restorative dentistry because they provide a diverse and effective method for restoring damaged or impaired teeth. This comprehensive blog looks into the relevance of dental crowns in restorative dentistry, investigating its advantages, applications, and contribution to oral health maintenance.

Role of Dental Crowns In Restorative Dentistry

1. Understanding Restorative Dentistry:

a. Purpose and Scope: Restorative dentistry is concerned with repairing and restoring damaged or missing teeth. It includes a variety of procedures designed to improve both the appearance and functionality of the oral cavity.

2. Dental Crown Versatility:

a. Comprehensive Restoration: Dental crowns provide a comprehensive therapeutic option for teeth with extensive decay, fractures, or structural damage. They provide strength and protection by encapsulating the entire visible area of the tooth.

b. Cosmetic Enhancement: Dental crowns are used for cosmetic objectives, such as enhancing the appearance of teeth with discoloration, irregularities, or aesthetic issues, in addition to their functional role. Crowns are flawlessly customized to fit the color and shape of natural teeth.

3. Dental Crown Benefits in Restorative Dentistry:

a. Tooth Structure Preservation: Dental crowns retain the healthy tooth structure by enclosing and protecting it from further harm. This eliminates the need for more invasive procedures such as extractions.

b. Functional Restoration: Crowns restore the functionality of damaged teeth, allowing patients to bite, eat, and talk confidently. Crowns’ durability enables the effective restoration of normal oral function.

c. lifespan and resilience: Dental crowns are well-known for their resilience and lifespan. Crowns can endure the stresses of regular biting and chewing for many years if properly cared for.

d. Stability and Support: Crowns stabilize weakened or impaired teeth, limiting further degeneration. They support teeth that have undergone operations such as root canal therapy.

e. Aesthetic Improvement: Dental crowns help to improve aesthetics by correcting concerns such as extreme discoloration, misaligned teeth, or gaps. The personalized design guarantees a natural and harmonious appearance.

4. Common Dental Crown Applications:

a. Protection Following Root Canal Therapy: Teeth with root canal therapy may become brittle. Dental crowns safeguard the tooth’s integrity by providing protective coverage.

b. Severely Decayed Teeth Restoration: Teeth with extreme decay may lose significant structure. Dental crowns replace these teeth, preventing additional decay and providing a solid chewing surface.

c. Bridge Support: Dental crowns act as abutments for dental bridges, providing support and stability to the replacement teeth. They secure the bridge to nearby natural teeth.

d. Dental Implant Coverage: Dental implants, which replace missing teeth, are frequently capped with crowns to replicate the appearance and function of natural teeth.

e. Cosmetic Correction: Crowns address cosmetic issues by covering teeth with significant discoloration, irregular forms, or visible flaws. They produce a consistent and aesthetically attractive smile.

5. The Procedure for Placing a Dental Crown:

a. Tooth Preparation: The affected tooth is prepared before a dental crown is placed by removing damaged or decaying areas. The tooth is sculpted to fit the crown.

b. Impressions: Impressions are made of the prepared tooth to generate a precise mold for the dental crown. These imprints create a customized crown that fits the patient’s bite and aligns with nearby teeth.

c. Temporary Crown Placement: A temporary crown can be put while the permanent crown is being made. This temporary crown protects the prepared tooth while also maintaining its appearance.

d. Permanent Crown Bonding: Once the permanent crown is complete, it is firmly cemented to the prepared tooth with dental cement. To ensure optimal function and look, the fit is rigorously tested.

6. Dental Crown Maintenance:

a. Maintain Regular Oral Hygiene Practices, including Brushing and Flossing, to minimize plaque development around the crown borders. This increases the restoration’s lifespan.

b. Dental crowns, while durable, are susceptible to excessive force. Avoid chewing on hard items or using your teeth to open packages. Wearing a mouthguard during activities that pose a risk of impact or injury is recommended.

c. Schedule frequent dental check-ups to allow the dentist to analyze the status of the dental crown and resolve any difficulties as soon as possible. Routine examinations add to the restoration’s overall success.


Dental crowns are essential in restorative dentistry, providing a versatile and practical option for oral health preservation and augmentation. Crowns give benefits beyond practicality, from total restoration to cosmetic enhancement. Because of their durability, longevity, and ability to replicate natural teeth, they are an essential component in managing various dental issues. Patients can make informed decisions about their oral health and work cooperatively with their dentists to obtain long-lasting and aesthetically acceptable results by knowing the relevance of dental crowns in restorative dentistry.

Dental care

How Long Does A Fractured Jaw Take To Heal?

Managing a fractured jaw can disrupt a person’s everyday life by interfering with fundamental processes such as eating, speaking, and breathing. A fractured jaw requires careful supervision and patience during the rehabilitation process. In this detailed guide, we will look at the elements that influence the healing period for a fractured jaw, the stages of recovery, and the critical factors for a good recovery.

How to Understand Jaw Fractures:

When the jawbone is shattered or damaged, it results in a fractured jaw, also known as a mandibular fracture. Various factors, such as trauma, accidents, sports injuries, or medical disorders, can cause this. Jaw fractures can affect many components of the jaw, such as the mandibular body, angle, ramus, or condyle.

Jaw injury recovery Factors:

1. Fracture kind and position:

The type and position of the jaw fracture significantly impact healing time. Fractures in different jaw locations may necessitate additional treatment procedures and healing times.

2. Treatment type:

The treatment type used, whether surgical or non-surgical, can affect healing duration. Non-surgical methods can rely on immobilization and spontaneous healing, whereas surgical therapies may require the use of wires, plates, or screws to stabilize the fracture.

3. Patient’s entire Health:

The Jaw injury recovery depends on the patient’s total health. Individuals who are in good general health tend to recover more quickly. Diabetes and weakened immune systems can both have an impact on healing time.

4. Treatment Plan Adherence:

Adherence to the approved treatment plan is critical for maximum healing. This includes adhering to postoperative care instructions, attending follow-up appointments, and refraining from engaging in activities that may impede healing.

5. Age:

Age might have an impact on the healing process. Younger people can heal faster because of their more substantial bone density and healing potential.

Recovery Stages:

1. Immediate Post-Injury Phase:

Managing pain swelling and ensuring the patient’s airway remains unobstructed are all part of the immediate post-injury phase.

2. Diagnostic Evaluation:

Following the initial phase, diagnostic assessments such as X-rays or CT scans are performed to determine the amount and location of the fracture.

3. Treatment Initiation:

Treatment can begin with non-surgical approaches such as jaw wiring or surgical interventions such as open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF).

4. First Healing:

The first healing of the fractured jaw is the focus of treatment in the weeks following treatment commencement.

5. Intermediate Recovery:

Intermediate recovery entails continual monitoring and possibly treatment plan changes.

6. Complete Healing and Jaw injury recovery:

Complete healing and recovery may take several months.
Jaw injury recovery Estimate:

a. Non-Surgical Treatment:

Non-surgical treatment may be sufficient for some less severe fractures. Wiring the jaw shut or employing other means to immobilize the jaw may be used. In such circumstances, healing time can range from 4 to 6 weeks, with steady improvement in function.

b. Surgical Treatment:

Surgical procedures such as ORIF may be indicated for more difficult fractures. The initial healing period may last 6 to 8 weeks, but ultimate recovery and rehabilitation may take months.

Important Recovery Considerations:

a. Dietary Modifications:

A soft or watery diet may be recommended during the early healing phase to avoid putting too much strain on the recovering jaw. The diet can be gradually increased as the rehabilitation process develops.

b. Oral Hygiene:

It is critical to maintain appropriate oral hygiene, especially if the jaw is wired or immobilized. Special care should be taken to avoid problems such as infections.

c. Pain Management:

Pain management is essential to the healing process. To reduce pain and discomfort, medications recommended by a healthcare provider should be taken exactly as directed.

d. Follow-up sessions:

It is critical to schedule regular follow-up sessions with the treating healthcare practitioner to monitor progress, make any required changes to the treatment plan, and ensure optimal recovery.

e. Physical treatment:

If your jaw function is severely impaired, physical therapy may be prescribed to help you regain strength, mobility, and coordination.
f. Activity Resumption Gradually:
Everyday activities, such as chewing and speaking, should be resumed gradually to avoid strain on the recovering jaw.


Jaw injury recovery depends on various factors, including the fracture type, treatment method, and the individual’s overall health. While some people may see significant improvement within a few weeks, others may need several months to recover fully. Following the suggested treatment plan, attending follow-up appointments, and exercising patience are critical to a successful recovery. Consultation with healthcare professionals and following their recommendations can help to achieve the best possible outcome, allowing individuals to continue their daily activities with recovered jaw function.


Dental care

Common Misconceptions About Veneers: Debunking The Myths

When it comes to enhancing your smile, veneers have become a popular choice for achieving that perfect set of teeth. However, like many dental procedures, there are numerous misconceptions surrounding veneers. In this blog post, we’ll debunk some common veneer myths and shed light on the reality of this cosmetic dental solution.

Debunking Top Veneer Myths

Here are some common myths that you should know about before getting them yourself:

Myth 1 – Veneers Look Unnatural

One of the most prevalent misconceptions or veneer myths is that they look fake and unnatural. In reality, advancements in dental technology have allowed for the creation of veneers that closely mimic the appearance of natural teeth. Modern veneers are customizable in terms of shape, size, and color, ensuring a seamless blend with your natural teeth.

Myth 2 – Veneers Require Excessive Maintenance

Some individuals believe that maintaining veneers is an arduous task, requiring extensive care and frequent dental visits. Contrary to this belief, veneers do not demand any more maintenance than natural teeth. Regular brushing, flossing, and routine dental check-ups are usually sufficient to keep your veneers in excellent condition.

Myth 3 – Veneers Ruin Your Natural Teeth

One of the common misconceptions or veneer myths is that the application of veneers involves scraping down the natural teeth, causing irreversible damage. The truth is that only a minimal amount of enamel is typically removed, and this is to ensure a proper fit for the veneers. The procedure is conservative, and the goal is to preserve as much of your natural tooth structure as possible.

Myth 4 – Veneers Are Only Used for Aesthetic Purposes

While veneers are indeed known for their cosmetic benefits, they also provide functional advantages. Veneers can strengthen weak or damaged teeth, improve bite alignment, and even offer a level of protection against further tooth damage. They are a versatile solution that combines both aesthetic and practical benefits.

Myth 5 – Veneers Are Only for Celebrities

There’s a common misconception that veneers are a luxury reserved for celebrities and the wealthy. In reality, veneers are becoming more accessible and are offered by many dental professionals at various price points. Advances in technology and materials have made veneers a viable option for a broader range of individuals seeking to enhance their smiles.

Myth 6 – Veneers Cause Sensitivity

Some people believe that getting veneers leads to increased tooth sensitivity. While it’s normal to experience some sensitivity immediately after the procedure, this is typically temporary. Advances in dental materials and techniques have minimized post-procedure sensitivity, and any discomfort usually subsides within a short period.

Myth 7 – Veneers Are Permanent and Irreversible

Lastly, one of the most heard misconceptions or veneer myths is that once you have veneers, they are a permanent and irreversible dental solution. In reality, while veneers are a long-lasting option, they may need replacement over time due to wear and tear. Additionally, the process is not irreversible, and advancements in dentistry allow for adjustments or removal if necessary.


In conclusion, it’s essential to separate fact from fiction when it comes to veneers. Debunking these common veneer myths reveals that veneers are a practical, versatile, and accessible solution for achieving a radiant smile. If you’re considering veneers, consult with your dentist to get accurate information tailored to your specific needs. Remember, a beautiful smile is not just a luxury; it’s an achievable reality for many.

By dispelling these misconceptions, we hope to empower individuals to make informed decisions about their dental health and cosmetic choices. Don’t let myths deter you from exploring the potential of veneers in transforming your smile and boosting your confidence.


Dental care

Uncover the Cause of Eroded Enamel

Enamel, the tooth’s protective outer shell, safeguards the visible part of the tooth above the gum line, also known as the crown. This translucent barrier allows the underlying dentin to shine through, contributing to the overall color of your teeth and playing a pivotal role in dental health.

Enamel’s durability is vital for effortless biting and chewing and shields the tooth from potential damage, including sensitivity to extreme temperatures. However, enamel can be worn down by repetitive grinding, chipped by impacts, or eroded by acidic beverages like coffee, tea, red wine, and soda, which can also intensify surface stains.

Since enamel doesn’t possess regenerative cells, it cannot repair itself like other body tissues. To preserve enamel, it’s essential to avoid behaviors and foods that contribute to its erosion.

Overview of Common Causes of Enamel Erosion

Enamel erosion is the chemical loss of mineralized tooth tissue, primarily due to acids from diet, environment, or internal bodily processes. Erosion not only ages the appearance of teeth but can lead to heightened sensitivity, revealing the softer dentin and increasing cavity risks. Besides acid exposure, enamel can also diminish due to mechanical friction and wear. Some prevalent sources of enamel erosion include:

  • Friction from grinding or clenching teeth
  • Manual abrasion from harsh brushing or chewing on hard objects
  • Stress fractures from trauma or misaligned teeth
  • Corrosion due to regular exposure to acids
  • Decreased saliva production, impeding the mouth’s ability to neutralize acids and bacteria

How Does Enamel Wear Off?

  • Enamel erosion often results from habits such as:
  • Consuming sugary snacks
  • Eating acidic or sour foods
  • Drinking fruit juices and carbonated beverages
  • Chewing on hard objects like ice or pencils
  • Ingesting high amounts of vitamin C
  • Diets heavy in sugars and starches, promote plaque and cavity-causing bacteria
  • Acid reflux from conditions like heartburn or GERD
  • Regular use of medications like aspirin and antihistamines

Medical Terms Related to Common Causes of Enamel Erosion

  • Tooth enamel can erode due to various factors, including:
  • Friction from bruxism, often an unconscious act during sleep
  • Damage from chewing on hard items, improper flossing, or aggressive tooth brushing
  • Stress fractures from bending or twisting forces on the tooth
  • Corrosion from consuming acidic foods or beverages
  • Bulimia, associated with cavities and enamel degradation due to its symptomatic acid reflux, vomiting, and binge eating


Saliva is the unsung hero in maintaining robust enamel. It enriches the teeth with a protective mineral layer and flushes out waste and erosive acids. Saliva also bolsters the teeth’s defenses against bacteria. While enamel presents a tough exterior, it’s vulnerable to gradual wear from teeth grinding or persistent exposure to stomach acids. Understanding the common causes of enamel erosion is crucial in preserving your smile’s integrity.


Dental care

Why Do Your Teeth Feel More Sensitive In Cold Weather?

As winter approaches and temperatures fall, some people experience increased teeth sensitivity, causing discomfort or agony when exposed to cold air or beverages. Increased tooth sensitivity in cold weather is a common concern. This article explores the causes of this sensitivity and ways to manage and prevent the discomfort associated with freezing temperatures.

A Glimpse of Tooth Sensitivity

To understand why teeth may become more sensitive in cold weather, it’s necessary first to understand the nature of dental sensitivity. Tooth nerve sensitivity develops when the teeth’s protective enamel layer breaks down or recedes, exposing the underlying dentin. Dentin has tiny tubules that connect to nerve endings in the tooth pulp. When these tubules are exposed, external stimuli such as cold air or beverages can more directly convey sensations to the nerves, causing discomfort or pain.

Factors that Influence Cold Weather Tooth Sensitivity:

  • Blood Vessel Constriction: In cooler temperatures, blood vessels in the body, especially those in the gums and teeth, may constrict. This can limit blood flow to the teeth, increasing nerve sensitivity to external stimuli.
  • Temperature-Induced Tooth Contraction: Teeth can contract and expand in reaction to temperature changes. The tooth structure contracts when exposed to cold air or substances, causing sensitivity if the enamel is weakened or the dentin is exposed.
  • Dehydration: Dry air often accompanies cold temperatures. Dehydration can impair saliva production, essential for dental health. Reduced saliva is less effective in neutralizing acids and protecting the enamel, contributing to dental discomfort.
  • Bruxism (Teeth Grinding): Cold weather can increase stress levels, leading to teeth grinding, mainly during sleep. Bruxism can wear down the enamel, contributing to sensitivity.
  • Cracked or Damaged Teeth: Existing dental issues, such as cracks or damage, might worsen in cold weather. Cold air or substances may infiltrate these weaknesses, causing discomfort.
  • Sinus Issues: Cold weather is often linked with increased sinus problems. Congestion or pressure in the sinuses can indirectly affect the teeth, causing discomfort or exacerbating existing sensitivity.

Managing and Preventing Cold Weather Tooth Sensitivity

  • Maintain Good Oral Hygiene: Brush with a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste at least twice daily. Proper dental hygiene helps prevent enamel degradation and tooth sensitivity.
  • Use Desensitizing Toothpaste: These toothpaste formulations often contain ingredients like potassium nitrate or fluoride, which help block nerve signal transmission.
  • Stay Hydrated: Staying hydrated is crucial for overall health and saliva production, keeping the mouth moist and promoting oral health.
  • Limit Acidic and Sugary Foods: These can cause enamel erosion. Limit consumption of acidic and sugary foods to protect dental enamel.
  • Address Bruxism: Consider wearing a mouthguard during sleep to prevent severe tooth wear.
  • Regular Dental Check-Ups: Frequent check-ups allow for monitoring of oral health and addressing new issues promptly. Professional cleanings and preventive maintenance are essential for reducing tooth nerve sensitivity.
  • Protect Your Teeth from Extreme Cold: Wear a scarf or mouthguard in frigid temperatures to insulate teeth from direct contact with cold air.

Wrapping Up

While tooth discomfort during cold weather is common, it is not inevitable. Proactive oral care, lifestyle changes, and regular dental check-ups are crucial in controlling and preventing teeth sensitivity. By understanding the factors contributing to cold weather tooth sensitivity and taking steps to protect and care for your teeth, you can enjoy the winter season with a bright and comfortable smile.


Dental care

Can I use my health insurance as soon as I get it?

A lot of people that enroll in a health insurance plan have this question. As soon as a person completes the enrolment and pays the premium, s/he should be covered right away. Not really! The date when your health insurance coverage starts paying for your medical expenses is called your plan’s effective date. Not always, this date isn’t the date of your enrollment. The effective date depends on when you buy your health insurance—the first half of the month or the second half! The article will discuss your plan’s coverage commencement date in detail and cover some more relevant aspects as well.

How does coverage start date or the effective date works?

In most states, if you enroll in a plan during an open enrolment period within the first fifteen days of the month (b/w 1st and 15th or the first half of the month) and you pay the required premium by the due date, your plan coverage or effective date would be the first day of the next month.    

Similarly, if you buy a plan in the second half of the month (b/w 16th to the end of the month), your coverage will start from the first day of the month after the next month, which means the second following month. 

Let’s understand this with an example. Assume that you buy your plan on Jan 10, 2022, your coverage will start from Feb 1, 2022, since you purchased your plan in the first half of the month. However, if you enroll in a plan on March 17, 2022, your coverage will start from May 1, 2022. 

The calculation remains the same even if you qualify for a special enrolment period outside of open enrolment. However, you can buy a health insurance plan even after an open enrollment period ends if you have a qualifying event such as moving to another state or a divorce. 

So, you do not get any coverage within 30 to 90 days of purchase of your health insurance plan in case of any type of hospitalization. This is called the initial waiting period and it may vary from insurer to insurer. Usually, this waiting period is a minimum of 30 days. This waiting period is removed only in accidental cases. 

Exceptions in coverage date

Yes, there are exceptions in effective dates too! 

  • First exception: If you have a newborn baby either by birth or adoption, your plan’s effective date would be the first day of the month following the date of birth of your baby or the first day of the month following the date of the child’s adoption or legal guardianship.
  • Second exception: If you have switched your insurance plan because you lost your job or you got married, your health insurance company will provide coverage from the first day of the next month, regardless of the day of your sign-up.  

What you need to know?

If you wish to start getting coverage at the earliest, ensure buying your health insurance plan in the first half of the month (as explained earlier). Remember the following: 

  • To kick-start, your insurance benefits, complete your enrolment, and pay your first month’s premium
  • Call your insurance company to know the exact effective date. It will clear out all your confusion regarding your coverage and you would know that everything is in order. 

It’s always a good idea to know all the details of your health insurance plan. Either go through all the plan documents or directly call your insurer to understand all the coverage-related details. 


Dental care

Gum Flap Over Wisdom Tooth? Everything You Need To Know

Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, can sometimes present unique challenges, such as the development of a gum flap over the tooth. This occurrence can be uncomfortable and raise concerns about dental health. In this article, we will explore the causes, symptoms, and potential treatments for a gum flap over a wisdom tooth.

Causes of Gum Flap Over Wisdom Tooth:

  • Impaction: A common cause of a gum flap around wisdom teeth is impaction. Wisdom teeth often lack the space to fully emerge, leading to incomplete eruption or impaction. When a wisdom tooth partially erupts, a gum flap covering part of the tooth can form.
  • Incomplete Eruption: Wisdom teeth may not fully erupt due to various factors, such as lack of space, angulation, or obstruction by adjacent teeth. A gum flap can develop over a partially erupted tooth if the eruption is incomplete.
  • Pericoronitis: This is an inflammation of the gum tissue surrounding a partially erupted tooth, most commonly seen with wisdom teeth. Inflammation can result in the formation of a gum flap as the body reacts to the partially covered tooth.
  • Gingival Overgrowth: In some cases, the gum tissue over the wisdom teeth may grow excessively, contributing to the creation of a flap covering part of the tooth.

Symptoms of Gum Flap Over Wisdom Tooth:

  1. Pain and Discomfort: Individuals with a gum flap over their wisdom teeth may experience pain and discomfort, especially when chewing or applying pressure to the area.
  2. Swelling and Inflammation: Swelling and inflammation of the gum flap and surrounding tissues can occur, leading to further discomfort and possibly redness.
  3. Difficulty Cleaning: A gum flap can make it challenging to clean the area effectively, increasing the risk of bacterial accumulation and subsequent infection.
  4. Unpleasant Taste or Odor: Food particles and bacteria accumulating under the gum flap can result in an unpleasant taste or odor, often indicating infection or inflammation.
  5. Limited Mouth Opening: In severe cases, the irritation and discomfort caused by a gum flap over a wisdom tooth may lead to limited mouth opening or difficulty fully opening the mouth.

Treatment Options:

  1. Good Oral Hygiene Practices: Maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial in addressing symptoms associated with a gum flap around wisdom teeth. Brushing, flossing, and using an antimicrobial mouthwash can help control bacteria.
  2. Warm Saltwater Rinses: Rinsing the mouth with warm salt water can help reduce inflammation and promote healing. This can be done several times a day or as advised by your dentist.
  3. Pain Management: Over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen can help alleviate pain and reduce inflammation. It’s important to follow the recommended dosage and consult with a healthcare provider if necessary.
  4. Topical Analgesics: Applying topical oral analgesics or gels to the area may provide pain relief. These products are available over the counter and should be used as directed.
  5. Gum Flap Removal: If the gum flap is causing persistent issues, a dentist may recommend removing it. This procedure, known as operculectomy, involves removing the excess gum tissue to expose the wisdom tooth.
  6. Antibiotics: If there are signs of infection, such as swelling, redness, or discharge, a dentist may prescribe antibiotics to control and prevent the spread of infection.
  7. Extraction: In cases of severe impaction, recurrent infections, or chronic symptoms, wisdom tooth extraction may be advised. This can resolve the issues caused by the gum flap.

When to Seek Professional Help:

It’s essential to seek professional care if you experience persistent or worsening symptoms associated with a gum flap over wisdom teeth. Consult a dentist if you notice any of the following:

  • Intensifying or Chronic Pain: When pain becomes more severe or persistent.
  • Infection Symptoms: Such as swelling, redness, and drainage around the affected area.
  • Difficulty Opening Mouth: Limited mouth opening or difficulty fully opening the mouth.
  • Persistent Bad Taste or Odor: Indicative of a possible infection or bacterial buildup.


A gum flap around wisdom teeth can be a source of discomfort and concern for oral health. Understanding the causes, recognizing symptoms, and seeking prompt professional help is key to managing and treating this condition. 

Proper dental hygiene practices, home remedies, and professional interventions, when appropriate, can all contribute to alleviating symptoms and promoting optimal oral health. If you experience issues with a gum flap around wisdom teeth, consult a dentist for personalized advice and treatment options.

Dental care

5 Common Misconceptions About Teeth Whitening

A sparkling, white smile is often associated with vitality and good oral health, making teeth whitening a popular cosmetic dental procedure. However, with the increased interest in achieving a brighter smile, some myths have evolved that can influence people’s judgments and expectations.

In this post, we aim to clarify five common teeth whitening myths, offering accurate information to assist individuals in making informed decisions about this cosmetic dentistry procedure.

5 Common Misconceptions or Teeth Whitening Myths

All Teeth Whitening Methods Are the Same:

  • Misconception: Many believe all tooth whitening treatments are identical and offer the same results.
  • Reality: There are various teeth whitening treatments, each with unique characteristics and effects. Professional, in-office teeth whitening treatments conducted by dentists often use higher concentrations of whitening agents, leading to more immediate and noticeable effects. While beneficial to some degree, over-the-counter products may have lower concentrations and take longer to produce visible improvements. Choosing a teeth whitening procedure should align with individual goals, preferences, and the guidance of dental professionals.

Teeth Whitening Damages Tooth Enamel:

  • Misconception: A widespread concern is that teeth whitening can harm the protective enamel layer of the teeth.
  • Reality: When conducted under the supervision of a dental professional, teeth whitening is a safe and non-destructive procedure. Whitening products typically use hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide as the active ingredient. These compounds penetrate the enamel to break down stains but do not harm the enamel itself. While some individuals may experience temporary tooth sensitivity during or after whitening, this is not indicative of enamel damage and usually resolves.

Whitening Results Last Forever:

  • Misconception: There’s a prevalent assumption that teeth whitening results are permanent.
  • Reality: While teeth whitening can provide long-lasting results, it is not a permanent solution. The durability of whitening results varies among individuals and is influenced by diet, oral hygiene practices, and lifestyle choices. Consuming stain-causing substances, including coffee, tea, red wine, and tobacco, can diminish whitening effects. Periodic touch-ups or maintenance treatments may be necessary to maintain the desired level of whiteness over time.

Over-the-Counter Products Are as Effective as Professional Treatments:

  • Misconception: Some believe that over-the-counter teeth whitening products yield results equivalent to professional, in-office treatments.
  • Reality: While over-the-counter whitening products can contribute to teeth whitening, they may have limitations compared to professional treatments. Professional methods performed under the guidance of a dentist sometimes use higher concentrations of whitening agents, leading to more substantial and quicker results. Over-the-counter products like whitening toothpaste or strips may offer more gradual improvements. The effectiveness of these products can vary, and individuals seeking more immediate or noticeable changes may benefit from professional treatments.

Whitening Works for All Types of Stains:

  • Misconception: There’s a common misconception that teeth whitening is universally effective for all dental stains.
  • Reality: Teeth whitening is most effective for extrinsic stains and surface-level discolorations caused by external factors like food, beverages, or tobacco. These stains respond well to whitening agents that penetrate the enamel to break down the discolorations. Intrinsic stains, on the other hand, originate from within the tooth structure and may result from factors such as certain medications or dental trauma. Whitening may not be as effective for intrinsic stains, and alternative cosmetic dental procedures like veneers or bonding may be more suitable for addressing these discolorations.


Achieving a brighter, whiter smile through teeth whitening is a popular choice for many individuals seeking to enhance their appearance and boost their confidence. However, it’s crucial to approach teeth whitening with accurate information, separating facts from misconceptions. 

Consulting with a dental professional is essential for understanding the options, setting realistic expectations, and choosing the most suitable method for achieving the desired results. By debunking these common teeth-whitening myths, individuals can make informed decisions about teeth whitening and take steps toward achieving a radiant, confident smile.

Dental care

The Surprising Links Between Dental Health And Your Overall Well-Being

When we think about health, we usually consider nutrition, exercise, and medical check-ups. However, our oral health, an essential element of our overall well-being, is sometimes overlooked. Beyond the desire for a gleaming smile and minty breath, recent studies have shown a surprising mouth-body connection. From cardiovascular health to mental well-being, the status of our teeth and gums plays a more significant role in our oral-systemic health than we might think.

Links Between Dental Health And Your Overall Well-Being

Cardiovascular Health:

While the heart and mouth may seem worlds apart, recent studies indicate an unexpected association between cardiovascular health and gum disease. Periodontal disease, characterized by gum inflammation and infection, has been linked to an increased risk of heart disease. 

Gum inflammation may contribute to blood vessel inflammation, potentially leading to illnesses such as atherosclerosis. While further research is needed to determine the precise nature of this link, it underscores the importance of comprehensive health care, including dental health.

Diabetes Management:

Diabetes and dental health have a two-way interaction. Diabetes makes individuals more prone to gum disease, and gum disease can complicate blood sugar level management. This bidirectional link emphasizes the importance of diabetic individuals paying particular attention to their dental health. Consistent oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups are critical for managing both diabetes and oral health.

Respiratory Health:

The path from the mouth to the lungs may not be direct, but poor dental health can impact respiratory health. Bacteria in the mouth can enter the respiratory system and cause illnesses. This link is vital for individuals with poor respiratory health, emphasizing the significance of maintaining excellent dental hygiene as a preventative measure.

Pregnancy and Birth Outcomes:

Oral health is crucial during pregnancy. Preterm delivery and low birth weight have been linked to poor oral health during pregnancy. Pregnancy hormones can affect the gums, making pregnant women more susceptible to conditions such as gingivitis. Proper oral hygiene and regular dental care are essential for the health of both mother and child during pregnancy.

Joint Health:

Research on the relationship between gum disease and joint health, particularly disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, is ongoing. While the specific nature of this link is still being investigated, gum irritation may exacerbate joint inflammation. Prioritizing proper oral hygiene practices may help with joint health.

Digestive Health:

Digestive processes begin in the mouth, and the health of your oral cavity can influence these processes. Chewing and digesting can be hampered by poor oral health, which includes missing or weakened teeth. Furthermore, bacteria in the mouth can be ingested, potentially altering the gut microbiome balance.

Immune System Function:

The immune system’s effectiveness is closely related to dental health status. Chronic inflammation caused by conditions such as gum disease can weaken the immune system, making it more challenging for the body to fight infections. Prioritizing appropriate dental hygiene practices can help the immune system function more effectively.

Social and Emotional Well-Being:

The cosmetic aspect of dental health is inextricably linked to social and emotional well-being. The appearance of your teeth can impact your confidence, self-esteem, and how others perceive you. A healthy smile promotes a positive self-image, emotional well-being, and favorable social interactions.

Practices To Improve Overall Health

  • Schedule regular dental check-ups to detect and address potential abnormalities as early as possible.
  • Adopt a regular oral hygiene routine, including brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash.
  • Maintain a balanced diet, stay physically active, and avoid tobacco use to promote dental and overall health.
  • If you have a chronic condition like diabetes, work with your healthcare team to manage your overall and dental health.
  • Stay informed about the relationships between dental health and general well-being. Understanding these links allows you to make more educated health decisions.

Recognizing the surprising linkages between dental health and general well-being enables you to make proactive efforts to prioritize your oral health as part of a holistic approach to living a healthy and meaningful life.

Conclusion: A Holistic Approach to Health

These surprising ties between dental health and general well-being highlight the need for a comprehensive approach to health care. The mouth is not a separate system; it is inextricably linked to the rest of the body. Neglecting oral health can have far-reaching implications, affecting both physical and mental health.


Dental care

Pros And Cons Of Laser Dentistry Treatments

Laser dentistry is a specialized field within dentistry that utilizes lasers for various dental procedures, including tooth reshaping and teeth cleaning. Many people with dental anxiety find laser treatment appealing because it often requires less local anesthesia, resulting in reduced pain or discomfort during procedures.

A dental laser is a focused beam of light energy that generates heat, which dentists use to reshape, cut, and clean both hard and soft tissues inside the mouth. Laser dentistry offers several advantages, but it also comes with its own set of benefits and drawbacks. In this article, we’ll explore the pros and cons of laser dentistry to help you make an informed decision when considering this option for dental treatments.

Advantages of Laser Dentistry

  • Minimally Invasive Procedures: Laser dentistry is minimally invasive, allowing for less tissue removal during procedures. This results in faster healing times, less discomfort, and reduced bleeding compared to traditional methods.
  • Reduced Pain: In many cases, laser treatments minimize or eliminate the need for local anesthesia because they numb the treatment area and cause minimal discomfort. Patients often experience less pain during and after laser procedures.
  • Less Bleeding and Swelling: Laser energy cauterizes and sterilizes tissues, reducing the risk of infection and bleeding. Unlike traditional surgery, laser treatments don’t require stitches, promoting quicker recovery.
  • Enhanced Precision and Control: Dentists can achieve a high level of precision with lasers, making it easier to preserve healthy tissue while performing procedures. This precision helps patients maintain their natural tooth structure.
  • Versatility: Laser dentistry offers a wide range of treatment options, from gum contouring to early cavity detection, making it a versatile choice for various dental issues.
  • Anxiety Reduction: Unlike traditional drills, lasers produce minimal vibrations and noise, making them an excellent choice for individuals with dental anxiety.
  • Treatment Options for Gum Disease: Laser treatments can effectively address gum disease, providing a more pleasant experience for patients by avoiding the need for traditional flap surgery, which can be uncomfortable.

Disadvantages of Laser Dentistry

  • Effectiveness on Larger Cavities: Laser dentistry may not be as effective for larger cavities or those between teeth. In such cases, traditional methods might be necessary.
  • Inability to Remove Oral Restorations: If you have damaged oral restorations like crowns or bridges, lasers cannot be used to remove them. Traditional procedures and tools are required.
  • Higher Cost: Laser treatments tend to be more expensive than conventional dental procedures, which can be a deterrent for some patients.
  • Limited Availability: Not all dental practices have the necessary laser equipment or expertise. Finding a qualified laser dentist may be challenging in some areas.
  • Specialized Training: Dentists need specific training to use laser technology effectively. Patients should ensure their dentist has the necessary expertise and experience.

In conclusion, laser dentistry offers several benefits, including minimally invasive procedures, reduced pain, and faster recovery times. However, it may not be suitable for all dental issues, and its higher cost can be a consideration. 

When considering laser dentistry, consult with your dentist to determine if it’s the right option for your specific dental needs. Your dentist can provide guidance based on your oral health and treatment goals.

Dental care

The Effects Of Periodontal Disease On Your Smile

Gum disease, or periodontal disease, is a common oral health issue affecting millions worldwide. It involves inflammation and infection in the gums, periodontal ligaments, and the bone supporting teeth. The impact of periodontal disease on your smile extends beyond the gums themselves. This article discusses the effects of periodontal disease on your smile and emphasizes the role of good oral hygiene and regular dental visits in preventing and treating this condition.

Effects of Periodontal Disease

People often say that our smile is one of our most precious assets because it greatly affects our self-esteem and relationships. However, behind that beautiful smile lies a network of tissues, teeth, and gums that require careful attention and maintenance.

Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is a chronic inflammatory disorder that targets the tissues and bones anchoring your teeth. While it may originate in your mouth, its repercussions can spread throughout your body. This dental condition can have far-reaching consequences, affecting not just your oral health but your overall well-being.

The effects of periodontal disease on your smile can range from mildly noticeable to severely debilitating, and this article explores them all. We’ll delve into how it can alter your appearance and impact your self-esteem and happiness. To keep your teeth and gums healthy and maintain a beautiful smile, prioritize good oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups.

Bleeding and Inflamed Gums:

Inflammation of the gums is a common symptom of periodontal disease. Redness, swelling, and tenderness of the gums are typical indicators.

Brushing and flossing can sometimes lead to gum inflammation and bleeding, making you self-conscious about displaying your teeth when you smile, resulting in an unpleasant oral experience.

Loss of Gum Tissue:

If periodontal disease is left untreated, the gums may recede from the teeth. This recession can cause your teeth to appear longer and spaced apart.

As the gums recede, teeth become more sensitive and prone to cavities. Gum recession also negatively affects the aesthetics of your smile.

Changes in Tooth Position:

In advanced stages of periodontal disease, it can weaken the bone structures supporting your teeth, leading to tooth mobility and shifting. This can result in an improper bite and misaligned teeth due to the lack of firm tooth anchorage.

Halitosis, or Persistent Bad Breath:

Advanced periodontal disease is often accompanied by chronic bad breath known as halitosis. The odor originates from bacteria colonizing the infected gums and the pockets formed between the teeth and gums.

Persistent foul breath can damage your self-esteem and cause discomfort in social and professional settings.

Loss of Teeth:

Unaddressed periodontal disease can ultimately lead to tooth loss. As the disease progresses, the loss of bone support makes it impossible to retain teeth.

Tooth loss significantly impacts your quality of life, affecting your ability to eat, speak, and smile.

Cosmetic Alterations:

In general, periodontal disease can bring noticeable changes to the appearance of your smile. Your once-healthy and attractive smile may suffer from gum recession, tooth movement, and loss. These cosmetic alterations can diminish your self-esteem and overall quality of life.

Treatment and Preventive Measures:

Effective oral hygiene practices such as brushing, flossing, and regular dental check-ups are essential for preventing periodontal disease and safeguarding your smile. If you suspect gum disease, promptly seek dental care. Dental issues can be treated when detected early, preserving your smile.


The effects of periodontal disease on your smile go beyond the gums and can significantly impact both the aesthetics and function of your teeth and mouth. Untreated gum disease can result in inflammation, bleeding, gum recession, loose teeth, bad breath, and even tooth loss. You can protect your teeth and gums from the destructive effects of gum disease by prioritizing good dental hygiene, seeking treatment when necessary, and collaborating with oral health professionals. Remember that the appearance of your teeth reflects your overall well-being.

Dental care

When Does A Child Lose Baby Teeth?

The shedding of baby teeth and the emergence of permanent teeth is a significant developmental milestone. Baby teeth play essential roles in chewing food, clear speech, and overall dental health.

By understanding the typical timeline and reasons for tooth loss, parents and caregivers can better support children during this transition. This guide will outline when children typically start losing their baby teeth, the reasons behind this, and how to ensure a smooth transition to permanent teeth.

When Do Baby Teeth Fall Out Naturally?

The timing of tooth loss and the emergence of permanent teeth can be reasonably predictable. A general timeline includes:

  • Front Incisors: The lower central incisors (front teeth) are typically lost between ages 6 and 7, followed by the upper central incisors between the same ages.
  • Lateral Incisors: Located next to the front teeth, the lower lateral incisors are usually lost between ages 7 and 8, with the upper lateral incisors following suit.
  • Canine Teeth (Cuspids): The lower canines are typically lost between ages 9 and 10, while the upper canines are lost between ages 9 and 12.
  • First Primary Molars: These are generally lost between ages 9 and 11 for both the lower and upper sets.
  • Second Primary Molars: The lower set is typically lost between ages 10 and 12, followed by the upper set during the same age range.

Factors Influencing Baby Tooth Loss:

Several factors can influence the rate at which a child loses baby teeth:

  • Genetics plays a significant role in the timing of tooth eruption and shedding.
  • Gender can influence the timeline, with girls often losing baby teeth earlier than boys.
  • Proper dental care can prolong the health of baby teeth.
  • Adequate intake of essential nutrients like calcium and vitamin D can influence tooth health and potentially the timing of tooth loss.
  • Harmful oral habits, such as thumb-sucking or tongue-thrusting, can impact tooth alignment and the frequency of tooth loss.
  • Accidents or injuries to the mouth can lead to premature loss of baby teeth.
  • Individual variations in dental development and eruption patterns can affect the timing of tooth loss.

Importance of Losing Baby Teeth:

Shedding baby teeth is a natural and essential process that serves several purposes:

  • It makes room for permanent teeth, ensuring they emerge correctly aligned and spaced.
  • Baby teeth aid in speech development, contributing to clear pronunciation.
  • They facilitate efficient chewing, promoting digestion and nutrient absorption.
  • Neglecting cavities or gum disease in baby teeth can lead to complications in the emerging permanent teeth.

Monitoring Tooth Loss and New Tooth Eruption:

Parents and caregivers can play an active role in overseeing their child’s dental development:

  • Regular dental checkups help monitor dental growth and address any concerns.
  • Oral Hygiene: Encourage children to maintain a routine of regular brushing and flossing.
  • Diet: Provide a balanced diet that promotes strong tooth development.
  • If concerns arise about a child’s bite or tooth alignment, consider an orthodontic evaluation.
  • Engage in open conversations with children, reassuring them that losing baby teeth is a natural part of growth.

When to Consult a Dentist?

If a baby tooth is lost much earlier than expected, consult a pediatric dentist to discuss space maintenance options. Similarly, if baby teeth remain beyond the typical shedding age, a dentist might recommend interventions to ensure the proper alignment of permanent teeth.

Pediatric dentists specialize in dental care for children, from infancy through adolescence. They aim to make dental visits enjoyable and relaxing, fostering a lifelong appreciation for dental hygiene. These specialists offer comprehensive dental care, from routine checkups to addressing dental emergencies, and are trained to handle issues like tooth eruption, thumb-sucking, and early orthodontic treatments.

Maintaining Permanent Teeth:

As permanent teeth emerge, it’s crucial to ensure their health and longevity:

  • Emphasize the importance of regular dental hygiene practices.
  • Consider dental sealants to protect newly erupted permanent teeth from cavities.
  • If concerns arise about a child’s bite, consult an orthodontist.

Final Thoughts:

The transition from baby teeth to permanent teeth is a natural phase of childhood development. By understanding the typical progression and reasons for tooth loss, parents and caregivers can better support children’s oral health. Regular dental visits and open communication with children ensure a smooth transition.


Dental care

What To Eat With Braces The First Week

Getting braces is a significant step towards a more beautiful and healthy smile. However, there’s an adjustment phase, especially during the first week. As your teeth and braces adapt to each other, you might experience some discomfort. Planning your meals during the initial stages can help alleviate this discomfort. This article will guide you on what to eat during your first week with braces, ensuring you maintain a healthy diet while minimizing discomfort.

Snapshot of Braces Diet in the First Week

Prioritize Soft Foods

As your teeth begin to realign, it’s common to feel discomfort during the first week. Opting for soft, easily chewable foods can help alleviate this pain. Consider:

  • Smooth yogurt, which is not only gentle on braces but also a good source of calcium.
  • Creamy mashed potatoes, a comforting choice.
  • Broth-based soups like chicken noodle or vegetable soup.
  • Smoothies, which can be made by blending fruits, yogurt, and milk or a milk substitute.
  • Applesauce, a sweet and soft option that’s gentle on teeth and gums.

Ensure Adequate Nutrition

Even with dietary restrictions, it’s essential to get the nutrients your body needs. Here’s how:

  • Incorporate soft protein sources like scrambled eggs, tofu, and fish.
  • While raw fruits and veggies might be challenging to chew, you can still get their nutrients by boiling them or blending them into smoothies.
  • Dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt are rich in calcium, vital for healthy teeth.
  • If concerned about nutrient intake, consult your dentist or orthodontist about supplements.

Avoid Hard and Sticky Snacks

During your first week with braces, steer clear of foods that might damage them or get stuck. This includes:

  • Hard candies, can harm your braces or distort the wires.
  • Sticky candies that can get trapped in your braces.
  • Crunchy foods like nuts and seeds.
  • Popcorn, as kernels can break brackets and wires.
  • Gum, which can get entangled in your braces.

Stay Hydrated

  • Drinking water not only benefits your overall health but can also reduce the discomfort of wearing braces. Other hydrating options include:
  • Herbal teas like chamomile and mint.
  • Sucking on ice chips to soothe pain and inflammation.

Modifying Your Dietary Routine

Making adjustments to your diet and eating habits can make your first week with braces more manageable:

  • Cut food into smaller pieces to reduce chewing effort.
  • Practice mindful chewing, focusing on using your back teeth, and avoiding biting down on hard foods with your front teeth.
  • Rinse your mouth with water after meals to dislodge any trapped food particles.

Regular Dental Check-ups

It’s crucial to maintain regular dental check-ups when you have braces. During your orthodontic treatment, your dentist or orthodontist will monitor your progress, make necessary adjustments, and provide guidance on oral care.

Furthermore, orthodontic wax or silicone, prescribed by your orthodontist, can be invaluable during your first week with braces. Applying a small amount to any problematic areas on your teeth and gums can prevent further irritation and sores caused by the braces.

Dental Care With Braces

Alongside a suitable diet, maintaining proper dental hygiene is crucial for a positive orthodontic experience. Here’s how:

  • Ensure regular brushing and flossing to prevent common issues during orthodontic treatment.
  • Use tools like orthodontic floss threaders or interdental brushes to clean between wires and brackets.
  • Regular dental check-ups allow your dentist to monitor your progress and address any concerns promptly.
  • Orthodontic wax or silicone can make brackets less irritating.
  • Committing to a comprehensive dental care routine and following your orthodontist’s advice ensures excellent oral health during your braces journey.


While the first week with braces might come with some discomfort and dietary changes, it’s a crucial period in achieving a perfect smile. By adjusting your eating habits, focusing on soft foods, staying hydrated, and avoiding hard and sticky items, you can minimize discomfort. If you have any concerns during this period, always consult your dentist or orthodontist. Adapting to life with braces becomes more manageable when you take things slow and follow expert guidance.

Dental care

How Can I Prevent Oral Cancer Naturally?

Oral/mouth cancer is a serious condition that can have devastating effects on one’s health. While regular dental check-ups and screenings are crucial, there are also natural steps you can take to lower your risk. 

In this article, we will explore effective and natural ways to prevent mouth cancer. From lifestyle choices to dietary considerations, these preventive measures can help safeguard your dental health.

Ways To Prevent Oral Cancer Naturally

Avoid Tobacco and Alcohol

Tobacco use, including smoking cigarettes, cigars, or pipes, is a leading cause of oral cancer. Quitting or avoiding tobacco products altogether significantly reduces your risk. Similarly, excessive alcohol consumption has been linked to mouth cancer. Limiting or avoiding alcohol intake, especially heavy drinking, can help lower your risk. So, steer clear of these harmful substances and take a significant step toward preventing mouth cancer naturally.

Practice Good Oral Hygiene 

Maintaining excellent dental hygiene is crucial for overall health, including cancer prevention. Brush your teeth at least twice a day using fluoride toothpaste and replace your toothbrush regularly. Don’t forget to clean your tongue as well, as it can harbor bacteria. Don’t forget to floss daily to remove plaque or food particles from in between your teeth. Additionally, rinse your mouth with an antimicrobial mouthwash to reduce the presence of harmful bacteria. Good overall hygiene promotes a healthy dental environment and decreases the risk of oral cancer development.

Consume a Healthy Diet 

A nutritious diet can play a vital role in preventing oral cancer naturally. Include plenty of fruits and vegetables in your daily meals, particularly those rich in antioxidants, such as berries, leafy greens, and cruciferous vegetables. Antioxidants help neutralize harmful free radicals that can damage cells and contribute to cancer development. Additionally, opt for lean sources of protein, whole grains, and low-fat dairy products. Limit processed and red meats, as well as sugary and processed foods, which can increase inflammation and promote cancer growth. A balanced and wholesome diet strengthens your immune system and provides essential nutrients for optimal dental health.

Protect Yourself from the Sun 

Excessive exposure to the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays can increase the risk of lip cancer. Protect your lips by applying a lip balm with a high SPF before going outdoors. Additionally, wear a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses to prevent exposure of your face to direct sunlight. These simple measures can help prevent damage to your lips and reduce the likelihood of oral cancer.

Regular Dental Check-ups 

Regular dental check-ups are crucial for detecting oral cancer in its early stages. Dentists are trained to identify suspicious lesions or abnormalities requiring further evaluation—schedule routine dental examinations and mouth cancer screenings at least twice a year. Early detection enhances the chances of a successful treatment and recovery. By partnering with your dentist and maintaining regular check-ups, you can stay vigilant against oral cancer.


Preventing oral cancer involves making healthy lifestyle choices and adopting good dental hygiene practices. By avoiding tobacco and excessive alcohol, practicing proper oral care, following a nutritious diet, protecting yourself from the sun, and scheduling regular dental check-ups, you can significantly reduce your risk of mouth cancer and promote overall dental hygiene.

Dental care

What Factors Affect The Cost of Dental Implants?

Considering dental implants to restore your smile and oral function? They’ve become a popular choice for replacing missing teeth due to their durability and natural appearance. However, before opting for them, many patients weigh the cost. By understanding the factors influencing the cost of dental implants, you can make an informed decision about this transformative procedure.

What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are a cutting-edge and effective solution for replacing missing teeth. Essentially, they are artificial tooth roots surgically implanted into the jawbone, offering a robust foundation for replacement teeth.

Cost of Dental Implants: Factors to Consider

Several factors can influence the price of dental implants:

  • Number of Implants Needed: The cost directly correlates with the number of implants you need. A single missing tooth requires one implant and a crown. However, multiple missing teeth or a full mouth restoration will necessitate more implants, raising the overall cost.
  • Type of Implant Material: Dental implants are primarily made of titanium or zirconia. While titanium implants are widely recognized and have a proven success rate, zirconia implants offer a metal-free alternative, which some patients prefer for aesthetic or health reasons. Typically, zirconia is pricier than titanium.
  • Implant Placement: The location of the missing tooth or teeth can influence the cost. Implants in the front of the mouth, where aesthetics are paramount, might require advanced techniques or custom crowns, increasing the price. Conversely, implants in less visible areas might be less costly.
  • Bone Density and Quality: Your jawbone’s density and quality are crucial for implant success. If you lack sufficient bone or have poor bone quality, you might need bone grafting before implant placement, which can add to the cost and treatment duration.
  • Pre-Implant Procedures: Some patients need additional treatments before the implant surgery, such as tooth extractions, gum disease treatments, or sinus lift surgeries. These preparatory procedures can affect the total cost.
  • Choice of Dentist: The dentist’s experience and expertise can influence the cost. Dentists with extensive implant specialization might charge more. While it’s essential to choose a skilled dentist, it’s equally important to consider affordability.
  • Geographic Location: Dental implant costs can vary based on location. Urban areas or major cities, with higher living and operational costs, might charge more for treatments. Conversely, treatments in rural or less expensive regions might be more affordable.
  • Additional Restorations: Beyond the implant, you’ll need a restoration, such as a crown, bridge, or denture. The type and material of the restoration can affect the overall cost, with high-quality, custom options generally being pricier.
  • Insurance Coverage: Dental insurance plans differ in their coverage for implants. Some might cover part of the cost, while others might not offer any coverage. It’s essential to review your policy to understand your financial responsibilities.

Summing Up

The cost of dental implants can vary significantly based on numerous factors. It’s crucial to consult a qualified dental implant specialist who can evaluate your unique needs and provide a comprehensive treatment plan with clear pricing.

Dental care

The Secret To Long-Lasting Veneers

Veneers are a common cosmetic dental procedure that creates a more attractive smile. Teeth can have veneers placed on them to improve their appearance and cure various dental defects. These thin shells are normally composed of porcelain or composite resin and are custom-made to cover the front surface of teeth. Veneers, while they can produce beautiful and natural-looking results, are only as long-lasting as the care and upkeep given to them. In this piece, we’ll dive into the science behind veneers’ longevity and provide some of the best practices for protecting your new veneers, so they last a lifetime.

Pick Skilled Dentists and Premium Supplies:

Finding a dentist with knowledge and expertise is the key to getting veneers that last a long time. When a skilled dentist fabricates and places porcelain or composite resin masks, the results can be stunning and long-lasting. Finding a dentist with a history of placing veneers successfully is crucial.

  • Before getting veneers, getting a full examination and planning your treatment is important. Your dentist will examine your teeth, hear about your hopes for how you want your smile to look, and then decide if veneers are the best route to take. If you wish to have natural veneers that feel great and last a long time, you need to put in the time and effort to plan and prepare for them.
  • Maintaining a high standard of oral hygiene is critical to extending the life of your veneers. Plaque accumulation, which can contribute to gum disease and impair the bond between the surfaces and your natural teeth, can be avoided by brushing your teeth at least twice daily and flossing once daily. To avoid damaging your veneers or natural teeth, it’s best to use fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush.
  • If you want your veneers to last as long as possible, avoid the following habits. Veneers can easily be chipped or cracked if you bite on something hard like ice, a pen, or a fingernail. In addition, your veneers and natural teeth will be spared unnecessary wear and tear if you avoid using your teeth to open packages or bottles.
  • Wear a nightguard to protect your veneers from damage if you grind or clench your teeth while sleeping. Surfaces are vulnerable to injury from teeth grinding (bruxism) because of the high force applied to the veneers. Your dentist can make you a nightguard designed to preserve your veneers from wear and tear.

Maintaining Your Oral Health with Veneers 

  • Your veneers and oral health depend on it. At these checkups, your dentist will look for any damage or wear on your veneers to fix them before they become a bigger problem. Veneers and a healthy gum line can both benefit from regular dental cleanings.
  • Avoid foods and drinks that stain your veneers; while porcelain veneers are naturally stain-resistant, composite resin veneers may discolor with time. You can extend the life of your veneers by limiting your intake of staining foods and drinks, including coffee, tea, red wine, and dark-colored sauces. Use a straw to reduce the amount of time anything that could discolor your veneers is in touch with them.
  • No Smoking Allowed: Veneers can be discolored over time if the patient smokes or uses tobacco products. Tobacco’s tar and nicotine can discolor both natural and veneered teeth. Your veneers will last longer if you quit smoking, and your overall health will improve.
  • If your veneers sustain accidental damage or chipping, you must address the problem immediately. Get in touch with your dentist as quickly as possible to have the veneers fixed or replaced. If you ignore problems, they will only worsen, shortening your veneer’s life.

Some dental offices provide veneer protection programs or warranties that might give you extra assurance that your veneers will last. Accidental damage, faulty construction, and general wear and tear may all be covered by such plans.


If you want your veneers to last, use good oral hygiene and work with a dentist with experience with veneers. If you take good care of your teeth, prevent bad habits, and properly care for your surfaces, you can have a gorgeous, long-lasting smile for years. Maintaining your veneers in good condition requires regular dental checkups and open contact with your dentist. If you follow these guidelines and the advice of your dentist, you can rest assured that your veneers will give you a beautiful, long-lasting smile that will increase your self-esteem and improve your dental health.

Dental care

How To Reduce The Impact That Sugar Has On Teeth

Consuming too much sugar, which is so common in modern diets, can have severe consequences for our teeth and gums. Tooth decay and cavities are caused by the bacteria in our mouths, which feed on sugar and produce acids that erode tooth enamel. The adverse effects of sugar on teeth can be reduced with just a few changes to our daily and oral hygiene routines. This article will discuss practical ways to lessen sugar’s damage to teeth.

Steps to Reduce Sugar Intake 

  1. Limiting your sugar consumption is the first line of defense against tooth decay caused by sugar. Those who consume less sugar have a far lower chance of developing cavities in their teeth. Sugars lurk in unexpected places, so watch out for processed foods, sodas, and other sweet treats. Respond to food labels and select those with reduced sugar content or sugar-free alternatives.
  2. Sugar intake should be lowered generally, but limiting how much sugar is consumed at once and when you eat it is crucial. The more acid attacks your teeth severely, the more often you expose them to sugary meals and drinks throughout the day. Instead, limit your consumption of sugary foods and drinks during mealtime, when your salivary glands are most active and can best neutralize acids and rinse sugar particles away.
  3. Maintaining a regular and thorough oral hygiene practice is essential for reducing tooth decay caused by sugar. Plaque and sugar residue can be removed from the tooth surface by brushing twice daily using fluoride toothpaste. Remember to floss your teeth daily to clean in between them where your toothbrush can’t get. Adding an antimicrobial mouthwash to your routine can kill more germs and make your breath minty and fresh.
  4. Consuming water throughout the day and rinsing it after eating or drinking something sugary can help remove sugar particles from your teeth and neutralize the acids produced by oral bacteria. After consuming sugary foods or drinks, gargling with water might serve as a temporary rinse until you can clean your teeth. It’s an easy and efficient method for protecting teeth against sugar and acid.
  5. When hunger comes between meals, choosing snacks that won’t damage your teeth is best. Apples, carrots, and celery, among other fresh produce, not only supply necessary vitamins and minerals but also encourage the production of saliva, which in turn helps cleanse the teeth naturally. Snacks like cheese, yogurt, and almonds are great because they help remineralize dental enamel with their calcium and phosphate content.
  6. Think about switching to sugar-free or low-calorie sweeteners instead of regular sugar. In moderation, artificial sweeteners such as xylitol or stevia are safe and will not damage teeth. These alternatives are just as sweet as sugar, but they won’t damage your teeth like the latter. However, their use should be limited, and appropriate dental hygiene should always be maintained.
  7. Regular trips to the dentist are essential for preserving good oral health and warding against cavities. Dentists are trained to spot cavities before they become severe, can professionally clean teeth to remove plaque and tartar, and can offer unique recommendations for improving dental health. An individual should visit a dentist for regular checkup every six months. But, a dentist may advise you more frequent visits depending on your oral health conditions.


Eliminating sugar from our diets may be unrealistic, but we can take preventative measures to lessen its adverse effects on our teeth and keep them in good condition. The risk of tooth decay and cavities can be significantly reduced with careful monitoring of sugar intake, diligent brushing and flossing, the selection of tooth-friendly snacks, and routine dental examinations. Remember that even minor adjustments to our daily routines can significantly impact our oral health, paving the way for a lifetime of happy, healthy grins.


Dental care

Benefits of Using An Electric Toothbrush

Good oral hygiene is essential to maintaining a healthy smile and overall health. While manual toothbrushes have been the traditional choice for dental care, electric toothbrushes have gained popularity in recent years. Electric toothbrushes offer several advantages over manual ones, providing a more efficient and effective cleaning experience. This article will explore the benefits of using an electric toothbrush and how it can enhance oral health.

Superior Plaque Removal:

One of the key benefits of using an electric toothbrush is its ability to remove plaque more effectively than a manual toothbrush. Electric toothbrushes typically have oscillating, rotating, or sonic movements, generating thousands of brush strokes per minute. 

This high-speed motion helps dislodge plaque and bacteria from the teeth and gums, reaching areas often missed by manual brushing. As a result, electric toothbrushes can significantly reduce the risk of tooth decay, gum disease, and other oral health problems caused by plaque buildup.

Improved Cleaning Efficiency:

  • The advanced technology in electric toothbrushes simplifies the brushing process, making it more efficient and thorough. Many models feature built-in timers or sensors that ensure you brush for the recommended two minutes, evenly dividing the time between different quadrants of your mouth. 
  • It helps maintain a consistent and adequate brushing routine, ensuring that each tooth receives sufficient attention. Additionally, some electric toothbrushes offer pressure sensors that alert you when you’re applying too much force, preventing potential gum damage.
  • Electric toothbrushes not only clean the teeth but also benefit gum health. Electric brushes’ oscillating or sonic movements stimulate the gum tissue, promoting blood circulation and improving gum health. 
  • It can help reduce gum inflammation, prevent gingivitis, and contribute to more robust and healthier gums. Proper gum care is essential for maintaining a solid foundation for the teeth and avoiding gum-related issues.

Convenience and Ease of Use:

Electric toothbrushes are designed with user convenience in mind. They are easy to hold and maneuver, making them suitable for individuals with limited skills, such as children, older people, or people with physical disabilities. 

  • The automated brushing action of an electric toothbrush requires less physical effort than manual brushing, making it a more comfortable and enjoyable experience. Additionally, some electric toothbrushes come with features like multiple brushing modes (such as sensitive or whitening) and interchangeable brush heads to cater to individual preferences and specific dental needs.
  • Many electric toothbrushes incorporate motivational features to encourage better oral care habits. Some models include built-in timers that divide the brushing time into intervals or emit signals at 30-second intervals, reminding users to move to the next section of their mouth. It helps ensure that all areas receive equal attention and that the recommended brushing time is met. 
  • Bluetooth connectivity and apps are available with some electric toothbrushes that track your brushing habits, reward you for consistent brushing, and give real-time feedback. These motivational features can be particularly beneficial for children, helping them develop healthy oral care habits early on.


The benefits of using an electric toothbrush are numerous and significant. From superior plaque removal and improved cleaning efficiency to enhanced gum health and user convenience, electric toothbrushes offer a more effective and enjoyable dental care experience. 

Investing in an electric toothbrush can be a valuable step toward maintaining optimal oral health and preventing common dental problems. Remember, while an electric toothbrush can enhance your brushing routine, pairing it with proper technique, regular dental check-ups, and a balanced oral care routine for comprehensive dental hygiene and a radiant smile is essential.

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Which Vitamin Deficiency Causes Gum Problems?

The link between vitamin insufficiency and gum ailments is often interlinked. Gum ailments are a common complaint and a major worry for many people. Teeth can be affected by all of these factors. The consumption of vitamins and minerals aids in maintaining a good oral health.

Lacking them can have disastrous effects on your oral health. If you are  someone suffering from gum ailments or want to safeguard yourself from gum ailments, unravel more about it in this article. 

Do your food choices affect your teeth and gums?

Many people consider how their food choices affect their teeth. Sugar or starch are two such components known to promote tooth decay. However, your teeth and gums can be affected from the inside out by the food items you eat. Teeth and gums might suffer from vitamin shortages when people do not eat enough foods rich in certain nutrients.

Which Vitamin deficiency is responsible for causing Gum problems?

A lack of certain vitamins causes various gum ailments. It can be affected by a wide variety of vitamins and minerals. These nutrients are necessary to keep your teeth and gums healthy and your smile radiant. 

They are vital to your health and well-being, not just your smile. Vitamins, like minerals, are essential in bone growth and development. They serve a similar purpose in the process of tooth development. These are the primary vitamins:

Deficiency in Vitamin A

Vitamin A is essential for a healthy immune system. Your teeth and gums may be more susceptible to damage if your immune system is compromised. The effect may be to make teeth more vulnerable to decay. Gum disease is one of the issues that might arise from this. These will give off an unattractive vibe and will invite problems for your gums too.

However, it’s not all that happens to people’s teeth. Saliva can impair saliva production. It’s a built-in safeguard for your mouth. It prevents dry mouth and eliminates bacteria and plaque. Plaque formation and bacterial proliferation are sped up in their absence. However, sticky food particles do not break down and might cling to your teeth for quite some time. Teeth staining and dental cavities will be the results of all of them.

Insufficiency of Vitamin B12

Gum ailments are caused by a deficiency of vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is, along with vitamin A, one of the key nutrients of gums and teeth. Gum disease, commonly known as periodontitis, can be caused by a lack of vitamin B12.

Vitamin B12 is an essential mineral for healthy gums. Gum recession can develop as a result of advanced gum disease. When your gums recede, your tooth roots become more visible. Bacteria can quickly destroy unprotected tooth roots, creating a discolored and unsightly smile.

Insufficiency of Vitamin C

Lack of Vitamin C causes Scurvy and it weakens your immune system. Gums and teeth also benefit greatly from vitamin C. It’s vital to your body’s natural defenses, too.

Consumption of the right amount of vitamin-rich foods will give you a more bacteria-resistant mouth. This implies improved oral health and a brighter smile. Plaque and bacteria will have free reign over your teeth if you do this because your saliva aids digestion and wards off microorganisms simultaneously. 

In the End…

If you find yourself in this situation, you must talk to your dentist. Remember that a healthy diet is also essential for a stunning grin, as the vitamin content of some supplements may fall short of your requirements. Have a vitamin-rich diet and ward off all gum ailments. 

Dental care

What Are The Pros And Cons of Dental Fluoride Treatments?

Dental issues are more prevalent than ever due to our lifestyle and food choices, and it has become highly significant to maintain ‌good oral health. Many oral health solutions are available in the market, which help keep dental issues at bay. One such cure is a dental fluoride treatment. So, before diving into its benefits and side effects, let’s first understand the treatment. 

Dental fluoride treatment is a preventive measure that involves the application of fluoride to the teeth. Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral that helps in strengthening tooth enamel and prevent tooth decay. It usually involves using a gel, foam, or varnish from a dentist.

What is Dental Fluoride Treatment like?

Fluoride treatment is generally done in a clinic and can be completed in just a few minutes. The teeth are cleaned to remove debris or plaque, and then the solution is applied using a brush, swab, or tray. The mineral is left on the teeth for a short period, usually a few minutes, and then the patient is asked to spit it out.

Fluoride helps to remineralize the teeth and makes them more resistant to decay. It can also help reverse early signs of tooth decay and prevent the need for more invasive dental remedies. Dental fluoride treatments are safe and effective, but it is essential to follow the dentist’s instructions on how often to receive them and properly care for the teeth between treatments.

Benefits of Dental Fluoride Treatment

Not only do dental fluoride treatment help cure tooth decay, but it also maintains oral health. Some of the pros of it are given below:

  1. Guard your enamel: Enamel is the outermost covering of our teeth and is the hardest tissue in our body. However, when microbes attack, enamel develops cavities that can have serious consequences. Hence, protecting enamel is vital, and dental fluoride treatments work magically for it.
  2. Restores essential minerals: Our teeth consist of minerals such as calcium and phosphorus. Over a period of time, teeth start losing these minerals because of improper care. Fluoride can help put those minerals into your teeth and build up strength. 
  3. Prevents Tooth Decay: Our food choices can adversely affect our teeth. The sugary components can mess with our teeth’ health and cause cavities. However, dental fluoride treatment can easily remove any buildup on our teeth, ‌helping them maintain their health.

The drawback of dental fluoride treatment

  1. Not Safe for Children: The treatment is unfit for children until ingested. Children below the age of 6 years are not recommended to get dental fluoride treatment as they tend to ingest it. 
  2. Acute Problems: The problems one might face after using a mineral of this sort on your teeth are temporary. However, if the issue persists, you should contact your doctor. Some problems can be toothache, nausea, stomach discomfort, and vomiting. 
  3. Tooth decay: Too much of anything adverse its effects. This stands true with fluorides too. Overdose of the treatment can act adversely on your teeth. It can make your enamel weak and decay your teeth further.

Dental fluoride treatment rarely has long-term adverse implications. However, to maintain the efficacy of the treatment, one should always rely on a 100% professional and trusted dentist. 

Apart from opting for any professional dental solution, you can maintain good oral health through regular checkups, brushing twice, and controlling sugar and caffeine intake. Taking preventive measures regularly can help you maintain oral health. Precautionary steps help you go a long way regarding oral health.

Dental care

How do you care for dental crowns?

Dental crowns or caps are placed over it to improve the strength, functionality, and appearance of a damaged tooth. Various materials are used to make them, including porcelain and metal.

Tooth caps are a popular dentistry treatment that can help restore teeth’ natural look and function. However, like any tooth restoration, crowns require proper care to ensure their longevity and effectiveness. In this article, we will discuss the best practices for caring for dental caps.

Whether you have one or several oral caps, following these seven simple tips can help ensure you keep them safe and enjoy your beautiful smile for years.

Some tips to take care of your dental crowns

  • Brush and floss regularly

Maintaining good oral hygiene is essential for the longevity of your dental crowns. Brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing at least once daily to prevent plaque buildup and cavities is vital. When brushing, make sure to use a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Avoid using abrasive toothpaste or toothbrushes, as they can cause damage to the crown’s surface or wear down the natural teeth surrounding the crown.

  • Avoid hard or sticky foods

While dental crowns are durable, they are not indestructible. If you chew on hard foods such as ice, nuts, or hard candy, your crown may crack or chip. Sticky foods such as chewing gum, taffy, or caramel can damage the crown by pulling it out of place. If you must eat hard or sticky foods, try to chew on the opposite side of your mouth to avoid putting pressure on the crown.

  • Wear a mouthguard

Dental crowns can be protected from damage if you wear a mouthguard during contact sports or grind your teeth at night. In order to prevent cracking or chipping of the crown, mouthguards are helpful in absorbing the impact force. Store-bought mouthguards are less comfortable than custom-made mouthguards from your dentist. So when you visit your dentist next, don’t forget to ask for one!

  • Avoid using your teeth as tools

It is possible to damage the crown or your natural teeth when you open packages, bottles, or other objects with your teeth. Open packets and cut things with scissors or other tools rather than using your teeth.

  • Visit your dentist regularly

To ensure the longevity of your dental caps, it is imperative to have regular oral health check-ups and cleanings. During your appointment, your dentist will examine your crowns for any signs of damage or wear and provide care recommendations. They will also clean your teeth and remove any plaque or tartar buildup, which can cause decay around the crown or natural teeth.

  • Use fluoride mouthwash

Fluoride mouthwash protects natural teeth and dental crowns from decay and strengthens enamel. Once you have brushed and flossed your teeth, rinse your mouth with a fluoride mouthwash for better results. 

  • Avoid smoking

Smoking can cause discoloration of dental crowns and increase the risk of gum disease, leading to the loss of the crown. Quitting smoking or avoiding tobacco products can improve your crown’s longevity and overall oral health.

To ensure the long-term effectiveness and durability of dental crowns, taking proper care of them is essential. Brush and floss regularly, avoid hard or sticky foods, wear a mouthguard, avoid using your teeth as tools, visit your dentist regularly, use fluoride mouthwash, and avoid smoking. 

In case you have any questions or concerns about caring for your dental caps, it is best to consult your dentist for recommendations. When you take proper care of oral caps, your smile can be beautiful, functional, and healthy for many years.

Dental care

How long does it take for gum disease to cause tooth loss?

Half of the adults in the US (30 years and older) have gum disease, and a quarter of these adults already suffer from a moderate form of this disease, whereas 8.5% have severe gum disease.

Gum disease, or periodontitis, is a severe infection in the gingiva that first damages the soft tissues. If it is left untreated, it could destroy the bone that supports your tooth. This could lead to the loosening and, eventually, loss of the tooth. Gum diseases are common but can be mostly prevented as they are caused mostly due to poor oral hygiene. One of the most popular reasons for gum disease is smoking. 

The onset of gum disease is the growth of bacteria on the teeth, which slowly gets under the gingiva. If these germs stay in your mouth for longer periods, you could have layers of plaque (a sticky film of bacteria) which then becomes tartar (hardened plaque.) This buildup is usually an early form of gum disease called gingivitis.

When gum disease deteriorates, it could cause our gingiva to pull away from our teeth, forming spaces where infection can brew. This is a form of more severe gum disease called periodontitis. The tissue and bones responsible for holding your teeth in place can break down due to this disease. Your teeth would loosen, and they would either fall off or need to be taken out by a dentist.

The Four Stages of Periodontitis

Gingivitis propagates in stages, and there are four different stages of this disease:

  • Stage 1 is Gingivitis – Gingivitis is the mildest form of gum disease which is still non-destructive and easiest to treat. When our gingiva (part of our gingiva surrounding the base of upper and lower teeth) gets inflamed, it causes red, tender, and swollen gingiva. They also get more prone to bleeding at this stage.
  • Stage 2 is “Slight Periodontal Disease” – Gum infection can occur in less than five days, and signs of generalized gingivitis become conspicuous within two to three weeks. This is when gingiva starts to pull away or recede from your tooth, creating tiny pockets of spaces between your affected gingiva and teeth. These spaces become home to more harmful bacteria and cause excessive bleeding.
  • Stage 3 is “Moderate Periodontal Disease”- In the third stage, there will be more bleeding and recession of gingiva. Your teeth start to lose support as more tissues die and become movable. You could also have a whole-body inflammation response at this stage of gum infection.
  • Stage 4 is “Advanced Periodontal Disease” – This advanced stage of gingivitis causes the most destruction of bones and gingiva in your mouth. The tissue that connects and holds your teeth to the bones has already deteriorated. You would experience extreme pain and bad odor at this stage. This is also the point where you have a high risk of losing teeth.

Early Signs and Symptoms of Gum Disease

Healthy gingiva appears pink and firm and snugly fit around your teeth. Gingivitis symptoms depend on the gum infection’s stage and severity. For instance, during the initial stages of gingivitis, you could only experience swollen gingiva. Your gingiva could also bleed when you brush or floss. If gingivitis is not treated, it progresses and causes other severe symptoms such as:

  • Purplish, bright red, or dusky gums.
  • Gums that feel tender and bleed easily.
  • Bad breath or halitosis
  • Tartar or hardened plaque on teeth.
  • A foul taste in your mouth that does not go.
  • Teeth loosening or gingiva receding, making your teeth look longer than usual
  • Pus appearing between gingiva and teeth
  • Pain while chewing
  • Blood oozes out while brushing or flossing.
  • The way your teeth fit together when you take a bite changes.

Causes of Gum Disease

Gingivitis is usually caused due to poor oral hygiene, i.e., for people who do not brush and floss twice daily for two minutes. Some of the other reasons for gingivitis are:

  • Smoking – Smokers have twice the chance of developing periodontal disease than non-smokers.
  • Hormonal changes – During pregnancy, menopause, puberty, and monthly menstruation, people undergo significant hormonal changes that make teeth highly sensitive. This high sensitivity in teeth makes it easier for gingivitis to develop.
  • Medications – Some medications result in the low formation and flow of saliva in our mouths, making our teeth more susceptible to gum diseases (saliva has a protective effect on our teeth and gingiva.) A few such drugs are anticonvulsant medicines, antianginal drugs, etc.
  • Illness – Diseases such as, HIV and cancer affect the gums’ condition as they interfere with our immune system. Even diabetic patients are at higher risk of gingivitis since diabetes influences our bodies’ ability to use blood sugar.

Even if you are not experiencing any of the symptoms described above, you might still be suffering from gingivitis. A dentist or periodontist is the best person to assess the health of your gingiva. Having regular dental checkups is the best way to prevent the progression of any gingivitis.


Dental care

Do Cavity Fillings Hurt?

You have your biannual dental checkups lined up and it seems everything is going well when you meet with your dentist. The dentist notices a loose filling on your tooth when you describe a slight pain in one of them. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? 


Well, there are a lot of reasons why dentists recommend dental fillings and one of the most common reasons is cavities. And it is likely that your dentist will tell you to get the dental stuffing to prevent further teeth damage. 

Cavities can cause pain and serious infection if they are not filled. Leaving a cavity untreated can lead to intense pain throughout the tooth’s pulp.

So, getting a dental filling done in such cases is very vital. However, there are also some concerns regarding pain and discomfort involved in the process. So, we have given all the information about that in this article that will help you get your fillings done without any fear!

Can cavity fillings cause pain?

Cavities are small holes in decaying teeth that can be filled with dental fillings. The substance used to fill these holes is an amalgam or composite material, which your dentist uses during the procedure. 

The process for cavity fillings is done after giving local anesthesia to the patient to reduce the pain and discomfort. And once the anesthesia numbs the area or gum then the dentist will start to fill the holes wherever required. 

Once the procedure is done and the impact of anesthesia wears off you can feel a little discomfort or tingling sensation but not more than that. And it will eventually subside in a week.

You can experience the following things just after the procedure is done: 

  • The pain in your teeth is most noticeable when you breathe in cold air, drink hot or cold liquids, or eat hot or cold foods.
  • A tender sensation in your gums
  • A filling that causes pain around the tooth
  • The pain associated with clenching your teeth
  • Whenever you eat, brush, or floss, you feel pain in the affected tooth

If the above-mentioned pain and tingling sensation do not go away, there are changes in tooth sensitivity or you notice any other oral damage; you must visit your dentist to ensure the filling is done properly and you don’t have bite issues.

Tips to reduce pain from cavity fillings

If you are experiencing pain and discomfort from your cavity fillings here are some of the tips that you can use to combat that: 

  • Temporary avoidance of hot and cold foods and beverages.
  • It is suggested to temporarily refrain from eating citrus fruits, wine, other alcohol, etc.
  • Maintaining good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing gently.
  • Using toothpaste with a desensitizing agent.
  • The opposite side of your mouth should be used when chewing.

These were some of the tips that can definitely come in handy when you’re struggling with dental stuffing pain. Lastly, it is very important to understand that sometimes fillings can also lead to other oral care issues due to cavities.

For example, you can have pulpitis, bite issues, allergic reaction, and pain in general. Though these happen in only some cases, but if you feel any of these symptoms arising take help from your oral health care provider as soon as possible. 

In addition, fluoride toothpaste can strengthen tooth enamel, preventing cavities and preventing future fillings. And not only adults, but it is also very necessary for parents to take care of the brushing routine of kids to ensure they stay away from cavities and other oral care issues. 

We hope that this article has helped you in determining whether fillings hurt or not or whether it is the same for everyone!

Dental care

When Should I Take My Child To The Dentist?

Providing your child with healthy dietary habits is not enough to ensure they grow up strong and healthy. You also need to ensure that you’re taking them to get routine checkups with their medical professionals, including a dentist.

We all know there are many things that a parent needs to take care of about their child. And with all the other things, it can be overwhelming to take care of the kid’s dental needs. Additionally, timing your infant’s dental appointments can be somewhat confusing.

It is very vital to take care of your child’s dental health, and normally it is said that kids must see a pediatric dentist after their first few teeth appear or after they are 1. In addition, it is necessary to take your kid to a pediatric dental care provider because they are specialized in targeting and combating kids’ oral care issues. 

Furthermore, some people also suggest that it is best to take kids to a dentist only when they can sit properly and are able to handle stranger anxiety. So, to clear your doubt regarding kids’ dental health, we are going to discuss everything reading the same in this article.

Why should you take kids to a pediatric dentist?

Let’s first start by discussing why you should take your child to a dentist in the first palace. Just like adults, kids also need proper dental care. And many parents do not realize the importance of starting early and taking their kids to a pediatrician.

Taking kids to an oral care provider can keep many harmful diseases at bay. Here are some of the reasons that show the importance of a good oral care provider in your kid’s life: 

  • Helps keep tooth decay and cavities away
  • Prevention from harmful bacteria and infections
  • Personalized oral care
  • Encourage kids to follow healthy dental habits
  • Keep speech and bite-related issues in check

What should be the ideal time to take your child to a dental care provider? 

There are a number of recommendations regarding what time is ideal for taking kids to a dental appointment. Some say it is best to take them as soon as their teeth grow, and others would recommend waiting until they are six months or 2-3 years old before booking an initial appointment.   

Different people have different perspectives regarding this and there is no hard and fast rule that one should follow. The purpose of the first visit is primarily to get kids accustomed to the dentist’s chair and educate parents about how to look after the child’s teeth. A one-year pass is given to parents whose children have transitioned from bottles to cups before giving any dental treatment. 

However, after that period, parents can take their kids to a six-month dental visit accordingly. Additionally, the oral care provider will take the first set of X-rays when your kid is between the ages of 4 and 6. And a more prominent treatment starts when their permanent teeth start to appear.

Lastly, apart from taking your kids to an oral care provider, you must also look after their oral care needs and daily dental care habits. You must ensure that they brush and floss their teeth properly. In addition, it is a must to stop them from eating too much sweet or sugary food because it can impact their teeth. 

So, keeping all this in mind, you can take your child to a dentist whenever you think he/she is ready for a more prominent treatment and extra care. 

Dental care

How do dentists clean yellow teeth?

One thing that concerns a lot of people is yellow teeth. Nobody likes to have discolored teeth which makes them think twice before smiling. There are various reasons that people have dark or less shiny teeth. Sometimes, it can be concerning because the yellowish build-up on your pearly whites can lead to multiple tooth infections. 

Sometimes only brushing your twice a day is not enough as it will not help reduce the acid-eroding effect on your teeth. Though there are many remedies and solutions to keep your pearly whites white, the best way is to consult your dentist and take his help to eliminate the yellowness. 

Before knowing more about how dentists clean yellow teeth, let us go over the causes of the same. 

What are the causes of yellow teeth? 

Below given are some points that describe the reason for discoloration in teeth: 

  • Plaque: Plaque is one of the most common reasons that creates a sticky soft film that mostly appears clear in color, but it turns yellow when it accumulates. So, when you do not follow your brushing routine properly, plaque causes a build-up that makes your oral cavity look dull and dark. 
  • Your diet: Your diet also plays a significant role in the appearance of your teeth. Drinking too many beverages like coffee, soda, and colored soft drinks can make your pearly whites look less shiny and white.
  • Smoking: Another reason for your yellow chompers is smoking. The smoke can seep into the oral cavity and make it look discolored. Smoking can make your teeth look less white faster than any beverage.

How do dentists clean yellow teeth?

Now that you have an overview of the causes of yellow-looking teeth, let us see what procedure dentists use to clean discolored teeth. But before that, it is vital to know that not all whitening/polishing treatments are meant for everyone; therefore, it is essential to consult your dentist before deciding upon any teeth whitening treatment. 

Mainly there are two ways in which dentists clean discolored or less white oral cavity: 

  • Bleaching process in the clinic: The first way a dentist can help you clean yellow teeth is by performing the bleaching process at the clinic. Before applying any whitening bleach, your dentist will put a protective layer of gel or a mouth guard inside your mouth. This bleach will help you get your pearly whites back. 
  • Take home whitening bleach: Dentists also provide tooth whitening trays that you can use at home. In this option, your dentist will provide you with a custom-made whitening trays with the whitening gel or bleach to use at home. 

The main difference between these two processes is: during the clinic bleaching process, you have to stay in the clinic for 1-2 hours, but it will give you 8 times whiter teeth, and with custom-made whitening trays could take up to 1-2 weeks to get the best results. 

Therefore, you can talk to your dentist before choosing any available options, depending on your convenience. Lastly, you can go for various whitening kits, but sometimes heavy-duty equipment and professional care are required to restore the color of your gnashers.

Hence, taking help from a dentist will give you a lot faster and safer results than anything you buy over the counter.

Dental care

How to know when my periodontal disease is worse?

Periodontal disease is severe gum disease. In this disease, the soft tissues of the gums get infected and damaged. But to know if your periodontal disease is at the starting stage or is severe, you first have to know how to spot it. 

The primary cause of the periodontal disease is the same as any other dental issue: poor oral hygiene. The infections or germs in periodontal disease directly attack the roots holding the teeth in place, and in its early stages, it is called gingivitis. If you suffer from periodontal disease, you will likely experience swollen gums, bleeding, sore teeth, etc.

There are multiple ways to control periodontal disease, but before any medication, you must start with proper brushing, flossing, and a tongue-cleaning routine. Once you have the basics of dental hygiene in place, you can easily prevent oral/gum diseases like periodontal.

How to spot the signs of periodontal disease

There are some common signs and symptoms that you must look out for because these can lead to a severe periodontal infection:

  • Sensitive and Swollen gums: In the early stages of periodontal disease, swollen and sensitive gums for days without any particular reason is one of the most common signs that you can look out for.
  • Decreasing gum line: As you know the infection and germs in periodontal disease directly impact the gum, so if you notice a receding gum line at a high speed, you must get professional dental care services.
  • Loose teeth: When the roots of the teeth are attacked in periodontal disease, it affects the roots that hold the teeth in place, due to which your teeth tend to lose their sturdiness; whenever you see that happening, you must take it as an emergency sign.
  • Bleeding: Gum bleeding is expected due to harsh brush strokes and stops after a few seconds, but if you notice severe gums bleeding while eating, brushing, etc., it might just be a sign of periodontal disease.
  • Falling teeth: Falling teeth are one of the most severe signs of periodontal disease. You might have a severe periodontal infection if you see your teeth falling, with swollen gum, receding gum lines, bleeding, etc.

Suppose you see the symptoms mentioned above worsening, and you can’t seem to have control over them even after changing your oral care routine. In that case, you must visit your dentist for proper treatment as it is a sign of a badly spread periodontal infection.

Does age play a role in periodontal disease?

Yes, age matters in periodontal disease. A recent study suggests that people who come under the age group of 30 are 40-41% likely to develop periodontal disease, and not taking proper care of your oral hygiene could make it worse.On the other hand, adults around the age of 65-70 are 70% more likely to have a periodontal infection; firstly, it is due to the age factor, and secondly, it is the improper brushing routine.

How can you avoid periodontal disease from getting worse?

Any gum-related disease, including periodontal, can be reversed, or you can stop it from worsening. The only thing you need to keep in mind is to have an accurate and effective plaque control routine. You have to ensure you are not letting the thick layer of plaque on your gum lines weaken your teeth. You can book weekly dentist appointments to get rid of the plaque if you can’t do it alone. In addition, practicing basic dental care routines like brushing teeth twice a day, using mouthwash, etc., is a bonus. 
Dental care

What foods should you avoid with Invisalign?

Invisalign treatment is one of the best treatments for teeth straightening. Still, like any other treatment, it also comes with some precautionary measures that you should follow. One of them is taking care of what you eat. Though there are not many restrictions regarding what particular food you should avoid when taking an Invisalign treatment, it is important to remember that certain foods can adversely affect your Invisalign trays’ overall oral health.

Although Invisalign aligners are removable, and you can take them out while eating, brushing, and flossing, it is still important to avoid certain food items to ensure the quality of your Invisalign tray is not compromised. To protect your Invisalign tray and maintain your oral hygiene during the teeth straightening treatment, you should avoid consuming certain foods.

Some of the foods that you should avoid while being in Invisalign treatment are:

  • Sticky foods
  • Chewy hard foods
  • Foods with artificial coloring
  • Chewing gum
  • Hard nuts or crackers
  • Caramel chocolate or candy
  • Flavored soda or water

What are the effects of consuming above mentioned foods on your Invisalign treatment?

It is not necessary to completely avoid the foods mentioned above; however, it is best to limit them as long as your treatment lasts. Chewy, hard, sticky foods cause your Invisalign treatment to get delayed. Moreover, drinks and juices with artificial coloring damage your Invisalign tray. However, if you consume any of these foods, it is vital to brush your teeth properly afterward. Some other reasons why you should such food items are listed below:

  • Avoid ice or icy foods because they can cause your teeth to suffer from small gaps.
  • Avoid acidic foods because they tend to break down gums and teeth.

Lastly, if you face any problem with your Invisalign aligners, it is essential to consult your dentist for proper treatment.

Dental care

Is there an age limit for Invisalign?

Everyone wants a good-looking and straight smile. Invisalign is the perfect tool for correcting your crooked or misaligned teeth. Misaligned or crossbites can affect your day-to-day activities. The main problem misaligned or crooked teeth cause is difficulty chewing and jaw pain. Misaligned aligned teeth are a common problem and can be treated with effective teeth straightening treatment like Invisalign at any age, which means there is no specific age or requirement for taking an Invisalign treatment.

In all cases, it does not matter if you are an adult or a teenager; you can use Invisalign for both minor and serious dental issues. You can use Invisalign as long as you are serious about wanting to improve your overall oral health and smile. Invisalign aligners help you get a more effective smile with less discomfort and annoyance.

Is there any minimum age limit for adults for getting Invisalign treatment?

The answer is no. You can use Invisalign in your 30s, 40s, and even 50s for successful teeth straightening treatment. However, the Invisalign treatment may take more time in adults compared to a teenager. Still, it can correct any severe dental or oral issues if worn correctly as directed by the dentist.Most people use Invisalign including teenagers because it provides comfort and strength at the same time and it is easily removable. Invisalign aligners are transparent; therefore, it is a popular choice. However, for some teenagers, the dentist might suggest wearing a traditional metal brace despite the clear aligners because some cases require extra attention. And children can remove Invisalign aligners easily therefore sometimes for effective results dentists suggest traditional braces as they can not be removed without your doctor’s assistance.

Lastly, if you face any problem with your Invisalign treatment it is essential to consult your dentist for proper treatment.

Dental care

Is Invisalign annoying to wear?

Invisalign is transparent, easy to manage, and less noticeable compared to the traditional metal braces. Invisalign aligners are easy to wear. However, in some cases, It can cause some problems and minor discomfort. Invisalign aligners can be a little annoying in the initial days of the treatment. Your Invisalign trays can also cause problems with your speech and make it difficult for you to pronounce certain words with  ‘s,’ ‘sh,’ ‘z’ or ‘th’ sounds, which can be very annoying.

While some people find Invisalign aligners annoying or disturbing, others do not face any problems. There are various reasons why your Invisalign trays are causing problems. One of the reasons you find Invisalign aligners annoying could be the teeth cleaning process after removing your aligners. Maintaining proper dental hygiene is a cumbersome process if you are taking any teeth straightening treatment. It can take a long time to properly floss and brush teeth to avoid cavities and ensure they are clean. The risk of cavities increases if you don’t wash your mouth and Invisalign tray properly.

Invisalign aligners are designed to provide 60 teeth movements on average, pushing them to a better position. In addition, it is normal to experience little soreness and irritation with every new set of Invisalign trays in the initial days. While Invisalign aligners are more comfortable than traditional braces, they can irritate some areas in your mouth. Though your Invisalign treatment can be a little annoying and discomforting in the first few weeks, it will subside slowly as you get used to your Invisalign. In addition, ill-fitted Invisalign aligners can cause significant discomfort, which can be annoying.

Tips to follow if you find aligners difficult or annoying to wear

  • Wear your aligners for more than 20 hours and practice talking with aligners in your mouth as much as possible. It will make you comfortable with Invisalign trays.
  • Eat your meals slowly and talk slowly to avoid discomfort and annoyance from your aligners.
  • Use an ice pack before wearing your Invisalign aligners. It helps ease the irritation.

Lastly, if you face any difficulty with your Invisalign treatment, it is important to consult your dentist for proper treatment.

Dental care

Does Invisalign make your lips bigger?

During the Invisalign treatment, people’s most common question is whether Invisalign makes their lips bigger? While Invisalign treatment can change the position of your lips and teeth in some cases, it does not make your lips bigger.

Moreover, it is important to understand that Invisalign is a teeth-straightening tool and not a lip cosmetic treatment. It will not help increase or decrease the size of your lips. However, you can get the illusion of fuller lips during your Invisalign treatment because your lips are resting on the top of the plastic, which may impact the appearance of your lips.

In addition, your lips are supported by the front incisors, and If your incisor position changes, it will affect the fullness of your lips or where they sit. It is why some people might notice a change in the fullness of their lips. However, it is temporary and will become normal once your Invisalign treatment is done. Apart from lips, the Invisalign treatment does not affect your facial structure.

Lips before and after the treatment

When your Invisalign starts to work, it pushes or moves your teeth backward. It happens because of the upper lip frenulum or the tooth window, which affects your lips, making them move forward slightly. But before and after the Invisalign treatment, you won’t see much of a difference in the size of your lips; it just changes the position of your lips. However, if you feel any pain or swelling in your lips while the Invisalign treatment using ice bags will help to a great extent.

Understanding the relationship between your Invisalign and your facial structure or features is important. In most cases, Invisalign does not affect any outer features. If you see any major changes or feel uncomfortable, it is important to consult your dentist for proper treatment.

Dental care

Do you sleep with Invisalign?

Invisalign is a stable source of straightening the teeth over time without using the traditional metal braces. Invisalign benefits you more when you wear it more than 20 hours a day, including while you’re sleeping. Therefore, yes, you should wear your Invisalign while you sleep. In addition, you should only take out your Invisalign or aligners only to drink hot drinks, eat, and brush your teeth. You should not spend more than 2 hours without wearing your Invisalign. Therefore, removing your Invisalign when you sleep can affect your teeth’ straightening process.

In addition, Invisalign is much easier to wear compared to traditional braces. Invisalign perfectly fits your unique smile, and therefore, it is comfortable. So, wearing the aligners at night shouldn’t cause you any trouble. 

However, sleeping with an Invisalign may seem awkward at first, but it will become perfectly natural with time. After you are used to wearing Invisalign, you will drift off to sleep as quickly as you did before you started your teeth straightening process.

What will happen if you don’t wear your Invisalign at night?

Without constant pressure, your Invisalign will not work quickly. Therefore, If you don’t wear your Invisalign for too many nights, your teeth may revert out of alignment. Hence, you may need to start the teeth straightening process again.

Benefits of wearing Invisalign while you sleep

  • You should wear Invisalign at night to procure proper tooth positioning.
  • Wearing Invisalign at night will provide optimal straightening by creating a barrier between teeth.
  • Wearing Invisalign while sleeping will protect your teeth from destructive nightly grinding.
  • Wearing Invisalign while sleeping will not cause the same cuts from metal braces.

Lastly, if you are facing any problem with your Invisalign, it is advised that you should immediately consult your dentist for proper treatment.

Dental care

Can I Leave My Invisalign Out For a Day?

Orthodontic patients all around the world have acknowledged the huge advantages they get with Invisalign treatment. Invisalign are clear, comfortable, and removable aligners that let you go through your everyday activities without any discomfort. These aligners are also very effective compared to traditional metal braces, and they can straighten your teeth in a shorter duration.

But since they come with so many benefits, there are a few caveats too. Invisalign being removable, there is a chance that you forget to wear them for a long time (the prescribed time is a minimum of 22 hours a day.) Or, you go for a day out and do not wear your Invisalign appliance. What happens then? Read more to understand the repercussions of keeping your aligner out for a day.

What happens if You Skip Wearing Invisalign For a Day?

Let us see some of the biggest risks of not wearing Invisalign for a day.

  • Teeth will move back to the incorrect position: Your progress towards a perfect smile will go to waste if you leave Invisalign out for a longer duration, like a full day. Your teeth can easily move back to their original positions without Invisalign and undo all your hard work.
  • Treatment will get prolonged: The completion time and result of Invisalign are based on how long you wear it throughout the day. So if you do not wear your aligner for a day, it is inevitable that your treatment will go on for a longer period.
  • You may have to go back to your old aligners: It is also possible that your current aligner will not fit if not worn for the recommended duration. In the worst case, your old aligners might not fit you, in which case you will have to get a new set of aligners. This will halt your overall progress considerably.

Without Invisalign, your teeth can move even within a few hours. So not wearing your Invisalign aligner for a day will have a huge impact on your overall results. Hence it is a must that you adhere to the guidelines set by your dentist and be consistent in wearing your Invisalign aligners to get the desired results in a short time frame.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!

Dental care

What color braces for yellow teeth?

Clear or silver bands are appropriate for persons who have a yellow tint to their teeth. If your teeth are naturally white, black is the greatest option to make them appear even whiter.

The color of your braces is crucial, and you probably want to whiten your teeth while you’re at it. Your treatment may last for months, if not years. As a result, you want to be satisfied with the color bands you select for your braces. Whether you want to match your braces to your clothes, your skin tone, or something else, the color of your braces can bring you the confidence you need.

What Color Braces Should I Get?

Each time you go for an appointment, you can have the color of your braces changed. So, thankfully, you don’t have to stick to just one color. During your treatment, you can also try out other hues. When you finally get to choose your first color, it can be a challenging decision. Here are some suggestions on how to select the ideal braces color for you to make the selection easier:

  • What makes your teeth appear whiter:  Deeper colors, such as royal/navy blue, purple, and even black, can make your teeth look whiter. Nonetheless, keep in mind that colors like dark green and brown can resemble food.
  • White braces: While this may be a color you were considering, you may want to avoid them. White bands not only deteriorate over time, but they also make your teeth appear yellower. This is an important point to remember.

However, there are a few other considerations to remember when choosing a color scheme for your braces. But, whatever color braces you choose, make sure you look after them properly to ensure proper results and a healthy, attractive smile!

For more guidance, visit your dentist at the earliest!

Dental care

Which braces work the fastest?

There are numerous types of braces available now that function quickly. Transparent aligners, lingual braces, self-ligating braces, and functional braces are now considered to be the fastest braces for straightening teeth.

While the speed of the procedure varies depending on the sort of problem you have, most experts believe that clear aligners are the quickest option to straighten your teeth.

The most well-known type of transparent aligner is Invisalign, which has recently garnered a lot of popularity because they both speed up the procedure and are virtually invisible.

However, depending on what your dental problem is, there are a variety of different choices that may be suitable for you.


Invisalign braces are becoming increasingly popular in the world of orthodontics, as they provide several advantages to patients. Invisalign braces are clear trays of plastic that are placed over the teeth and gradually shift them into the desired position.The average adult patient will complete therapy in about a year, but some will complete it in as little as three months, making them one of the fastest-working braces available.

Self-Ligating Braces

Self-ligating braces, which are similar to traditional braces but significantly more time-effective, are becoming increasingly popular.Treatment is projected to be completed roughly 6 months sooner than with traditional braces, and the patient will have to visit the orthodontist less frequently.

How Long Do Braces Take to Straighten Teeth?

The period it takes to recover from braces varies depending on the severity of the orthodontic condition, but it usually takes 6 to 2 years. Because of their natural jaw expansion and enough space for aligned teeth, youngsters may have braces that function the fastest and can be cured in a few months.Make an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible if you seek more advice and guidance.

Dental care

Do you have to wear retainers forever?

A retainer is a fixed or removable piece of equipment made of wires or plastic. Orthodontic retainers are used to keep your smile aligned after active orthodontic treatment.

Removing braces is a long-awaited relief for many – it offers a sense of regained freedom. However, many people are disappointed to recall that they must now wear a retainer.

Why Retainers?

To begin with, let’s clarify a myth that retainers are only worn after braces.

The truth is that retainers are required after any position-correcting treatment or procedure has been completed – whether it is Invisalign or surgery.

Until the gums and bones that hold your teeth in place are strong enough to handle the task themselves – at least not right away – retainers act as additional support.

As you eat and speak, the supporting tissues around your teeth will gradually get more robust, so they won’t shift back.

You will gradually shift your teeth back if you do not wear your retainers, making the whole process a waste of time and money. A retainer is similar to that of home insurance, which is to protect your investment.

Do You Wear Them Often?

You will still need to wear them every night, even if you have a bonded wire in the first year. Retention review is conducted on patients two years before they are fully discharged. It’s to ensure you’re still satisfied with the result of your braces, that you’re still wearing them, and that they’re still fitting well. If your wear is reduced to every other night, that can be reduced to three times a week. Thus, attendance at your retainer reviews is essential. Make sure your retainers are with you!

Feel free to call or book an appointment online if you need new retainers or a retainer review.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!

Dental care

What are the side effects of braces?

Everyone feels embarrassed about their teeth and hides from smiling around people because of crooked teeth. To help with it, braces are beneficial for tooth alignment and other orthodontic issues. Dental braces leave you with many oral health benefits and a flawless smile.

Braces might leave you with some side effects during and after treatment. Read further to see how braces may affect your teeth.

Side effects of Braces on Teeth

  1. Difficulty Eating food: This is a typical problem for everyone who wears braces. Food becomes lodged in them, and they may be unable to move their teeth as freely. It is advised to eat only soft foods in the first few days.
  2. Mild Discomfort or Soreness: Braces may cause soreness in the mouth in the early weeks. And also people might feel some discomfort not being used to wearing them. Braces are tightening or readjusting your teeth, so it’s common to have a little discomfort. For such pain, you may take a pain-reliever. If pain or soreness gets worse, consult your doctor.
  3. Jaw Pain: Braces are wrapped around your teeth so might cause jaw pain also. This could happen after every session due to tightening. Depending on the discomfort and severity, over-the-counter pain relievers may assist
  4. Plague or infection: Plague is always a common problem for teeth with braces. Food gets stuck in braces and may build a plague or an infection when it is not properly cleaned and maintained, leading to tooth decay.

You might face difficulty eating during the early week, and these side effects will likely resolve quickly. Good dental hygiene practices are always necessary, but they are incredibly essential for people with braces. It would be best to clean teeth every day, which means brushing twice and flossing at least once daily.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!

Dental care

How many times a day should you brush with braces?

There’s no denying that getting braces will alter your daily routine, including your dental hygiene routines. Brushing your teeth after each meal is essential if you wear braces.

Brushing before bed can also help prevent plaque from accumulating on your teeth.

While it is general knowledge that a person should brush their teeth twice a day, this “law” does not apply when wearing braces because the brackets and wires you wear with braces can promote food buildup, which can lead to plaque formation and other complications. Cleaning your teeth at least 4 times a day is recommended, including after breakfast, lunch, supper, and before bed.

What Needs To Be Taken Care of While Brushing?

If stains build up on your teeth, they might be difficult to remove effectively while wearing braces, increasing your risk of developing cavities. Brushing your teeth regularly can prevent all of this, though you should brush lightly while wearing braces to avoid harming the brackets or wires. Food debris can get lodged between the wires and around the brackets, which can be harder to see as you get closer to your mouth’s back, which is why brushing your teeth after every meal is so crucial.

Make sure your mouthwash and toothpaste contain fluoride, which helps to keep your teeth white and healthy. Your teeth will be healthy once your braces have been removed if you maintain a proper cleaning technique while wearing your braces.

Here is the correct brushing tip:

When brushing your teeth with braces, start by rinsing your mouth with water to loosen and wash away any trapped food. Brush your teeth in small circular motions along the gum line while holding the brush at a 45-degree angle. Both the top and bottom angles of the brackets must be brushed.

If you have any doubts or need guidance, you can connect with your dentist asap.

Dental care

How to Choose Dental Insurance

We all know that getting any dental work (as simple as basic cleaning) can put a dent in your pocket with its cost. So, getting a dental insurance plan is a must for you and your family to stay away from cavities and also keep your dental budget in check.

Dental insurance can cover a range of dental work from routine teeth-cleaning to x-rays, crowns, root canals, etc. Dental insurance premiums are much lower than regular health insurance and if you use in-network dentists then 100% of your preventive dental work is paid for by the insurance company.

But selecting the right dental insurance plan is a bit tricky as certain policies limit you in what kind of work you can get done within that. We will give you a few tips and things to consider while opting for a dental plan.

Categories of Dental Insurance

Dental insurance comes in many forms and ranges from group to individual and family plans. They fall into three categories.

  • Indemnity dental plans: These are the most expensive ones and not so popular. In this plan, you mostly need to pay the entire amount and then file a claim. The insurer pays a cap amount as set by ADA. One advantage of this is that there is no concept of in-network and you can choose any dentist.
  • PPO or Preferred Provider Organization: PPO is the most common type of plan where dentists join a PPO network and negotiate with insurers on their fee structure. There are administrative costs associated with PPO and if you select an out-of-network dentist then you have to pay more from your pocket.
  • HMO or Health Maintenance Organization: In HMP you need to pay either a monthly or yearly premium and you are restricted to dentists within the network. You might also need to live within the area where you are offered the HMO. HMO is usually the cheapest among all plans.

Selecting the Right Dental Insurance

Before you zero down on the dental insurance company, there are certain factors you must consider as outlined below:

  • Check if you can get a group policy: Most people either get their dental insurance through their company or group coverage programs such as Medicaid, AARP, TriCare, and a few more. It is less costly to purchase group plans than individual insurance and they also offer more benefits. 
  • Look out for plans that cover your current dentist: If you have a family dentist then check out specific programs that his/her office accepts or ask them for recommendations. It is perfect if you find a plan that suits your family and is also supported by your dentist that you are comfortable with. With an indemnity plan, you can afford any density while with PPO and HMO you are restricted. So if you do not mind going to a new dentist and PPO or HMO is coming out to be cheaper, then you could go for them.
  • Consider restrictions placed on treatment options: Some dental plans restrict the types of dental work that they cover. They may only offer the most inexpensive forms of treatment even when another approach may be a better fit for your problem. If you need specialty work done then thoroughly analyze the list of treatments covered for each plan you consider.
  • Keep in mind all sorts of costs involved: Most people only look at the premium charges but there are many other charges to look into like co-pays, deductibles, etc. So even if a premium is the most affordable, the deductibles may be too high to suit your budget. So, discuss all the costs involved before deciding on your insurance plan.

To keep the dental health of your family in check, dental insurance is necessary. But when you purchase insurance be aware that major procedures are not covered under most plans, and even if they do, you will have to pay at least half of the charges. So it is a good idea to set aside money every month to help you with any major dental work.

If you are looking for Dental Billing Service in US, you can contact Capline Dental Services.

Dental care

How can I close my braces gap faster?

Braces can not only make your teeth straight, but they can also affect the shape of your face by expanding the arch of your teeth for a wider, more attractive grin.

Gaps between teeth can be functionally problematic, and braces are frequently the most effective approach to narrow gaps between teeth. Other options are also available.

If you have a diastema, you will need braces. Diastema is known as a gap between two teeth, usually the top front teeth, but it can be any two teeth. Teeth gaps can occur for a variety of causes. Gaps between teeth are frequent in youngsters with baby teeth, but as the larger adult teeth emerge, the space between them often disappears.

Treatment Options for Gaps in Orthodontics

Traditional braces, Invisalign, and other dental solutions are among the orthodontic treatments available for narrowing gaps between teeth:

  • Elastic Chain Braces: Braces work by pulling teeth into place using brackets, wire, and elastic chains. Teeth can be shifted closer together, and gaps can be repaired with a chain of small elastic bands. The colorful elastic chain is worn over the brackets that secure the teeth.

Using elastic chains, gaps can be closed in as short as six weeks to six months. 

  • Invisalign: For some individuals with gaps, Invisalign is an option, but not for others. Much of it is determined by the gap size. Small gaps can be corrected with clear plastic aligners, but if the gap is too great, aligners may not be enough to pull the teeth together, and the patient will need braces. To bridge a big gap, some people may use a combination of Invisalign aligners, bonding, or veneers.

Compared to other malocclusion types, closing gaps between teeth is a relatively uncomplicated orthodontic case.

Make an appointment with your doctor right away if you require additional help and guidance.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!

Dental care

Can braces change your voice?

Adults across the globe are increasingly interested in improving their smiles by considering dental braces. Regardless of what you might look or sound like for a short period with the dental braces on, make sure to consider the long-term effect you will have by getting braces. 

For many individuals, teeth grow crooked or crowded when the teeth move into new positions as adults. 

Braces fit over the teeth to gradually pull and push them into an aligned straighter position over time. 

If you are a singer and consider having braces, you may be concerned that they will affect your singing ability. 

How do braces affect the voice?
Braces have the potential to affect the singing voice a little bit; more specifically the diction and resonance. But whether it does or not depends on the shape of the mouth, what is being changed and how much the teeth are being moved.

Each orthodontic plan is different for every individual’s necessities. So, the treatment for you will most likely be different from that of others. 

You may only need braces for a brief period, or you may need one of a few teeth removed before having your braces fitted. Or then again you may require dental surgery and jaw realignment work done.

Generally, the more work that’s needed, the more likely it is it will affect your voice- but it should be positive!

Can braces make a difference to your singing voice?
Braces on their own will have less of an effect on the singing voice than the rest of the dental work that may be needed to fit them.

By altering the cavity space and shape in the mouth, your voice resonates differently. Thus, a few teeth shifting slightly, won’t make a huge difference. However, long-term braces that entirely realign your jaw shape may create a slightly different tone.

Orthodontics can help make your voice better 
In conclusion, even though braces require some adaptation, then, for sure, they will not affect your singing voice. Subsequent to correcting your teeth, your voice will get even better. Singing is typically impacted by the vocal cords, so if the vocal cords are healthy, then you shouldn’t need to stress.
Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!

Dental care

Can you stop wearing your retainer after 10 years?

Many people wonder if they should throw away their retainers. It’s an understandable concern. While they were wearing braces and then a retainer, patients felt like they’d been caring for their teeth for years. They want to do nothing more than brush their teeth and do away with it all. However, that is not the case.

What is the need for Retainers?

Teeth are held in place by retainers. Even if they’ve been in their original spot for years, teeth want to return to their original position. The dentition of an elderly person might experience changes, such as narrowing of the lower dental arch. This may cause the lower front teeth to become crumpled up. Your teeth may be changing because of these changes, but the only way to prevent them from moving is to retain them.

Removable Retainers: Wearing them in stages

In certain cases, a permanent retainer may be attached to the back of your teeth by your orthodontist. Those who receive this will wear their retainers throughout the day, even while eating and brushing their teeth. An oral surgeon can only remove the retainer in this case, and when it is removed, a removable retainer is given to the patient to wear at night.

Typically, patients are given retainers, which they are asked to remove while eating or brushing. Retainers have been effective for patients who wear them according to the following schedule:

The First 3-6 Months: Retainers should be worn for a minimum of 22 hours a day during this period. Only when brushing and flossing or eating, should they be removed. Before approving your request to wear them only at night, your orthodontist will monitor your progress.

The First 2 Years: When you have worn your retainers full-time, you can start wearing them only at night.

From the Third Year to the Rest of Your Life:

Your retainers will need to be worn less now. Skipping a few nights here and there isn’t a big deal, and wearing them every other night is a good rule of thumb.

Schedule an appointment and consult with your dentist if you have any queries.

Dental care

How Does HIV/AIDS Affect the Mouth?

HIV is spread by sexual contact or through the use of a contaminated needle or syringe. When you have HIV, your immune system is weakened, which affects your mouth and oral health. This could lead to tooth loss and pain in the mouth. Dental and mouth problems related to HIV/AIDS dental and mouth conditions can be unpleasant, causing difficulty biting or swallowing. This may make it difficult for you to take your medication

Mouth issues due to HIV/AIDS

  • Dry mouth 
  • Thrush 
  • Kaposi’s Sarcoma
  • Outbreaks of herpes simplex virus
  • Canker sores
  • Mouth ulcers
  • White lesions on the sides of the tongue (oral hairy leukoplakia)
  • Red band gingivitis
  • Ulcerative periodontitis

 Or some other issues like

  • Aphthous/ulcers or canker sores
  • Herpes
  • Airy Leukoplakia 

 Care HIV/AIDS Affected Mouths issues

  • Make appointments with your dentist regularly.
  • Brush and floss your teeth twice a day for two minutes.
  • Make sure you take your HIV medication on time.
  • Inform your doctor if you are experiencing dry mouth as a result of your HIV medication. Inquire about the best treatment for you.

Common oral concerns due to HIV can be cured or prevented. So consult doctor or dentist for it.

Helpful Tips
A dry mouth happens when there is too little saliva or spits to keep your mouth moist. By regulating bacteria and fungi, saliva aids in the chewing and digestion of food, as well as protecting teeth from decay and preventing infections in the mouth. If you don’t have enough saliva, you may develop tooth decay or other illnesses, and you may have difficulty eating or swallowing. You may also have cracked, chapped lips, as well as a sticky or dry mouth with a burning sensation.

To relieve dry mouth, try the following:

  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Chew sugar-free gum or sugar-free gum.
  • Chew sugar-free gum or sugar-free gum.
  • avoid 
  • Tobacco
  • Don’t drink any alcohol.
Dental care

What is Benzocaine?

Benzocaine is a white, crystalline powder that causes a temporary numbing effect, which stops nerve motions in your body, easing discomfort or pain induced by skin irritations, painful or sore throat, and hemorrhoids on the surface of the body.

Generally, it numbs down the skin or inside the mouth, nose, throat, and many other parts and organs to reduce the discomfort of inserting a medical instrument. Orajel, Americaine, and Cetacaine are some of the brands that contain this anesthetic.

It is not recommended for long-term use and to treat teething discomfort in newborns or kids less than 2 years old.

During the process, doctors even use benzocaine sprays to numb the lining of the mouth or throat. Benzocaine products are not FDA-approved for these uses.

Side Effects of Benzocaine
Side effects of Benzocaine may appear within 2 hours after using benzocaine. Talk to your doctor for emergency medical help, if:

  • Headache, and anxiety
  • Speedy heartbeats
  • Feeling light-headed
  • Difficult breathing
  • Swelling
  • Severe burning
  • Redness
  • Pale appearances on the surface of your skin, lips, or fingernails


  • Use the smallest amount of this medication.
  • Try not to get the product in your eyes.
  • Avoid swallowing the gel or liquid.
  • Do not apply benzocaine to open injuries, burns, broken or inflamed skin.
  • Do not use benzocaine to treat certain skin diseases or serious issues, such as severe burns.
  • Benzocaine can cause methemoglobinemia.
  • Call your doctor for medical advice and the appropriate dosage because this is not a complete list of side effects, and other impacts may appear. Call your primary care physician for medical advice about side effects. The FDA urged manufacturing companies to add signs and warnings to their label about methemoglobinemia and other side effects.

Make sure that you keep this and all other such drugs out of the reach of kids, never share your prescriptions with others, and use this medicine only if prescribed by your doctor.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!

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How is the implant attached to the abutment?

A dental implant is a metal attachment or fixture that is surgically implanted beneath the teeth to replace a natural tooth. Following surgery, recovery could take up to 6–12 weeks. It can be costly. When attaching a dental implant to the jawbone, the dentist has 2 choices. The abutments can be covered with gum tissue, which takes around six months to heal. The gums will next be sliced out to reveal the tooth, allowing the crown to be fitted.

Attaching a healing abutment is the second option. As previously stated, the healing cuff is linked to the implant’s external end. It’s a lot bigger than the implant, so there’s enough room for the crown to grow in as the gums heal around it. Patients frequently opt to utilize a healing cuff since it removes the need for additional surgery. The healing cuff is removed after the implant has properly fused to your jawbone, and the dental implant is placed with a crown. Because the gap formed by the healing cuff doesn’t always match the size of your crown, your gums may need to be reshaped.

Steps when the implant is attached to the abutment:

  • The implant is being exposed. A small incision in the gum tissue is created first if you need a second procedure to insert abutments.
  • Putting healing abutments in place. In many situations, the implant is temporarily fixed with a healing abutment.
  • Finally, abutments are being installed. After the gums have healed, an impression is obtained and the final abutment is inserted.

After the abutments have been installed, gums around abutments normally take 4 to 6 weeks to heal, so it is important to carefully follow the doctor’s recommendation.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!

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6 Habits That Harm Your Teeth

We all have at least one habit we wish we could break. Would you believe that some of them can be detrimental to our oral health? Check out some of these habits and tips for breaking them.

Utilizing Your Teeth as a tool:

  • How can it be harmful: You can chip or break your teeth or suffer jaw injury using the teeth to open bottles, cut thread, or perform other tasks.
  • What can be the solution: If you don’t have scissors at your disposal, you shouldn’t hold or open items with your teeth. Locate your scissors or ask someone for assistance. You will greatly benefit from it, preventing yourself from dental complications that can be expensive and painful.

Biting your nails

  • How can it be harmful: Nail biting could negatively impact your dental health by chipping your teeth or causing damage to teeth. The longer you leave your jaw protruding, the stronger the pressure on it becomes. Your gums may also be torn or damaged.
  • What can be the solution: Several patients find that wearing a mouth guard prevents them from biting their nails. You can also apply bitter-tasting nail polish to reduce nail biting or use therapy techniques to reduce stress.

Constant Snacking

  • How can it be harmful: Cavities are more likely to occur if your diet is heavy on sugary foods and drinks. Leftover food feeds the cavity-causing bacteria, producing acid that erodes your teeth’ outer shell.
  • What can be the solution: Eating balanced meals will help you stay fuller for a more extended period, thus reducing snacking. Don’t snack on sugary foods. Drink a glass of water after eating a sugary snack if you feel tempted to indulge.

Using too much pressure when brushing

  • How can it be harmful: Ideally, brush your teeth twice a day for at least two minutes. Avoid brushing too hard to avoid damaging your teeth or irritating your gums. Over Brushing may cause gum recession and inefficient tooth cleaning.
  • What can be the solution: Apply proper pressure when brushing with a soft toothbrush instead of brushing hard. Brush your gums at a 45-degree angle with your toothbrush bristles, and minimize the force of the brush.

Clenching and Grinding

  • How can it be harmful: In addition to chipping or cracking your teeth, you might also experience muscle tenderness and joint pain. In addition, you may be unable to open your mouth wide or experience pain when chewing.
  • What can be the solution: Using relaxation exercises can help you avoid grinding your teeth or clenching your jaw. You can also use a mouthguard to prevent your teeth from grinding while you sleep. You will be relieved of any tooth pain or sore muscles and can sleep better as a result. Consult a dentist if you suffer from teeth grinding to find out how to prevent it.

Chewing on ice cubes

  • How can it be harmful: Crystals make up enamel and ice. Pushing two crystals against one another can cause one of them to break. Sometimes it’s ice, sometimes it’s a tooth.
  • What can be the solution: Use a straw instead of ice when drinking beverages.

Call our office to schedule your next dental appointment if you feel pain or sensitivity in your teeth.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!

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What are the stages of a root canal?

There is no pain associated with root canal therapy – it relieves it. Endodontic root canal therapy treats infected or inflamed tissue on the inside of the tooth by removing the infected or inflamed tissue. It’s often disregarded as a painful procedure – but it’s actually no more complicated than getting a simple filling in your mouth. To help you understand how simple root canal therapy is, here are the seven stages.

  • Probable Diagnosis: There is a reason why a root canal is performed. When you have an aching or infected tooth, your dentist will diagnose the problem and recommend a treatment. 
  • An X-ray: Be ready, you’re about to undergo quite a few x-rays. This will provide your dentist with a visual guide. They can follow it and proceed accordingly. An x-ray will also reveal how deep and wide the infection is.
  • Localised Anesthesie: Anesthesia is often used more heavily for this treatment than for any other.
  • Drilling: It is safe to use a dental drill if you are with a professional dentist. Drilling a hole through the tooth is the first thing to drain bacteria, pulp, and nerves that have been compromised. 
  • Removal & Drainage: The damaged area inside your tooth will be removed with tiny files once the hole has been drilled. Only the right portion of the tooth is removed with these files, while the rest of the tooth remains intact.
  • Filling as a temporary Measure:  The final steps in some root canals are scheduled at a later date, depending on the situation and the endodontist. The tooth is temporarily filled with a filling.
  • Crowning And Sealing: It is imperative that your tooth is sealed and crowned in order to prevent further infection and cracking. A crown is not always necessary after root canal therapy, but it does make a tooth more protected.

Root canals can be saved by acting quickly so that your dentist can finish the procedure in a couple of visits.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!

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Is a root canal permanent?

People don’t usually opt for root canals voluntarily, but when faced with a choice between a root canal or a lost tooth, the root canal becomes the better option. However, many people wonder how long the tooth is actually saved?

Do Root Canals Last Long?
It is a subjective question. Your dentist’s skill in removing infected material plays an important role in it. In addition, if any infection remains, it will eventually spread, resulting in the need for another root canal.

Furthermore, keep your regular checkups every six months so that you can catch problems early. As soon as the infection is found, it is easier to treat it before it has a chance to spread further. This is also dependent on what teeth are causing the problem. Roots in the front of teeth are fewer, so there is less room for error. However, back teeth have more, which can complicate things.

Your overall oral health is another important factor. It is easier to undergo the root canal procedure if your other teeth are healthy. An old or severely damaged tooth, even with a crown, may eventually crack even after a root canal. Healthy teeth are the best candidates for root canal therapy.

A Better Option
While the best way to prevent a root canal is to take good care of your teeth, it continues to be the best option if a root canal is ever needed. A crown and root canal will last much longer than extraction and a bridge. In this way, even though root canals are not permanent solutions, they can still fix the issue for many years, allowing you to keep your teeth as long as possible.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!

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Does a root canal bleed?

A root canal is a procedure that relieves toothache brought in by decay or an abscessed tooth. Root canal therapy entails removing the infected pulp of a tooth, cleaning and disinfecting the insides, and filling the space with synthetic material. A root canal treatment becomes unavoidable when a dental cavity is left untreated for prolonged times, and the oral bacteria seeps into the infected tooth’s pulp. Moreover, another ostensible cause of root canal is trauma or injury. A root canal therapy is a standard procedure with excellent success rates. Some of the veritable advantages of root canal therapy are:

  • Prevention of dental infection from spreading to other teeth
  • Mitigating symptoms associated with an infected tooth
  • Reducing the risks of jawbone damage
  • Eliminate the need for tooth extraction

Now that we have touched upon the basics of a root canal let us try to answer the looming question of whether root canals bleed or bleed.

In usual circumstances, root canals do not bleed. After root canal therapy, some pain and swelling that lasts for two to three days are normal. However, bleeding may signify a re-infection or a root canal failure. If you experience bleeding after getting a root canal done, visit your dentist at the earliest. They will perform an X-ray to determine the cause of the bleeding. At times, a recurring gingival infection may also be the reason why you might be bleeding after a root canal. Although root canals have a 98 percent success rate, failure is inevitable in some cases. Therefore, in addition to bleeding, some of the signs that you should be vigilant about after a root canal therapy include:

  • Persistent pain
  • Swollen gums
  • Tooth discoloration
  • Sinus problems
  • Dental abscess
  • Pus or drainage

In case of a root canal failure or the propping up of a re-infection, alternative treatments are available. 

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!

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Can Root Canals Fail?

A root canal is an endodontic treatment that becomes mandatory when the pulp inside a tooth becomes infected. A tooth’s pulp comprises blood vessels, connective tissues, and nerves and may get damaged due to an injury, severe decay, untreated cavity, etc. The root canal process entails drilling an opening in the tooth, removing the infected pulp, and ultimately dealing with it to prevent further infection.

Root Canal Failure
A root canal is a typical treatment in the United States. It is an incredibly safe treatment with a 95 percent success rate. Moreover, 85 percent of teeth fixed by a root canal last a lifetime. So, the statistics are pretty promising. However, an occasional failure is inevitable in all medical treatments, and a root canal is no exception. A root canal failure may happen due to a loose crown, a tooth fracture, or a new dental decay. The loss is sometimes visible immediately after the treatment, or, at times, it may take years to prop up. Now that we have deliberated upon the possibility of a root canal treatment failing let us look at the top three symptoms of a failed root canal.

  • Pain: Minor discomfort and toothache are typical for a few days after a root canal. However, if the pain lingers for prolonged periods and is intense, then you may be experiencing a root canal failure.
  • Swelling: Some mild swelling around the treated tooth or all over the face is typical of a root canal treatment. But, persistent swelling and the emergence of a new swelling might be an indication that your root canal failed.
  • Discharge: A bloody or pus-filled discharge oozing out from the treated tooth after a root canal procedure implies that a fresh abscess has taken over the area.

In case of a root canal failure, retreatment becomes the viable solution. A root canal retreatment involves disassembling the restorative materials inside the pulp to gauge the source of the failure. Furthermore, if retreatment also fails, an apicoectomy is the next course of action.  

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!

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Can a Root Canal Get Infected?

The reason for getting a root canal done on a tooth is inflammation or infection in the soft tissue inside the tooth. 

Reasons for infection in the tooth can be many ranging from decay or bacteria in the mouth to severe chip or crack in tooth or a dental crown not working properly. Even if you feel that taking out the damaged tooth is more convenient and less time taking than a root canal, it is always better to keep your natural teeth and heal them with a root canal procedure.

But even after a root canal, there are possibilities of re-infection in the same tooth. Let us understand what signs you should look for to know if your root canal is infected and the reasons for infection in a root-canaled tooth.

Warning Signs of Re-Infection in a Root Canal Treated Tooth
Some of the signs and symptoms that your tooth, which has gone through a root canal procedure earlier, has been infected again are outlined below:

  • Ongoing pain in the tooth: If your tooth has acute pain after root canal especially when you bite down then there could be a chance of root canal reinfection. Infected root canals can cause severe pain since the tooth material inside the treated tooth is extremely sensitive. 
  • High sensitivity to food: If you feel immense sensations while eating anything cold or hot and the pain does not go away even after you have finished eating, then you might need to see your dentist to figure out if there is a root canal infection.
  • Swollen gums and tenderness: When the root canal is infected the gum is swollen more than normal. There could be a lump formation and the swelling could extend to the face and neck. The gums would usually be more tender than normal in case of an infected root canal.
  • Foul order: Root canal infection could give off a bad odor from the mouth.

What Can Cause Infection After Root Canal?
There are many reasons to get an infection after a root canal treatment like:

  • A delay in placing a permanent crown on the root-canaled tooth, which adds an extra layer of protection. This delay gives bacteria an opportunity to re-infect the tooth.
  • The original seal on the tooth was not sufficient to ward off bacterial contamination.

There is no reason to fret much if you develop another infection in a tooth that has gone through the root canal process. You can get a second round of root canal done for your tooth. Your dentist might examine your tooth to find out if the problem is more complicated and decide upon whether an apicoectomy (also called root end surgery where the tip of the root is removed and filled with a biocompatible substance) needs to be performed or not.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!

Dental care

Do dental implants shorten your life?

The dental implant is the best alternative to improve the quality of life of many people daily,  extending the life expectancy. 

How can missing teeth reduce life expectancy? 
If you ask any provider, the leading cause of death in the United States is heart disease, and people  who have fewer teeth or have lost five or more teeth are prone to develop it. They might also  increase the risk of osteoporosis and diabetes.  

So what is the correlation between longevity and tooth loss? There is a good chance that a large  number of people develop gum diseases. The bacteria that cause gum disease and eventually tooth  loss slip into the bloodstream affect other vital functions, increasing the risk of heart attack, stroke,  etc. 

How do Dental Implants lead to a longer life? 

  • A capable bite: Research says that dental implants can provide a bite force that leads to a more  varied and nutritious diet. You can use it as natural with more efficiency.
  • Healthy diet: Losing teeth restricts the variety in the diet that eventually leads to malnutrition.  Dental implants increase the capability to chew, bite and enable you to eat anything like crunchy  nuts, meats, raw vegetables, etc.
  • Improve the quality of life: The appearance of the teeth has a substantial impact on confidence  and social life. Social isolation and chronic illnesses are both linked to reducing lifespan.  However, dental implants boost your self-esteem and bring a confident smile.
  • No further tooth loss: With proper care and maintenance, you decrease the chances of losing  more of the natural teeth.
  • Easy maintaining: Taking care of the dental implant is as simple as flossing and brushing.  However, after you get your implant, your dentist will provide you with the best way to take  care of it along with a recovery diet.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!

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What is the downside of dental implants?

Dental implants are prosthetic appliances that act as a replacement for missing teeth. They have been a boon to many millions of people by substituting for natural teeth that may have to be extracted owing to several reasons such as dental decay, trauma, periodontal diseases, and so forth. There are several veritable advantages of dental implants, the first being that they help people eat, speak, and live better. Implants play a pivotal role in building people’s confidence, especially the elderly. But, while talking about dental implants and their advantages, we cannot ignore their various downsides.

Disadvantages of Getting Dental Implants 

  • The first downside of dental implants is their cost. The price of dental implants can soar to as high as $25,000 to $45,000. It is an inaccessible method for people who are not well-off. 
  • The high cost of dental implants is coupled with insurance that covers a minuscule amount of the expenses. Even if dental implants are fixed for medical purposes, insurance agencies cover as little as none of the total procedure cost.
  • Opting for dental implants means consenting to a surgical process. A dental implant is a painful procedure that can take months to complete. 
  • A host of doctors are involved in one single dental implant procedure. As such, the costs are higher, and internal politics may lead to problems. 
  • Despite being a groundbreaking technique, dental implants are not for everyone. People with bone conditions may not be eligible for implants. 
  • Although rare, complications are not non-existent when we talk about dental implants. A fraction of the total proportion of people who get dental implants ends up in difficulties. 

In complications, like everything else in this world, dental implants also have their downsides. But, simultaneously, we have to acknowledge that it is a marvel of modern dentistry that has changed many people’s lives. 

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!

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How Long After Extraction Can You Get an Implant?

Dental implants are prosthetic appliances that have become the ideal process for tooth replacement. They act as an ideal substitute for natural teeth that may be severely damaged, decayed, chipped, or broken due to several reasons. Initially propounded for senior citizens, dental implants are now utilized by the young and the old cohort. Nowadays, the improvement in dental implants has skyrocketed with unique, innovative techniques, high-tech materials, and likewise bombarding the market. Now that we have slightly touched upon the entailments of a dental implant let us try and answer how long one needs to wait to get an implant.

Dental Implants after Extraction
The timeframe of opting for dental implants after teeth extraction varies from case to case. Some people may obtain their permanent restoration in as little as three months after the extraction procedure is complete; whereas, others may take as long as a whole year to heal from the extraction. Simultaneously, it is noteworthy to highlight that you can go for immediate implants after extraction, provided that your jaw contains sufficient bone structure and your gum and jaw tissues are healthy. A process known as osseointegration is utilized to infuse the titanium implant with the jaw bone in 3 to 6 minutes. Another procedure known as early implant placement enables the fixation of dental implants within 2 to 3 months after the tooth is extracted. The process is recommended for people with a missing bone structure, damaged gum and jaw tissues, and similar conditions. 

In conclusion, the typical time you might need to get implants after an extraction is 3 to 6 months. But, as we have already mentioned, the timeframe varies and is highly relative. 

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!

Dental care

Can An Abscess Go Away Without Draining?

A dental abscess is a pocket of pus caused by a bacterial infection of the dental pulp. It is caused when bacterial injection penetrates through the tough enamel and reaches the pulp inside. A tooth abscess is typically formed at the root of a tooth and can affect anyone, from children to adults. Having talked about the basics of tooth abscesses, let us analyze its nitty-gritty.

Is There a Way to Deal with Tooth Abscess Without Draining? 
It is essential to remember that a dental abscess cannot be dealt with without draining. Most dental abscesses are painful, but some can also be painless. It is imperative to visit an endodontist and get the abscess professionally drained in either situation. It is crucial to remember that without professional intervention, a dental abscess can spread to other parts of the body such as the neck, jaw, head, and so forth. Therefore, it would be safe to say that an abscess cannot go away without draining, and instead, the problem is aggravated and starts affecting otherwise healthy parts of the body.

Signs to Identify a Dental Abscess
As we have already mentioned, not all abscesses are painful, and thus, it may be challenging to identify them in the initial stage. But, you can be vigilant and look for specific symptoms that are a sure-shot indicator of dental abscesses.

  1. Redness of gums
  2. Swelling of gums
  3. Fever
  4. Toothache
  5. Tooth sensitivity
  6. A sudden flush of foul-tasting and pungent-smelling liquids in the mouth
  7. Difficulty in breathing or swallowing food

A dental abscess may project clear physical evidence at times and may emerge as a pimple-like phenomenon on the gums. If you observe such an entity, then you have an abscessed tooth.

Therefore, your tooth abscess will not go away without draining or any other professional treatment.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!

Dental care

Can 1 implant replace 2 teeth?

Dental implants are most of the times used for replacing individual teeth however can likewise offer two or multiple teeth replacement options. Such choices incorporate cantilever bridges, implant-supported bridges, and implant-supported partials.

Dental implants choices for patients missing multiple teeth
Contingent on the state of the individual’s gums and jawbone, a single implant can now and then be put to support two adjacent teeth. All the more generally, multiple implants are utilized by anchor fixed bridges or removable partials.

Cantilever bridge 
In the event that a patient needs to replace two adjacent teeth, it is once in a while possible to use one implant with an additional tooth suspended to it. In case the teeth are not adjacent, then, at that point, two implants need to be used.

Implant-supported bridges
An implant-supported bridge can be used to replace at least two more teeth on the same arch. This process includes placing multiple implants to serve as supports for the bridge. Implant-supported bridges have various advantages over traditional fixed bridges:

  • Numerous patients think that they are more comfortable, stable, and durable, with no gum irritation.
  • Patients with the inadequate jawbone to support individual implants can use them.
  • Support from adjacent natural teeth isn’t required.
  • The implants behave like teeth roots so the jawbone is better protected.
  • Since less decay occurs, implant-supported bridges keep up with function and appearance for a longer time.
  • The bridges don’t need to be removed for cleaning or sleeping.
  • No glue is required.

Implant-supported partials
Implant-supported partials function similarly to bridges yet are removable rather than being fixed in place. People who are progressing from traditional partial dentures may find implant-supported partials an easier adjustment than a fixed bridge. This can likewise be a decent option for patients who gnash their teeth at night because they can remove the partial, preserving it from potential damage. They are effective multiple teeth replacement options for people who face challenges in brushing and flossing the teeth because the parts can be removed and cleaned outside of the mouth.

Multiple teeth replacement options in the past concentrated on fixed bridges and partial dentures supported by the patient’s natural teeth. Modern dental implants offer an alternative for patients who do not have the natural teeth to support traditional bridges or who favor the advantages provided by implants. Patients can make their own choices and pick between single implants, implant-supported bridges, and implant-supported partials of course based on their inclination and dental needs.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!

Dental care

Should dentures be kept in water overnight?

The shape of most types of dentures is maintained by keeping them moist. Dentures can be soaked overnight in water or a mild denture-soaking solution. Always clean and soak dentures according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Talk to your dentist about proper denture storage overnight.

Soaking The Dentures
By soaking your dentures overnight, you will not only be able to thoroughly clean them, but you will also be able to store them. When you soak your dentures in denture cleaners, bacteria will be killed. If you are not wearing your dentures, you should soak them in water or a denture cleanser to prevent warping.

Determine how long you can soak your dentures in a cleanser based on the manufacturer’s directions. Sodium hypochlorite or sodium hypochlorite bleach should not be used to soak your dentures for more than 10 minutes.

When your cleanser’s directions don’t recommend soaking your dentures in the solution for a long time, you can soak them in water overnight.

The benefits of soaking your dentures
You should store your dentures in a liquid-filled container at night when you remove them from your mouth. Which liquid do you use? To soak their dentures, many people use tap water or distilled water. You can keep them as clean and functional as possible by regularly soaking them in a cleansing solution. When dentures are not kept moist, they will lose their shape.

The recommended soaking solution for dentures varies depending on the manufacturer. Dentists may even recommend products to help keep your dentures as clean, functional, and shaped as possible. Make sure you ask for recommendations. In the morning, thoroughly rinse your denture after using a denture cleaning solution. Your soft tissues may be irritated by the chemicals in the cleanser.

Your dentures look after you well. As a result, it makes sense to keep them moist and clean every day and night.

Dental care

How long can you wear dentures?

Modern dentures aren’t the same “false teeth” your grandparents wore. They are made with superior materials and processes, so you won’t even notice you’re wearing them. However, do not leave them in. While it may seem like a harmless thing to do, wearing dentures, 24/7 may be detrimental to your health.

How are Prolong Wearing Dentures Harmful?
The constant wear of dentures could worsen bone loss, an issue already associated with dentures and missing teeth. Chewing on natural teeth stimulates the growth of new bone cells to replace the older ones. That stimulation, however, ceases once the teeth are gone. No matter how good the dentures are, bone loss is still a real possibility. 

The added pressure that dentures place on the bony gum ridges that support them can accelerate bone loss. When they are worn all the time, the gums are deprived of any rest, further speeding up the rate of bone loss. In addition to affecting your oral health, bone loss will gradually loosen your dentures’ fit, causing discomfort.

Wearing and Care for Dentures
It may be recommended that you wear them most of the time during the first few days, including while you sleep. As soon as your mouth becomes accustomed to your dentures, it is recommended that you remove them before going to bed. Your gums will benefit from this rest, and your mouth will remain healthy.

Dentures need six to eight hours of rest per day to rest the tissues under them. Many people at night remove dentures, but it can be uncomfortable and embarrassing for some people. You should leave your dentures out to benefit from the natural cleaning process and allow your gums to rest and relax. 

Therefore, if you wear dentures, you might decide to remove them at night while you sleep or during the day. Ensure that they are as clean as possible before you put them in for the night if you can’t take your dentures out overnight. If you feel that you can’t take them out overnight, make sure you soak them and clean them thoroughly in the evening. To make sure all bacteria accumulated overnight is removed, you must clean your dentures first thing in the morning.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!

Dental care

Can you tell if someone wears dentures?

When your dentures are loose, it is easy to tell you are wearing dentures. In most cases, you won’t be able to tell that someone is wearing dentures if you have well-fitting dentures that are professionally made, are regularly cleaned, and fit well. Today, with the continuous advancement of medical technology, you may not be able to detect whether someone is wearing false teeth, thanks to the advancement in medical technology.

Do dentures alter your appearance?
False teeth can generally improve a person’s appearance, which is good news for them. Having a dental appliance will give you a perfect smile by replacing broken, chipped, missing, or rotten teeth. With your mouth and cheeks sinking in a little without teeth to hold them in place, your face will fill out depending on how many teeth you replaced with dentures.

What is it like to wear dentures?
Your mouth should not feel foreign when you wear false teeth. If the plates holding your false teeth had been manufactured properly, the shape of both your jaw and gum line would match perfectly. The first time you wear a denture, it may take a bit of getting used to; however, false teeth are designed to replace your natural teeth, so they should not cause discomfort or make eating or speaking difficult.

The appearance of dentures is affected greatly by the care and maintenance they receive. As long as dentures aren’t stained by foods and beverages or not cleaned regularly, they shouldn’t be visible to the naked eye. In some cases, dentures simply do not look right – they may make your teeth appear bigger and more prominent. The quality of the dentures and the workmanship of the dentist determine whether or not this is an issue.

One of the major challenges of wearing dentures is having them look realistic. Thankfully, modern dentistry has made technological advances that have provided the solution for this problem.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!

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Are permanent dentures better than temporary?

A beautiful smile can indeed make a great first impression. According to a recent study, people are more likely to notice other people’s teeth before anything else on their faces. In contrast, a missing teeth mouth will make for a bad first impression, so if you have a few missing teeth or more, you can consider dentures. Dentures fall into two categories: temporary and permanent. 

Temporary Vs. Permanent Dentures
Temporary Dentures: A temporary denture is often worn before oral surgery or another dental procedure. A dental implant can be secured, and other teeth cannot shift or encroach on the space. Often, these dentures are not the most comfortable option, and they need to be replaced later with permanent ones. 

Permanent Dentures: In general, permanent dentures are a more comfortable and better fit than temporary options and can typically last for years without further adjustments. Despite being more expensive, permanent dentures offer a better fit and better durability. You can also maintain better oral hygiene with permanent dentures since they leave less room for bacteria to grow.

Which is better?
The temporary denture is most commonly used by patients who recently had tooth extraction surgery. Because temporary dentures are custom-made before surgery, it’s hard to know exactly how your mouth will look after removing the teeth. Dental problems such as gum disease, pain, irritation, and infection can result from this condition.

Fortunately, permanent dentures do not have this issue, as they can only be molded to your gums when they have healed. The dentist can then create a custom fit that is just right for your mouth. In most cases, permanent dentures won’t cause irritation, infection, or tooth decay as long as they’re taken care of properly. Because permanent dentures are made to fit you, they can last a lifetime unless drastic changes in your mouth.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!

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What Causes Protruding Teeth in Adults?

Protruding teeth, also known as ‘buck teeth,’ is a common dental condition many people face. Buck teeth lower the confidence of many people and alleviate the overall quality of life. Although protruding teeth are associated with few health complications, many people desire to correct them because of their aesthetically displeasing characteristics. But, fortunately, various treatments are available to restore protruding teeth among adults. Let us look at the multiple causes of buck teeth. 

Top 5 Causes of Protruding Teeth among Adults
There may be various causes for protruding teeth, and some of the most common ones are:

  1. Tongue-thrusting: Protruding teeth can be a consequence of the tongue pressing too far forward in the mouth, which results in malocclusion. If you are unaware, malocclusion is the imperfect positioning of the teeth and includes an overbite or open bite. It is noteworthy to highlight that tongue thrusting is caused by chronically swollen adenoids or tonsils, poor swallowing habits, stress, and unconventional sleeping habits. At times, when a child aggressively sucks their thumb during childhood, it can manifest as protruding teeth during adult life.
  2. Jaw Tumors and Cysts: Although very rare, cysts and malignant tumors inside the mouth can cause the teeth to move and result in protrusion or buck teeth.
  3. Periodontal Diseases: Several periodontal diseases can also cause protruding teeth as a result of bone loss and loss of stability. Gum or periodontal diseases can mobilize the teeth, cause them to drift apart, and start the protrusion of elongation.
  4. Missing Teeth, Extra Teeth, or Damaged Teeth: Another essential cause of buck teeth or protruding teeth is the spacing or crowding in the mouth. Missing teeth may also cause the remaining teeth to shift over time, causing protrusion. Lastly, extra teeth can result in misalignment issues.
  5. Genetics: Another common cause of protruding teeth is genetics. Some people are born with an uneven jaw or mismatched sizing of the upper or lower jaw, and so forth. Although genetics play a vital role in malocclusion, most of it does not become apparent till adulthood. The usual treatment of genetic protruding of teeth includes orthodontic treatment during childhood or adolescents. At times, surgery may also become necessary.

Now that we have talked about the various causes of protruding teeth to buck teeth among adults, let us examine a few common treatments available to correct the condition. 

Treatments for Protruding Teeth

  • Opting for braces is one of the standards and fruitful methods of dealing with protruding teeth. Nowadays, invisible braces are also available so that you can get your protruding teeth corrected without people even noticing. 
  • Aligners are also an excellent reversal treatment to adjust the placement of the teeth. Aligners also have an invisible look, and you can use them to deal with buck teeth effectively. 

Therefore, the causes of protruding teeth or buck teeth are primarily genetic and natural; there are also a variety of treatments to deal with the condition. 

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!

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Teeth Names: Shape and Function of Four Types of Teeth

We all know that teeth are an integral part of human anatomy. They are the strongest parts of the human body and are composed of proteins and minerals like collagen and calcium. The purpose of teeth is to chew foods and facilitate better consumption. In addition, the teeth coupled with the tongue also assist us to speak more fluently. Another interesting facet of human teeth is that they are of four varied types – each having a typical appearance and job. The shape and morphology of the different teeth types depend on their function. The main reason why humans have four different kinds of teeth is that as a species, humans are omnivorous and hence require different types of teeth to handle both plant-based items and meat. Now that we have talked about the fundamentals of human teeth, let us examine its four types, their shape, and function.

Types of Human Teeth
To begin with, human adults have 32 teeth which are known as permanent teeth or secondary teeth. On the contrary, children merely have 20 teeth which we term as milk teeth or primary teeth. It is essential to mention that the first milk teeth of babies erupt when they are between the age of 6 to 12 months. Likewise, adult humans have all their permanent teeth in place by the age of 21. 

  1. Incisors: Alternately known as ‘Cutting Teeth,’ incisors are located at the center of the dental arch – the front part of the mouth. There exist four incisors in the upper human jaw and four on the lower. The shape of incisors is like small chisels. They are flat and broad and have a shovel-like structure. The primary function of incisors is to aid the mastication process – eating and biting food into chewable pieces and moving them inwards.
  2. Canines: Also called Cuspids, canines are located next to the incisors, with two on the top of the mouth and two on the bottom. The primordial function of canines is to rip and tear tough foods like meat. 
  3. Premolars: They are also called Bicuspids and are found adjacent to the canines, towards the back of the mouth. Humans have eight premolars, two on either side of the mouth and in the upper and lower jaw, respectively. The primary function of premolars is the crushing of foods before they are transferred to the molars for the final grinding. The morphology of premolars is an amalgamation of canines and molars. 
  4. Molars: Humans have 12 molars which are the biggest and the strongest among all the teeth types. We can find them at the back of the dental arch. The massive surface area of molars facilitates the grinding up of food. The molars break the food into small pieces. Making it small enough to swallow. Furthermore, the molars also comprise four wisdom teeth, which are the last set of teeth to erupt in human adults. Wisdom teeth usually come in place between the ages of 17 to 21. At times, some people do not have enough space in their mouths to erupt wisdom teeth. In such a context, they are stuck inside the gums and removed through professional intervention.

All four types of teeth are meticulously designed to make the mastication process seamless and help us live healthier and better lives. Indeed, the human dental system is a marvel in its own way.

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!

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Benefits of Cosmetic Dental Bonding

A set of perfectly white teeth are a dream for many people. THis can be proved by the fact that even the slightest of imperfections can make us feel conscious. During such dire times, cosmetic dentistry treatments are here for the rescue. But, often, we tend to view them as inaccessible, expensive, and intrusive. But, dental bonding is a cosmetic dentistry technique that is easy and affordable. Before hopping on to the benefits of cosmetic dental bonding, let us analyze what dental bonding is in the first place. 

Dental Bonding – A Brief Overview

We can define dental bonding as a cosmetic procedure that can cover and repair imperfections of the teeth. A tooth-colored resin is applied over the damaged tooth to produce an attractive look. Dental bonding is a straightforward process that we can use as an alternative to veneers and dental crowns. 

Dental bonding can be used in case of the following situations:

  • To restore a cracked or chipped tooth
  • To make a tooth look bigger by building up its sides
  • To fill in minor tooth gaps
  • To lengthen a tooth that is short
  • Whiten a stained or discolored tooth

Now, let us understand the various benefits of dental bonding.

Benefits Of Dental Bonding

  • It is a quick procedure that takes about 20 minutes.
  • It is painless and does not require sedation dentistry.
  • The composite resin is applied in layers over the damaged tooth. After that, it is hardened during a special light and then polished for future protection.
  • Dental bonding is one of the most straightforward and most non-intrusive methods of correcting imperfect teeth.
  • It is affordable as compared to veneers and other dental treatments.
  • Less tooth enamel is removed in the process of dental bonding.
  • Dental bonding immaculately matches your natural teeth, and the results are excellent.
  • The binding material is solid and durable.

Therefore, if you are not willing to commit to veneers or other intrusive dental treatments, then opting for dental bonding can indeed be the right choice for you.

Ways To Take Care Of Your Teeth After Dental Bonding

Acknowledging that dental bonding is a simple process, you don’t have to dramatically change your dental hygiene routine. Your usual oral hygiene habits will help you maintain a robust and appealing cosmetic bonding for years on end. Nevertheless, there are few extra steps that you can take to keep your dental bonding for prolonged periods.

It can get discolored by dark and staining beverages such as tea, coffee, red wine, and so forth. So, it is essential to control the consumption of such drinks and also brush and floss regularly. Dental bonds are not as strong as natural teeth. So, it is necessary not to put extra pressure on them. But otherwise, dental bonding is an excellent cosmetic dentistry technique for minor imperfections on your teeth. If you want whiter, brighter, and perfect teeth, you can easily opt for dental bonding. 

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!

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What You Should Know About Complete Dentures

Dentures are a standard apparatus used to either replace missing teeth or any loss of functionality. Dentures come in different varieties, and your dentist will choose the correct one for you based on your needs. You may be given partial dentures or recommended dental bridges or replace your entire set of teeth with complete dentures.

Since each option has different functionality, costs, and appearances, you need to know which type of denture is right for you before making the final decision.

What are Complete Dentures, And Who Would Need Them?

Complete dentures are prosthetic devices that give full oral coverage. They replace an entire set of missing teeth. You would go for complete dentures if:

  • A full arch of teeth has been removed.
  • You cannot go for dental implants because of either financial constraints or dental professionals have deemed them inappropriate for you due to some medical complications. A medically compromised situation makes you unfit for surgeries or can cause other damages like affecting nerves, maxillary sinuses, vessels, etc.
  • You have intraoral cancer, due to which you have lost gross intraoral tissue, which has resulted in an edentulous dental arch. In such a scenario, a complete denture would replace teeth and help fill parts of missing nerves, for example, hard palate, nasopharynx, etc.

Different Kinds Of Complete Dentures

Complete dentures come in a variety of forms, as indicated below:

  • Conventional Complete Dentures – These dentures are created with acrylic resin, and their retention is dependent on saliva, alveolar ridge, and other supporting structures.
  • Immediate Complete Dentures – These dentures are delivered as soon as all teeth of an arch are removed. This denture helps the healing process by remodeling the underlying ridge to the insides of the denture. This type of complete denture might need periodic realignment as the underlying tissues keep getting healed and remodeled. Mostly after six months of immediate dentures, a set of new conventional complete dentures would be recommended by your dental surgeon.
  • Overdentures – These dentures are used when two or more roots have been salvaged and stabilized. They can also go over dental implants placed on your teeth. The overdentures might need locator attachments to be secured within the remaining roots or dental implants. Overdentures are supposed to improve retention. With dental implants and roots helping to preserve bones, the added retention due to overdentures is better than what the traditional complete dentures alone can provide.
  • Metal-based dentures – These dentures are made of metal which is placed on the tissue-bearing side. Metal provides better conduction of heat from food which increases pleasure during food intake. These dentures also provide a better fit and added weight which helps to keep the lower denture (mandibular) in place.

Good-looking teeth not only make you feel confident but also give you better chewing and masticating power. If you lost your teeth for some reason, dentures are a great alternative to explore to preserve the look and function of your mouth. Based on your needs, your dentist will suggest the appropriate denture type.

Book an Appointment to find out which treatment might be best for you.

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What’s the best toothpaste for braces?

We all aspire to possess sparkly, symmetrical, and aligned teeth. But, not everyone is naturally blessed with perfect pearly whites. It is noteworthy to mention that technology has been a moon when it comes to dental intervention. Nowadays, anyone can attain their ideal set of teeth within concise time frames. Using braces is the most typical method of correcting teeth malformation and misalignment. But, managing and taking proper care of braces may be tricky, and we have to be careful of our daily oral hygiene habits. Toothpaste is a fundamental part of our daily dental regimen and plays a crucial role in our overall oral health. But, braces can make things a little complicated. Let us find out which toothpaste works best with braces and why.

The perfect braces-toothpaste combination

The fact is that there is no Holy Grail toothpaste that we can use while wearing braces. Unless prescribed by an orthodontist, we can look for a toothpaste tube that ticks off the usual boxes. Toothpaste containing an optimal concentration of fluoride should be your first choice. It is an ingredient that protects our precious enamel and fights cavities. Fluoride reduces the probability of tooth decay around areas where the braces are in contact with the teeth. The lack of fluoride from our dental care may increase the vulnerability to caries.

White teeth are very desirable, and we may lean towards whitening toothpaste to achieve them. But, the general consensus is not to use them when using braces. The gritty content of whitening toothpaste, like charcoal-based toothpaste, comes in contact with only specific parts of the teeth that are not veiled by braces. The consequent result may be uneven tooth color, with the color being whiter in areas where the braces are not attached and vice-versa. Furthermore, charcoal-activated toothpaste and charcoal powder can be messy, and it may require some effort to remove all the traces of the black toothpaste or powder from the teeth and braces. Thus, a better solution is to wait till the braces are removed and then use whitening toothpaste.

Braces may cause some irritation and discomfort in the mouth. Thus, using moisturizing toothpaste becomes essential. Lastly, it is imperative to opt for a toothpaste tube or brand recommended by dentists or authorized dental associations.

Dental care with braces

While wearing braces, it is vital to take extra care of our teeth and mouth. The added effort is necessary because the surface area for plaque and tartar formation dramatically increases when using braces. The increase is because food may be trapped in between the nooks and crannies of the dentures.

We must brush our teeth post every meal – it is the best way to take care of the braces-clad teeth. Furthermore, meticulous strokes to reach every corner of the braces become crucial are significant. We can also utilize a gentle mouthwash along with dental flossing to help remove food particles and tartar. Furthermore, avoiding too many sugary foods like candies and teeth staining agents like coffee, tea, wine, etc., is also essential to prevent cavities and discoloration.

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What can I use instead of toothpaste?

Your toothpaste might not be as harmless as you think it is. From artificial sweeteners to chemicals that break down the teeth’s protective layer, there are several harmful aspects associated with its usage. If you have decided to give up using toothpaste for good or just want to switch things up, there are several alternatives that are healthier and produce the same results.

Now that you have finally decided to ditch the commercial toothpaste, here are some natural alternatives that work just as well without exposing your teeth to harmful chemicals.

Baking Soda
You might have heard about this already. Baking soda is a commonly used ingredient in teeth whitening and cleaning. You can brush your teeth using baking soda mixed with water.

Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is an ingredient that provides several benefits to your body, from improving the quality of your hair to your skin. It can also be used along with baking soda as a substitute for toothpaste. Other oils like sesame and sunflower can also be used for oil pulling to keep your teeth clean.

Sea salt
Another effective substitute for toothpaste is sea salt. Sea salt can effectively clean all parts of your mouth and keep it free of harmful bacteria. Make sure that you dilute it with water before using it so as to avoid abrasion of the teeth.

Essential oils
Essential oils like peppermint, cinnamon and eucalyptus can work wonders for your oral health. Use a couple of drops of essential oil mixed in water for cleansing your teeth, and you will get an observable improvement in your teeth’s shine and health.

Hydrogen Peroxide
One of the popular ingredients used for cleaning teeth is hydrogen peroxide. It helps fight off the bacteria present in the mouth and also keep the teeth spotlessly clean. Hydrogen peroxide should also be diluted before using it as an alternative for toothpaste. It should be noted that hydrogen peroxide should not be used in case you have artificial fillings.

Natural Soaps
Natural soaps that are used to clean the body can also help in cleaning your teeth and keeping them free of bacteria. You can go for flavors like peppermint to avoid getting a soapy taste in your mouth after brushing.

It is important that you thoroughly rinse your mouth after using any of these natural ingredients instead of your toothpaste. There are several other substitutes that can help you move on from conventional toothpaste and keep your teeth clean and healthy.  Some herbal tooth powders are also available commercially. These generate results like toothpaste without putting your health at risk. You can learn more about ways to properly care for your teeth by visiting your dentist regularly. Getting your oral health checked routinely is extremely crucial. Make sure that you book an appointment with the dentist to find out how healthy and safe your teeth are and if you require updating your oral care routine.

Book an Appointment to find out which treatment might be best for you.

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All about dentin It’s function and importance

A smile is the prettiest thing you can wear. Now imagine yourself smiling; you wouldn’t want your teeth to look yellow. Do you? Our teeth comprise the outer hard enamel, The dentin underneath the enamel, The dental pulp that lies soft and encased within the dentin, and The cementum that lies over the dentin and helps attach the tooth to the jaw.

What is dentin?

The soft portion between the enamel and pulp is called dentin. They are formed from the odontoblasts of the pulp’s uppermost layer. It initially forms pre-dentin, which then matures into dentin.

Dentin is classified into two categories, the primary, the upper part of dentin near the enamel; the secondary, the part that is in contact with the cementum; and the tertiary, the one that forms when enamel corrodes.

Dentin’s function

Its primary function is to support the structure of enamel. Due to it’s softer texture than enamel, it helps in absorbing the pressure from eating. It is responsible for transferring the impulses from the enamel to the pulp, where the nerve ending in the pulp would receive the signals. It also acts as cushioning for the pulps.

Dentin and Decay

The moment we look at someone, we judge the health of their teeth based on its color. We know yellow would imply unhealthy teeth, and black or grey would indicate a cavity. Most of us would understand that Enamel degradation has a significant role in our teeth’ yellow coloring. When the top layer of teeth, enamel degrades, dentin’s layer would be visible. This dentin gives teeth a yellowish color. That’s the reason unhealthy teeth are associated with discoloration. The unveiling of dectin causes the teeth to be brittle; the edges of teeth would become rougher as enamel erodes. Moreover, dentin exposure would cause a condition, namely Dentin hypersensitivity.

What is Dentin hypersensitivity?

Dentin hypersensitivity is the condition due to dentin exposure to thermal, chemical, or osmotic stimuli, thereby causing extreme sensitivity and pain. It is one of the most reported dental issues. As the enamel corrodes due to cavity or acid imbalances, the dentin is exposed to various stimuli, and disparity in pH may cause sensitivity. Dentin is 70% mineral, 20 % organic matter, and 10% water, unlike enamel, 45 % mineral, 34 % organic matter, and 21 % water. The mineral that makes up dentin is called hydroxyapatite, which will not demineralize as much as enamel when it undergoes an acid challenge. The bulk loss of a layer is relatively much lesser in the case of dectin. This is also the reason why it is regenerative. But there is a negligible amount of dectin loss due to frictional forces.

The dentin contains tubules of cells and fluid. This gives the dentin a degree of permeability, which can increase painful sensations and accelerate the progression of tooth decay. As the pain and sensitivity affect one a lot, the consumption of hot and cold eatables would hurt.

Care and Prevention

As mentioned above, dectin is regenerative, but bacterial growth should be in control. To achieve that oral hygiene is the only solution. Coarse tooth brushing, Grinding of teeth, The overuse of abrasive agents for tooth whitening, Accumulation of plaque should be avoided. In Gum recession, fractured teeth, or any other dental problem, visit the doctor. Also, a regular appointment with the dentist would be helpful.

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What is the difference between the different types of dentures?

You could lose teeth because of many reasons such as periodontal disease, tooth extraction, ageing, facial injury, poor oral care, etc. With missing teeth, your facial muscles sag over time. So one needs dentures to fill out the facial profile. Dentures are also a necessity for people with missing teeth as it helps them eat, chew, and speak normally.

A denture is a man-made removable set of teeth that you can put in place of your missing teeth. In this article, we will find out about all the different types of dentures and what differentiates them.

Types of Dentures
The common types of dentures are listed below:

  • Complete or full dentures – These are traditional dentures that are suitable for a person who is missing all his teeth. These are removable replacements for the entire set of teeth. They are of two types:
  • Conventional – These dentures sit on top of the gums and are typically placed 8-12 weeks after the teeth have either been removed or extracted.
  • Immediate – These are made in advance and can be put in position as soon as the teeth are removed. These dentures require more adjustments as the bones and gums shrink during the healing period.
  • Partial Dentures – These dentures are used for patients who still have a few of their natural teeth intact. Partial dentures prevent the other teeth from moving.
  • Partial removable denture – This is a good option for those who prefer removable dentures. The denture consists of a gum-coloured plastic base that is attached to a metal framework that keeps the denture in place.
  • Partial Fixed dentures – These dentures are non-removable.
  • Implant-Supported Dentures – These are useful for those who need added retention because of bone loss. In these, a dental implant is used to support dentures stay securely in the mouth. The denture gives a lot of support for anchorage and a solid foundation. These implants look natural and blend without being conspicuous and last long.
  • Snap-in Dentures – Snap-in dentures provide maximum stability amongst other dentures. They use dental implants or anchors to stay securely in place onto the existing teeth. They are unique because of the locator attachments that are embedded onto the tissue side of the denture. These locator attachments can snap into the locator receptors or dental implants. They are extremely convenient and removable. Snap-in dentures are used for patients who do not have any teeth, but their bones are strong enough to support an implant.
  • Custom Dentures – These dentures are more expensive as they are made from more expensive teeth and give you a more natural-looking smile. These dentures are customized to suit your mouth and facial structure.
  • Overdentures – It is a removable denture that sits on top of the gums. It is supported by dental implants and can be placed on either the upper or lower jaw, as needed by an individual.
  • Economy Dentures – These are cost-effective dentures but very generic and do not usually fit comfortably or securely in the mouth. They also look fake and require denture adhesive to make them fit more securely.

Book Appointment to find out which treatment might be best for you.

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What is Linea Alba?

A very common condition that people experience is a white line on the inner side of their cheek. This is known as Linea Alba in medical terms. You might have come across this lining while brushing your teeth. Since this condition does not cause any pain, you do not have to worry about it. But what causes this white line? Think of it as a callous formed in your cheek. People who have a habit of biting their cheek are more likely to develop this condition.

Linea Alba is a condition in which the inner tissue of your cheek, also known as buccal mucosa hardens. This results in the formation of a white ridge in the pink tissue of your cheek. This hardening is due to the deposition of a material called keratin. The main reason behind this condition is the friction between the teeth and the soft layer of the cheeks. The condition in itself does not lead to any major discomfort or pain but needs to be managed to ensure that it does not get thicker over time.


Just like your fingers develop calluses when you play an instrument like guitar frequently, a similar callus is formed in your cheek with repeated biting and grinding. The condition could be a result of any of these:

  • If your teeth are uneven and they constantly grind or slide against each other.
  • People with dentures that rub against each other may also experience this condition.
  • Wearing orthodontic gear could lead to the formation of this white line.
  • People who brush or floss too hard and too much may end up with Linea Alba as well.
  • If you have a habit of clenching your jaw too hard, you could be at risk of developing this white line.

Biting into the hard-line will only make it thicker. Therefore, you need to stay away from biting into the cheeks if you have Linea Alba.


As long as you do not further bite into your cheeks and disturb the line, you would not have a problem. If you have a habit of grinding your teeth, you need to get rid of it to prevent this ridge from forming. If the problem is arising due to dentures, get them adjusted by a professional to prevent them from rubbing against each other. You need to break the habit of chewing into your cheek as it will worsen the situation for you.

While this condition is not exactly harmful, you still need to get it checked by a dentist. They can ensure that the line is actually Linea Alba and not any other harmful condition like canker sores. Some conditions like leukoplakia that resemble this white line are actually quite dangerous. Therefore, you need to be sure that the white line is just a hardened layer of keratin. If you have recently discovered this white line, get the opinion of your dentist as soon as you can.

Book an Appointment to find out which treatment might be best for you.

Dental care

How to Stop a Child from Grinding Their Teeth at Night; Tooth Decay and its Perils

“Oh! How horrified I felt that day when my son was in great pain. He couldn’t sleep all night.” When I asked his mother for knowing the reason behind the chronic pain in his teeth, she told me that Sam’s habit of chewing gum and frequent grinding of a molar tooth is behind it.

“As a father, I didn’t sleep that night and tried to avail online-consultation from the best dentist, but even this slight effort went in vain because the effect of pain took an entire night to go away.”

This is the plight of many parents who are experiencing their kids losing their teeth. This is due to gradual decay and damage that happens because of bad oral habits.

Why do kids clinch their teeth?

  • Most kids are habitual of grinding and clenching the upper jaw or lower jaw tooth when the food particles get stuck at it. Owing to a vulnerable age and being a bit lazy, they perceive that grinding of the tooth deposited with food particles might let it go away. Perhaps this is the point where decaying of tooth and tooth pain emerges from this cause.
  • In terms of medical sciences, Bruxism is the name given to teeth grinding that causes several oral health complications.

Reasons of Why Kids Grind their teeth

  • In most adults, teeth grinding occurs due to anxiety and stress, but what it has to do with kids, because their life is carefree.
  • Many reputed dental organizations have found that kids below 12 years of age grind their teeth because of the abnormal bite or crooked teeth.
  • If your kid doesn’t sleep early at night and as a parent, if you have observed the disoriented pattern in his sleeping hours, then it might be the reason for causing sleep disorder.
  • It is often assumed that kids grind their teeth while sleeping.

How To Find If Your Child Grinds Their Teeth?

  • From the facts inscribed in the medical sciences, it has become quite evident that grinding usually occurs during sleep. Most kids aren’t even aware that to reduce/remove pain, they grind their teeth.
  • In a few cases, children have shown early symptoms of Bruxism. For example, when children wake-up feeling a constant headache or find soreness in their jaws.
  • Children are often told by their mothers or siblings that they grind their teeth as they hear the grinding at night.
  • If you have been hearing the echo of grinding, then consult a dentist before it’s too late. It is crucial to early diagnosis and examination of mouth and jaws, and for analyzing the effects of Bruxism like jaw tenderness and excessive wear on teeth. This could save a child’s teeth from getting fixed with root canals.

Is Teeth Grinding Worrisome or Merely An Acute Pain?

  • From the dental facts, it is revealed that fracturing of the teeth structure or even loss of the molar tooth is the impact of teeth grinding.
  • The frequent grinding of teeth causes chronic pain responsible for wearing teeth down to stumps. During the time of occurrence of these events, bridges, crowns, dental implants, and even root canals to fix the teeth’s structure from further disorientation.
  • Besides, loosening the tooth, grinding damages the jaws and often affects the appearance of the face too.

How to Combat and Limit Teeth Grinding

  • Avail a mouth guard for your kid because it will protect your tiny tot’s teeth from getting ground further during sleep.
  • For some time, avoid giving your kids all those foods and drinks that contain caffeine like colas, chocolate, and coffee.
  • Stop your child from chewing on pencils, pens, or even nails because only then the jaw muscles of your child would not use more clenching.
  • There is another alternative that can prove more helpful in easing the pain of the loss of teeth.

To accurately diagnose your child’s dental issues, always consult your nearest dentist and take timely care of your child.

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Dental care

Do Horseshoe Dentures Work?

When you think of having dentures, you imagine the most common ones, consisting of an acrylic-pink palette covering your natural gums. Although they are an appropriate option to go for, having a whole set of teeth without having proper sensation as your gums are covered doesn’t make you feel too good about it. Horseshoe or Implant-Retained dentures can help you have both a natural look and sense receptors, which you don’t get to experience with other dentures due to the palette. There are various complications associated with the traditional dentures that make the horseshoe dentures even more desirable.

You might still have false teeth with horseshoe dentures, but you will have a more natural look in terms of gum sensation and taste buds that will make your food taste much better.

Now before we review the working of these dentures, let us also discuss what Horseshoe dentures precisely are. And how do they exactly fit into your mouth? Over time, the demand for horseshoe dentures has been increasingly high due to its stability and comfort factors.

What are Horseshoe dentures?

Implant-Retained Dentures or Horseshoe Dentures are the dentures that clip onto your dental implants, rather than leaning onto your gums. These are securely clipped on your gums, enabling you to have stronger and steady teeth. However, you have to remove them while cleaning. Implant-retained dentures take a while to set, yet are the most affordable solution for your denture difficulties.

Horseshoe Dentures Paired with Dental Implants

Usually, Horseshoe dentures are of a horseshoe shape for it to appear less bulky. They rest on the gums in the upper as well as the lower denture. Additionally, setting the implant-retained dentures on the upper denture demands an added number of dental implants juxtaposed to the lower denture for proper support. All the dentures need an acrylic palette to snap on to the jaws, whereas implant-retained dentures use dental implants for preventing the denture from knocking out of place. The reason behind it is that the dental implants clip into the jawbone, which gives the dentures its stability.

Moreover, due to its specific shape, it eradicates the need to have an acrylic palette capping the gums. The most significant advantage of this is having natural gums and its sensations without letting you be concerned about the artificial teeth. Besides the natural and steady look, another benefit that makes the horseshoe dentures stand out is that you can remove it for cleaning or while sleeping.

These are extremely helpful in the process of teeth loss because as the jawbones get weaker, you begin losing your teeth, and the only alternative you are left with is wearing a denture. Dental implants not just make the dentures feel comfortable but also protect your jawbones from any further bone density loss.

Concluding this, dental implants can make the procedure of horseshoe dentures comfortable and get rid of the difficulties that you encounter following teeth loss or with using other kinds of dentures.

Visit your dentist to get proper advice on dentures.

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Dental care

How to Inculcate Healthy Oral Habits in Children?

Good habits are inculcated best when they start early! And what could be essential than making your kids adopt a healthy oral hygiene routine? Making them understand how important a healthy mouth is at a young age, makes sure that they always maintain oral health throughout their lives.

Here are some of the things children can do, right from their earliest days in order to inculcate a healthy habit of maintaining regularized oral hygiene.

  • Use Video/ Reading Material:Teaching something becomes much more efficient when you are having additional support of audio/visual aids. These help you in accelerating the process of learning for your kids. These interactive measures can help you understand how your child will learn the benefits of keeping their oral hygiene maintained and in its upkeep.
  1. Let Them Learn by Example: The best way to learn is by setting the right example. When you set a precedent for your children, they will follow suit with you. The best way is to brush and floss with them so that they can see the right way to do it. They will also learn the importance of doing the same when they see you do it and enjoy the whole process altogether.
  2. Warn Them About the Potential Risk: The best stories that worked for kids, were the ones that had a clear good guy- bad guy anecdote. So when teaching kids the goodness of maintaining oral health, it is necessary to let them know about the flip side, when they don’t pay attention to their teeth. Although, let them enjoy brushing and flossing and don’t make it an activity they undertake out of fear. Therefore, learn to strike a balance.
  3. Take One Thing at a Time: There are so many steps that are to be undertaken while taking care of your oral health. Take your time in teaching the procedure and importance of each step patiently. Start from brushing and then go on to flossing, each of these is imperative hence, making the child understand each is important.
  4. Try Different Things for Toddlers and Different for Older Children: When your child is in the age group of 2-3 years, you need to try specific techniques with them. Use very soft-bristled brushes. Taking smaller steps, you need to maintain at least brushing twice-a-day routine. When it comes to older kids, use the same soft-bristled brushes that you need to replace every three months. Likewise, make sure that you make appointments with a dental health practitioner at least twice a year for your kids
  •  Use Effective Rewards: Kids enjoy nothing more than being given rewards for good behavior. Rewards not only leads them to follow those practices but also helps in giving them positive reinforcement to continue those practices in life.

As they say, learning as a child is learning for life. So why should you let your oral health lag behind? If you have little kids, this is the right time to get them habitual to good oral health care routines. Make sure that you follow a schedule every day and you help them with it. Let it be the start to a great, shining, and radiant smile all their lives.

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Dental care

Is your child getting enough fluoride?

Fluoride is the best way to prevent the development of cavities in your child. This mineral works like magic in fighting against harmful bacteria in the mouth, which may lead to the formation of plaque. Tooth decay or cavities can be painful and troublesome, especially for children. To save your child from this ordeal, make sure that they are getting an adequate amount of fluoride. It is a mineral with excellent benefits to you and your child’s health. Commonly found in soil, water and many food items, it is also incorporated in toothpaste, mouthwashes, etc.

Monitoring the amount of fluoride your child gets can go a long way in ensuring good dental health. Its main job is to provide strength to the enamel, which in turn prevents the development of cavities in teeth. It additionally reverses any damage that has already happened to your child’s teeth.

Sources of fluoride:

Fluoride is derived naturally from water, air and soil. It can also be found in certain food items. Consuming water added with fluoride can prevent and reverse many signs of tooth decay in both children and adults. Children can get adequate fluoride just from using the right toothpaste and mouthwash. Supplements of fluoride are also prescribed by healthcare professionals in case of its deficiency.

How to know that your child is getting enough fluoride:

The only way to know that your child is getting enough fluoride is to regulate the amount. Too much fluoride is just as harmful as too little.

Many countries add fluoride to their drinking water. This prevents the development of cavities or tooth decay in young children. Pick fluoride-containing toothpaste for your child. Make sure that they do not swallow it, as this can prompt difficulties in their oral health and wellbeing.

If your child consumes fluoride-free bottled water, they might be at risk of tooth decay. It has been observed that young children who drink bottled water develop more cavities than those who drink water containing fluoride.

Excess of fluoride can lead to a condition known as dental fluorosis in young children. Using high doses of fluoride when the teeth are still forming inside the gum can lead to their discoloration. This can be seen as several white spots on the teeth. To prevent this, ensure that the children do not swallow the toothpaste and only use minute quantities while brushing.

Fluoride is extremely vital in maintaining good dental health. To keep track of whether your child is getting enough fluoride through their toothpaste, visit a dentist. They can make sure that no cavities are developing and the enamel of your child’s teeth is healthy and intact.

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Dental care

What is the masticatory system?

Out of many functional systems that exist in a human body, the masticatory system controls the process of chewing, swallowing and speaking. Broadly speaking, it comprises the jaw, teeth, temporomandibular joints, lips, cheeks and masticatory muscles.

Mastication, which is known as chewing in layman terms, is the process of breaking down the food particles into smaller pieces which makes it easier for the enzymes to act on them. This enzyme further causes the chemical breakdown of the food. The chewed food is turned into a bolus after mixing with saliva, which makes swallowing easier. It is a vital automatic movement that ensures that the body can easily digest the consumed food to generate energy.

Parts of the Masticatory System

The masticatory system can be divided into three broad categories, each with a separate function.

  • The teeth – Humans have a set of 32 permanent teeth. These are made up of enamel which is the covering of the crown, cementum which comprises the roots, the inner layer of dentin and the pulp which has all the nerves and blood vessels. Teeth perform the main task of tearing the food particles into smaller pieces.
  • Periodontium – It comprises the gums or gingivae, jawbone and a cushiony periodontal membrane. The function performed by periodontium is holding the teeth in place to ensure easy chewing.
  • Articulatory system – This comprises the muscles of mastication, temporomandibular joints and occlusion. The masticatory muscles include masseter, temporalis, medial and lateral pterygoid. These muscles control the movement while the TMJ makes it possible for chewing to occur. Occlusion or how the teeth are arranged concerning each other is responsible for the grinding of food.

Role of the Masticatory System

This system aids in the first step of digestion. In the absence of this process, the food will have to be swallowed as a whole which would make the process of digestion or complete breakdown of food extremely difficult.

It is also relevant in the field of prosthodontics. The dental restorations are designed as per the chewing habits of the individual. This ensures that they can chew properly even after restoration.

The process of mastication is rhythmic. The opening and closing of the jaw make chewing possible. The lower brainstem regulates this rhythmic movement. The process can be fastened, slowed or even stopped voluntarily.

Disorders of the Masticatory System

Some of the major physiological problems associated with the masticatory system include-

  • Limited ability to open the mouth
  • Facial or ear pain
  • Headaches
  • Jaw joint noises
  • Pain in jaw joints
  • Pain in muscles of mastication

The masticatory system is thus a crucial part of the body that ensures that the food is easily digested by converting it to a smaller, more soluble form. This system has to function effectively to ensure the oral and overall well being of an individual. In conclusion, ensure to consult a trusted general dentist or orthodontist to avail suitable treatment for such conditions.

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Dental care

What is the difference between dentures and bridges?

If you have lost a tooth and are left considering some solution for it, then do not worry, there are several options for replacing it. The most commonly used are dentures, bridges and implants. But what is the difference between dentures and bridges? Deciding which method of replacement out of these will suit you the best is the first step in getting a full set of functional teeth. This can depend on several factors like the number of teeth lost, existing dental health, etc.

Why Dealing With Missing Teeth Is Important?
Replacing the missing teeth is crucial for your oral health. Not only is affects the way you look, but there are also several other harmful effects of having a tooth gap:

  • The surrounding teeth can rotate into the empty space.
  • Biting food is affected.
  • It also has an effect on the speech of the person.
  • Gives a displeasing look to the face.
  • Makes your teeth less functional. The strain on the neighboring teeth increases.
  • Food may get accumulated in the gap leading to tooth decay.
  • Can be the cause of various diseases such as TMJ and gum diseases.

Dentures or false teeth are removable replacements. They can be partial or complete spanning over an entire arch. Dentures are attached to the teeth temporarily by clasping them. They have to be taken out while sleeping and can also be removed to clean. They are attached to a plate making the removal easier.

People opt for dentures to have a natural-looking restoration of missing teeth which isn’t permanent. In case there are odds of losing more teeth, later on, dentures are preferred over other methods as they can be removed later.

Bridges are usually chosen when a few teeth have to be replaced. They are permanent artificial teeth that are held in place by bonding to the surrounding teeth. The neighboring teeth fitted with crowns help keep the new tooth intact. Bridges are custom made for individuals by measuring the tooth gap.

Various types of bridges such as those made up of metals, alloys and porcelain are available to choose from. Bridges are not preferred when the full set of teeth needs replacement.

What Method Would it be a Good Idea for you to Pick?
Understanding what is the difference between dentures and bridges makes it easier to decide which method is more suitable for an individual. If you are looking for a permanent and hassle-free solution to missing teeth, bridges are better. The drawback of having dentures is that they have to be regularly cleaned by removing them which can be time-consuming and cumbersome. Dentures come into use when the number of teeth needing replacement is high as bridges cannot replace a full set of teeth. Other methods like dental implants which are permanently inserted into the gums can also be used to replace lost teeth.

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Dental care

How to break a thumb sucker habit

Thumb sucking is a natural activity that is supposed to help the children, soothe themselves and feel relaxed. It’s also a kind of habitual behavior that teaches the infants to intake the nourishment. So, thumb sucking is familiar to babies, toddlers and infants. However, some continue it even in the school-going age, and that creates a problem.

In some cases, it is the result of the lack of intervention of the parents. While, in others, even continuous intervention doesn’t help. So, there are certainly some significant reasons for the continuation of this habit as mentioned below.

Causes and consequences of thumb sucking in Adults
While most children quit thumb sucking till the age of 5, some continue till adulthood. Not much is known of the actual reasons behind the different tendencies. Still, there are two possibilities for this: first, the children might tend to practice the activity in private, keeping it hidden from the parents. This will off-course prevent any intervention of the parents as they are unaware. Secondly, it may also be a disorder.

Now, thumb sucking is not a significant issue until the child has baby teeth. But, once the permanent teeth have erupted, thumb sucking will cause misalignment of the teeth. Then misalignment may also cause severe orthodontic issues in the long-run.

Besides this, the loss of oral health, drying of the thumb and cracks in it, speech problems, etc. are the other harmful consequences.

Methods to stop the habit of thumb sucking
The thumb sucking habit needs to be stopped to ensure excellent thumb growth and best oral care. There are various methods to break this habit in children, but a few for adults.

For Children:

  • Ask a child: As many children may not realise that they are into this activity, so the parents must curiously ask them about the reason for thumb sucking. Does it feel good to them?
  • Watch a show together: One unusual method then can be to watch a show which talks about breaking the thumb sucking habit and then discuss it with the child.
  • Observe the pattern: To observe and identify the pattern and timing of the thumb sucking will let the parents have the clarity because then the child can be given some other distraction as per the requirement.
  • Rewards and incentives: It may not work for everyone but can be tried. If the child is offered a toy for not sucking the thumb, he may gradually get distracted and leave it.

For Adults:
Adults are mature enough to make the correct choice. They will need to have strong will power and determination to stop the habit.

  • Working with a therapist can work if anxiety is the reason behind the habit.
  • Stress-relieving exercises, mediation and exercises may help.
  • Setting reminders not to do so can help to improve.

Thus, thumb sucking tends to become a significant issue, especially in adulthood. So, the child and the parents will have to be careful and seek the appropriate method to get rid of this.

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Dental care

Are gummy vitamins bad for kids

Gummy vitamins are sweet and look like candy. They are extremely popular amongst the parents who give these to their children to meet their vitamin needs. They believe that these gummies can be accepted readily by the children, and thus they can deliver the right nutrients to them. Though these gummies are carrying some amount of vitamins, depending only upon them is not at all a wise idea as they may not be enough.

What are Gummy vitamins?
Gummy vitamins, as per the name, are the chewable candy-like vitamins. They come in a variety of flavors, shapes, and colors. Due to their attractive color and sweet taste, they are appealing to the children, especially to those who do hate the swallowing pills.

These gummy are made up of gelatin, water, corn starch, sugar, and food color, and the popular flavors include raspberry, lemon, orange, and cherry. Coming to the nutrients, they contain vitamins and minerals, specifically calcium and vitamin D. These are readily available online or physically available at the health food stores.

Importance of vitamin D and Calcium
Vitamins and proteins are the necessary minerals for the growth of the body. Amongst all those vitamins, Vitamin D is an essential vitamin that helps the children develop robust bones and also keeps the adults from Osteoporosis. Thus it makes it necessary for the kids so that they have proper growth. The children must, therefore, have a regular checkup for the amount of vitamin D in the body and then take the diet accordingly.

Well, these days, parents prefer beyond multivitamins, instead of just the vitamins or the proteins. This takes them towards the supplements, serving all in one.

Benefits and side-effects of gummy vitamins
Apart from the sweet taste and easy availability, there are some more benefits of the gummy vitamins:

  • are loaded with the required nutrients.
  • They are easy to chew and full of flavors.
  • Acceptable to the kids.

Besides all these pros, the gummy vitamins have various downsides:

  • Gummy vitamins may contain added sugars, colorings, or sugar alcohol.
  • They tend to have a lot more nutrients than regular multivitamins, which may pose threats.
  • May contain more vitamins than the listed.

Is it right to take them?
Many people prefer to take these gummy vitamins instead of other multivitamins. But one needs to understand that the person having a well-balanced diet does not need these gummy vitamins. However, these gummy vitamins may be beneficial for the population, including those who have nutrition deficiency, or absorption issues.

Gummy vitamins may also be beneficial for the children who do not consume a proper diet as well as who face difficulty swallowing pills. However, it is essential to prevent them from having too many gummy vitamins, as overconsumption may cause mineral toxicants. Thus, it is suggested to keep the gummies out of reach of the children or give them a regulated number. Otherwise, it may adversely affect their health.

So for a safe side, we must be cautious about it!

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Dental care

What are the benefits of dental sealants

There are lots of tools and methods widely used for the protection of the teeth and their shine. From the basic activities like brushing and flossing every day to getting a dental visit periodically, you try everything. One such tool is dental sealant! The concept of dental sealants was first introduced in the early 1900s. Now it’s been long, and a lot has changed in the application and materials used. However, these changes have made dental sealants more useful than they were before.

What are dental sealants?
Dental sealants, also called pits and fissure sealants are the thin plastic coating applied at the surface of the molar or premolar teeth. The coating quickly sticks to the chewing surface providing protection against decay and guarding the pits and fissures of our teeth. Now the sealants are not at all a substitution for brushing and flossing, but additional protection.

Procedure to place the sealants
Placing dental sealants is an easy procedure with a few necessary steps involved. If you are amongst those wanting an alternative to fillings, have a look at the steps below:

STEP1: Cleaning the tooth
First of all, the dentist will clean the tooth, so that the coating adheres to the surface. Cleaning is done with the help of a small brush attached to the dental drill.

STEP2: Conditioning the surface
This is a preparatory step and consists of applying an etching gel on the surface. This is done with the help of a brush, a cotton pellet, sponge, and other applicators. The etchant is allowed to rest at the surface for around 60 seconds and then washed.

STEP3: Evaluating step 2
After washing the tooth thoroughly, the dentist will use the air syringe to blow the tooth dry and check if the conditioning is done effectively. The conditioned part of the tooth must look frosty, white, and dull.

STEP4: Applying the sealant
The dentist will now apply the sealant, which is a liquid plastic coating on the grooves of the teeth. This is done with a brush or a syringe. You need to know that the sealant is filled only in those areas of the tooth where it has pits and fissures.

STEP5: Setting the sealant
After positioning the sealant, a blue cloured dental flashlight is shone on the applied sealant. The light acts as a catalyst to trigger its functioning.

Benefits of dental sealant
Dental sealants are mainly recommended for a child and teenagers who are prone to frequent cavities and decays. Apart from acting as a guard against the cavities, there are following benefits of fitting a high-quality dental sealant:

  • Applying dental sealants is a painless procedure.
  • Sealants provide an additional back to the oral care routine.
  • Dental sealants last as long as 5-10 years.
  • Sealants have an easy repair and maintenance process.
  • Dental sealants keep away the severe dental issues.

Since their inception, the dental sealants have been widely used for the patients at the dental clinic. You only need to make dental visits to get the worn or chipped sealants fixed.

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Dental care

How to clean braces effectively

Braces are the dental tools to straighten and correct the teeth. No doubt, they are worth making a future investment, but the only thing is the user has to know every detail about them before wearing, most importantly, the care it is to be given. After knowing the steps to take care, one can get committed sincerely to oral health even during the orthodontic treatment.

Why Should You Clean Your braces?
Braces are for the improvements in the teeth not to worsen their condition. Thus, it is very important to clean them from time to time and keep up the oral health. Moreover, not cleaning the braces invites decay. The process is very easy, starting with the accumulation of the small germs around and in between the teeth and the braces. These germs create large colonies of bacteria causing plaque, later leading to the damaged teeth.

Tips for Cleaning the Braces at Home
Well, cleaning the braces can be a challenging task because you cannot remove them each time you want. But the fact is it is essential to perform this task. The removal of the remaining pieces of food debris, germs, biofilms, and acids is necessary to keep the teeth away from any serious dental issue.

Thus, the proper procedure and tips to clean them are given below:
Right toothbrush: Whether it is a manual brush or the electric one, it should have soft bristles and a compact head. You are advised to hold the brush at an angle of 45 degrees and then take it back and forth, gradually taking towards the biting surface. The top and bottom surface of the brackets have to be brushed properly in order to remove the food debris. It is imperative to hold the lip with one hand while performing this step with another hand.

Cleaning tools: Patients can also use a few other tools available in the market like proxy brushes, woven dental floss, soft picks, etc. These can be used when he doesn’t have time for the actual flossing. Though they can do some part of the floss, it is still recommended to try doing the actual floss with the thread as it is more effective.

Waxed dental floss: Among all the methods to floss, the waxed dental floss is recommended to prevent it from snagging on the wires.

Use mouthwash: For convenient cleaning, you can use a therapeutic mouthwash and rinse with it regularly.

Fluoride treatment: As your teeth are more prone to the decay and damage when you are wearing the braces, you surely need to include Fluoride in the form of toothpaste.

Now, the fun and excitement of having a new and healthy smile after removing the braces can be snatched and replaced by the sorrow of being diagnosed with decays and cavities. But, fortunately, you can prevent this from happening and take the measures mentioned above.

Besides, your dentist can prescribe you the right set of tools and toothpaste for the time period and also guide you for the same. You just need to raise several questions during the treatment.

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Dental care

Does Oatmeal Cause Tooth Decay?

Food becomes the worst enemy when it comes to maintaining dental health. There is a long list of food items which the doctor prescribes to avoid to manage healthy teeth and gums. Undoubtedly, sugary and sticky food makes the major part of that list. Moreover, you must have heard your parents telling you to avoid any remains of food to stay in the corners. They know how harmful these remains can be for your oral health. Now the thing is what comes in the category of healthy food when dental hygiene is included? Is a healthy meal like oatmeal safe for our teeth?

What are Oats Made Up of?
Oats make a significant part of our healthy breakfast. It is a quick and best recipe for most of us. Especially, people who are in a hurry to rush to their work find it an excellent breakfast as it is full of nutrients that are essential for growth. It contains fibre that we require to sustain. Now, oats are simply grains that are broken and processed to make it an easy cook. That makes it as healthy as the grains in the form of chapati. But you need to know that the presence of grains brings in it-phytic acid. No doubt, phytic acid has got several health benefits, but the concern is that the acid restricts the absorption of a few minerals, including Zinc, Iron, and Calcium.

Is Oatmeal a Reason for Decay?
Having known about the constituents of oatmeal, it becomes easy to create an idea for the relation between oats and tooth decay. Moreover, everyone knows the importance of Calcium to bind the teeth together, and above, we have discussed how phytic acid opposes the absorption of Calcium. So, the risk of teeth decay in the context of oatmeal depends on the amount of phytic acid in it.

What are the Other Sources of Phytic Acid?
Not only the oatmeal but almost all the grains, seeds, nuts, and legumes contain phytic acid. So, too much consumption of these will not help you have excellent oral health. They can be a cause to undermine all our efforts to develop excellent dental health and prevent our body from the gains of essential minerals like zinc, Calcium, and Iron.

Now the point to be noted is oatmeal is a healthy food, and there is no great harm when it’s taken. The only thing is one must avoid too much consumption of the meal with a massive amount of phytic acid as it may lead to the deficiency of the required minerals.

Take Proper Dental Measures
It would be best if you remembered all the dental rules, so that you can compensate for the little harms you cause. The first thumb rule is the two minutes brushing twice a day and flossing once in a day. Secondly, you need to use mouthwash if you ever feel the brushing and flossing are not doing enough.

One must be preventive in approach when it comes to dental health. A periodic dental check will help in this case. You can also discuss with your dentist the amount of food you have been taking and their effects on oral health.

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Dental care

Tips for soothing sore gums

Painful gums can have many reasons behind it. They can either be the consequence of hard brushing and flossing or the result of wearing dentures or braces. This pain can even be a sign of upcoming severe gum diseases. For women, the list is quite longer having hormonal changes during pregnancy, menopause, etc. as additional causes. Whatever be the reason, it is always so annoying and disturbing, which is why you need to be aware of a handful of remedies for the same.

Have a look on top 5 tips for soothing sore gums:

  • Rinse with lukewarm salt water- Take 1 cup of lukewarm water and pour it into a cold glass. Add one tablespoon of salt in that, mix well, and rinse with it. Spit it after 20-30 seconds; do not swallow. The salt in the water helps to kill the bacterias and thus prevent gum diseases.
  • Apply warm and cold compresses- One of the best ways to deal with these painful gums is compresses- hot and cold both will do.

For hot compress- Heat up some water, dip a clean cloth in it, squeeze to remove the extra water, and then place it on the painful area.

Note- Make sure you don’t overheat the water, and it is bearable to your skin.

For cold compresses- Enfold the ice packs in a clean cloth and place it in the spring area. Repeat till the swelling comes down.

  • Oral anesthetic gels- There are various oral anesthetic gels available in the market. They help to numb the gums and treat the pain. You only need to follow the instructions printed in the packaging.
  • Hydrogen Peroxide- It is excellent to remove the bacterias and germs. Take equal parts of water and hydrogen peroxide, then mix them well. After that, swish the mouth with the solution for about 20 seconds and then rinse it with warm water.
  • Teabags- Take a small tea bag( tea like green tea, black tea, or hibiscus tea) having astringent properties or the anti-inflammatory properties, dip it in the boiling water for around 5 minutes as you do for making tea. Then let it cool for a few minutes and place it on the sore gums after it becomes bearable.
    If the solutions mentioned above do not help to heal the pain and the pain turns stubborn, you can take the pain killers but take the dosage as per the directions only. These pain killers are meant to give you immediate relief.

One primary reason behind such painful gums can be the negligence towards proper oral hygiene, which is why you need to be careful towards maintaining the appropriate routine and visit your dentist for periodic checkups. This will not only ensure the excellent health of the teeth and the gums but also soothe the sore gums.

However, when the pain is long-lasting, you definitely need to see your doctor get the actual cause behind it. Your doctor will examine the condition of the gums and may ask you several questions regarding the same. Be true to answer them and follow the instructions accordingly.

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Do Sports and Energy Drink Consumption Damages Tooth Enamel

Food has a vital role in making or ruining your teeth enamel. This is the food ingredient that can invite the accumulation of Bacteria’s and then lead to decaying teeth. That is why it becomes essential to take care of what you eat or drink. Now, many people have given up on the sugary drinks as they are aware of the harmful effects, but what about the acidic drinks?

So, sports and energy drinks that are highly acidic can cause irreversible harm to the teeth.

The popularity of sports and energy drinks

We have been noticing the upsurge in the popularity of sports and energy drinks and its rapidly rising market value. These are taken to enhance efficiency while playing games and maintain stamina. The same benefit has made these drinks so popular among youngsters, especially amongst those who are involved in strenuous activities. Moreover, on average, an energy drink contains 55 grams of sugar, making double the amount recommended to take in a day.

How are energy drinks bad for your enamel?

Most of you may not clean your teeth after eating some food, which makes your mouth prone to plaque formation and the accumulation of bacteria’s. It leads to the gradual depletion of enamel. When this hardest substance of your body (enamel) gets damaged, your teeth are no longer safe. Same happens during the intake of energy drinks as they have a significant amount of acid in them.

After your enamel gets damaged, you become susceptible to sensitivity, followed by pain and discomfort. Plus, the damaged enamel is hard to treat thereby making the decaying severe.

What should you do: preventing dental erosion?

Now that you are aware of the harmful effects of these acidic drinks, you need to care about their consumption. You can reduce the frequency of the use of all the acidic beverages. In addition to this, there are a few tips that you must follow:

  • Switch to healthier alternatives like green juices, protein shakes, green tea and water.
  • If you are determined to take the acidic drinks, take them after the meal so that the saliva maintains the balance.
  • Try to avoid taking any acidic food before bedtime as the saliva production decreases during sleep.
  • Do not brush immediately before or after consuming acidic food and drinks, including sports and energy drinks.
  • Revitalize the production of saliva by chewing sugarless gums.

Follow a proper dental hygiene routine

So, yes, the intake of sports and energy drinks is really harmful when it comes to calculating their effect on the teeth enamel. If you or any close one of yours is addicted to them, you need to make them aware about its consequences and suggest they go for a periodic dental check-up and consult with the dentist about the condition of the teeth.

At the same time, you need to adhere to the prescribed dental hygiene and make sure that you don’t get addicted to any food that weakness the enamel.

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Foods that Can Harm Enamel

Are you struggling to choose the right food, or are you confused about the parameters for selecting the food and drinks? Well, your diet is the deciding factor for your dental health, thus a significant contributor to your overall well-being. Knowing the do’s and don’ts regarding the food make the task of maintaining the health of teeth easier. Below are few foods that can be harmful to the enamel, if taken into excessive amounts.

Acidic food

The foods with low ph ratings can make a disaster in your mouth if consumed excessively with no precaution. How? Acids from any source, in the form of food or converted from sugars, erodes the teeth enamel, leading to decay. Not only this but if the enamel turns weak, many problems may happen to you, including tooth sensitivity and discoloration.

Examples of such highly acidic foods include pickle, lemon, alcohol, coffee, etc.

Foods with high sugar

This is a common one. Almost everyone knows that too much sugar can harm the enamel. But what is the exact reason and process? Now, sugars are the best thing for the bacteria to feed upon. They create acids from these sugars and then pave the way for cavity formation.

Even though the sugar is so harmful to the teeth, you cannot eliminate them from your diet. However, you can minimize their amount to an extent. Together with this, you can at least make sure that the sugar does not stay in your mouth for long. For this, brush your teeth after the meals and drink a lot of water.

Examples of food high in sugar include soft drinks, candies, dry fruits, jams, etc.

Food that sticks to the teeth and gums

The extended presence of the food can offer a home to bacteria’s. This is so because they will be releasing the acids for a longer time. Thus, you need to ensure you floss your teeth after you have any food, especially the sticky ones.

Starchy foods, for the same reason, are supposed to pose threats. Examples include potato chips, bread, corn chips, etc.

Foods drying your mouth

An important fact is that your saliva is the best remedy against oral health issues as saliva stops food from sticking to the teeth. So, any reduction in the saliva will lead to increments in decays and cavities. Now, the foods and drinks that dry your mouth are sure to invite problems. Avoid consuming them. Examples include alcohol, coffee, energy drink, etc.

Hard to chew foods

Though the enamel is the hardest substance in the body, it will weaken, if you chew hard materials regularly. Hence, eating the hard elements like ice, unpopped popcorn, etc. can invite problems like cracks, chipping off your teeth and much more.

Your teeth are assets for you. Healthy teeth will not only assist you in eating and chewing but also offer you beautiful smiles and looks, boosting your confidence. Thus before picking anything to eat or drink next time, do consider the consequences, only then proceed!

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What Are Chalky Teeth

Chalkiness is a situation where the teeth appear to be whiter than the normal. In other words, these teeth show discoloration and the formation of patches and spots. The color after discoloration is off-white in many, yellow or brown in others. It can happen in both baby teeth as well as adult teeth. Chalky teeth need to be addressed like a severe concern, whether it is occasional or a constant issue. You need to have a complete awareness of the symptoms and cause so that you provide timely treatment to your aggrieved teeth.

What are the symptoms?
Few signs of this problem are identifiable, while others cannot be detected easily. You may not realize it, and the issue might grow significantly. The tooth which is falling under chalkiness may show the following signs

  • Color change from white to off-white
  • Irregularity in the enamel surface
  • Cracks
  • Pits and depressions
  • Sensitivity for food and temperature
  • Yellow-brown enamel
  • Wearing of teeth
  • Vulnerability to cavities and decay
  • Post-brushing toothache
  • Pain while eating

If you see any of the symptoms, see a dentist for the checkup to prevent further damage to your teeth.

What causes chalky teeth?
Well, a particular reason behind chalky teeth is still a mystery. Nonetheless, various factors together lead to this issue. As per a few types of research, chalkiness is more familiar with infants having poor health. The causes may be many, including malnutrition, metabolic disorders, low birth weight, etc.

Few prominent reasons causing chalky teeth are-

Genetics- Your genes have an essential role in the development of your teeth. Poorly developed enamel will invite chalkiness.

Harmful habits and health during pregnancy- Hypomineralisation(the technical term for chalky teeth) can also take place due to poor prenatal habits like smoking or using drugs. Weight gain and vitamin D deficiency can also contribute to it.

Existing diseases- If you are suffering from various other ailments like jaundice, cerebral palsy, lever teeth, vitamin deficiency, etc. during your infancy, you are more prone to chalky teeth.

Find the right treatment
If you very often experience chalkiness, it may not be alarming for you. This may be after consuming some acidic food or a particular vegetable. In that case, rinse your mouth immediately after eating. But if your child has a constant issue of chalkiness, he may lose his teeth soon, as a child’s chalky teeth are prone to decay and break easily.

Unlike other dental issues, chalky teeth are not easily treatable. Also, it gives you distressing pain. Thus, early detection and treatment are necessary to avert any significant effect. Furthermore, treatment depends upon how serious the problem is. Depending upon the type, you can avail any one of them. Few treatment options include Resin-bonded sealant, crown filling, dental amalgam fillings, etc.

Though it is challenging to avoid chalky teeth in a few cases, you should always take some preventions-

  • Brush your teeth two times a day
  • Avoid too much sugary or acidic food
  • If the teeth are sensitive to cold water, use lukewarm water.

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Do you know why Tooth Sensitivity happens?

Are you facing a problem with having your favorite food? If yes, you are probably suffering through tooth sensitivity. In simple words, tooth sensitivity is a common problem that includes severe pain and uneasiness in teeth when consuming a few substances and at some temperatures. The problem can grow over time, as a consequence of enamel wear and retreating gums.

Common Causes

Consuming acidic food: Highly acidic foods and beverages erode the enamel that guards your teeth. This tooth erosion leads to changed appearances of your teeth and allows the bacteria to cause infection or cavities, further causing tooth sensitivity.

Hard brushing: Apart from the food you are having, a few daily rituals like brushing your teeth can be harmful, if you are doing it very forcefully.

Clenching your teeth: Even though tooth enamel is the hardest substance of your body, clenching your teeth knowingly and unknowingly can harm your teeth. Grinding the teeth will expose the dentine for the damage, which is undoubtedly an invitation to damaged teeth.

Having excessive plaque: The very goal of brushing your teeth is to remove plaque that always appears after you consume food. This is important as excessive plaque can easily ruin your teeth. The remedy is to focus on following good dental care and get your teeth cleaned frequently.

A dental procedure: It’s ubiquitous to face some amount of sensitivity after a dental procedure. May it be a root canal, extraction, or any other dental treatment; it may end up giving you some pain. If the pain and related symptoms last longer, fix a meeting with your dentist, as it might be signaling to the tooth infection and sensitivity.

Decay around the edges of fillings: With your increasing age, your filling may enfeeble the edges. And the weak edges welcome the bacteria to amass in the little fissures which lead to the breakdown of enamel. Make sure to see the doctor, if you make out any such thing happening with you.

Teeth bleaching products: Any teeth whitening procedures can be dangerous for the health of your teeth. Whether it is the whitening strips, any bleaching gel or any other chemical, it will leave at the risky end. Also, keep in mind, the pain due to these bleaching products is temporary and should be relieved as soon as you stop using them.


Sensitivity pain is not something anyone should have to live with. Thus, it’s better to take precautions for it e.g.

  • Gently brush your teeth twice a day to prevent gum loss.
  • Make sure you clean all parts of your mouth, including the spaces along your gum line.
  • Avoid too many acidic foods and drinks.
  • Use a mouthwash containing fluoride to rinse daily.
  • Do not consume so many carbohydrates like bread, pasta, candy, and chips, etc. They create a problem as they remain on the surface.

Now, if you suffer through the severe pain for a longer time, you should see your doctor and ask him to evaluate the reasons for the painful condition. Remember, your right actions timely can save you from further pain.

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Healthy Foods Promoted by a General Dentist

As your body is a complex machine, the food you consume and how frequently you eat them can impact your overall health and the health of your teeth. When it comes to the health of your teeth and gum, consuming too many sugar-filled drinks, sweetened candies and food items contribute to tooth decay. It is the single most common chronic childhood disease, though; the good part is that it is entirely preventable.

How to Prevent Tooth Decay?

To lead a healthy lifestyle and maintain oral hygiene, think before you eat and drink. It’s not only what you eat, but when you eat, that can impact your dental health. Eating a well-balanced diet, and consuming fewer snacks can prevent serious diseases. Make sure to brush with fluoride toothpaste and floss daily, as it is essential for a bright smile and dental health. If you are on a special diet, consult your physician and choose food accordingly.

Foods for Optimum Oral Health

Starchy and sugary foods that we love are also loved by the bacteria in your mouth and lead to tooth decay and gum disease. You need to understand that eating a range of nutrient-rich foods from various food groups encourage healthy teeth and gums. Have a mix of fruits, vegetables, protein-based foods, calcium-rich foods, and whole grains that offer the needed nutrients for optimum oral health and overall body health.

  • Calcium-rich foods like fat-free or low-fat milk, cheese and yogurt, fortified soy beverages and tofu, almonds, canned salmon, and dark green leafy vegetables assist in enhancing healthy teeth and bones.
  • Vitamin C improves gum health, so consume a lot of citrus fruits, peppers, potatoes, spinach, tomatoes, and broccoli.
  • Phosphorus found in fish, eggs, dairy products, lean meat, beans, and nuts is perfect for getting healthy teeth and gums. Moreover, chewing on crunch food items keeps the saliva going, which, together with water, assist in washing away plaque resulting in bacteria and food particles.

Limit Your Snack Time

Putting a restriction on the number of snacks you eat will also positively affect your oral health. Smart snacking will keep your mouth in good shape. Hold out against the urge to snack often as the more frequently you eat, especially between your meals, the more likely you are to invite acid attacks on your teeth. However, if you snack, make sure to select wisely. Go for healthy snacks such as fruits or vegetables or a piece of cheese.

Food consumed as a part of a meal leads to less harm to teeth than eating several snacks throughout the day as more saliva is released during a meal. Saliva allows the wash foods from the mouth and reduces the effects of acids that can harm teeth. Try to give up on sugary treats like hard or sticky candies and go for nutritious options. Make sure to brush after snacking to keep cavities away.

Moreover, if you’re caring for a baby, avoid pacifying your toddler or young child with a bottle of formula, juice, or milk. Sucking on the bottle puts the teeth and gums in liquid for longer than necessary and contributes to tooth decay from a young age.

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Is the cold weather causing pain in your teeth?

Are your teeth facing “winter-blues”?
Do your happy teeth turn upon you during the winters?
Do you feel the sensitivity during the cold season?


In a recent study suggested by the Academy of General Dentistry, the study found out that 40 million adults have sensitive teeth in the United States. But, Elgin Family Dentist has good news for you! This can be treated by an effective dental implant.

Generally, when teeth are exposed to cooler weather temperatures, it can cause a critical situation and havoc in your mouth!

What problems will this cause if you don’t take action?

  • Your teeth become porous and sensitive.
  • You have problems biting the food.
  • Your gums will be infected.
  • It may also cause missing of a tooth.
  • Cavities are a big YES!
  • You may have bridge margins because of the acids produced in the mouth.

Try to avoid the pain by simple steps:

  • Make sure you consume a hot drink when you are outside. This will release some pain.
  • Breath from your nose instead of the mouth so that the air is released and taken inside from your nose only and the cold air does not come directly in contact with your teeth.
  • Desensitizing toothpaste will help with the sensitivity and the unnecessary pain.
  • Don’t forget to rinse your mouth by using a mouthwash that contains Fluoride.

If you want to cure yourself from the pain of sensitive teeth, then you must upgrade it with a dental implant appointment today itself. If you are having a consistent ache in your teeth then you should consult a good dentist.

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Problems With OTC Teeth Whitening Solutions

Is your smile ready for all those social events? Or Is the condition of your teeth making you dread the thought of showing your face? If that’s the case, you need not worry, We can help turn things for you. One of the simplest ways to boost the appearance of your smile is with a teeth whitening treatment.

Big Benefits of Teeth Whitening
If you drink coffee, sauce, curry and tea regularly, these items will put a mark on your tooth enamel. The process is gradual. At first, you won’t notice anything because the stains will come in small amounts, but as the time goes by, they would get worse until your teeth looks dark colored and stained.

But, All thanks to the professional Teeth Whitening Treatment that can reverse the effects of stain. Also, you can look younger for years. This comes with professional teeth whitening only.

Problems Encountered With OTC Solutions
Professional grade teeth whitening solution cannot be taken without a prescription. To sell them in store, manufacturers must dilute the agent substantially. Teeth whitening solution deliver disappointing results when taken without a prescription.

Bleaching agents are designed to lift stains off tough enamel. It is definitely not supposed to come in contact with your gums. If the trays are not made to custom fit your mouth, you tend to get too much spillover on your gums that could irritate and damage them.

Professional Teeth Whitening Is The Right Choice
Our dentists have extensive experience in the dental industry. They deliver professional-grade teeth whitening services. All you have to do is call and schedule an appointment. We are ready to help you anytime.

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Dental Care Tips To Follow During Winters

Tooth pain becomes unbearable especially during the winters. The freezing temperature and cold air can affect your teeth and cause them to become extra sensitive. Listed below are some tips that will help you protect your teeth and reduce the risk associated with uncomfortable tooth pain.

Avoid Over Brushing: Brushing teeth too often wears away the enamel and also damages the surface of tooth. Instead, brush your teeth twice a day for 2-3 minutes.

Use a Different Toothpaste: Using a toothpaste with fluoride is specifically instructed for teeth sensitivity. Before buying a fluoridated toothpaste, check for ADA seal which assures that the product has been evaluated for safety.

Reduce the Amount of Acids and Sugar in Your Diet: Acids and sugar can damage the surface of your teeth and break down enamel that protects them. Teeth are frequently are under attacked by acids, however, the good news is that the damage can constantly be reversed.

Limiting your sugar intake is crucial if you want to give your mouth a chance to fix the damage.

Use a Fluoride Mouthwash: A fluoride rich mouthwash cleans away debris, rinse them and kills odor causing bacteria to help protect the sensitive enamel.

Taking Warm Beverages: Sipping warm beverages keeps the teeth from becoming too cold, especially if you are going to be outside for several hours.

Use a Clean Toothbrush: Keeping your toothbrush clean and replacing it every few months reduces the exposure to bacteria and eventually reduces chances of gingivitis or tooth decay.

Visit Your Dentist Regularly: Regular visit to your dentist for checkups and routine fluoride treatment will help to protect your teeth throughout the winter.

Use a Mouthguard: Wearing a Mouthguard when you are outside for longer time period prevents you from forcing your teeth together while you work and also keeps them away from clicking together.

Wear a Scarf: If you keep wearing a scarf, you will be able to keep your lower jaw and neck warm. This will help you cover your mouth if necessary.

Following these tips will help you prevent your teeth from dental problems during the winters. If you are still unable to identify your dental issues and tackle them at ease, schedule an appointment with us today. We strive to offer the best services and make your beautiful smile everlasting one.

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3 Best Ways to Keep Your Oral Health Under Control This Halloween

Celebrations are all around the corner! The spookiest month of the year, Halloween is here and the countdown has already begun. The festival is known for Halloween treats but you never know when these treats turn into a nightmare, thereby leading you to cavities. Our pediatric dentists suggests Halloween to be the right time to teach children good oral health habits. Listed below are some of the best tricks your child must follow for healthier teeth:

Choose Candies Carefully
The acidic sugar in sweet snacks often lead to cavities. The best that can be done is sorting out the candies that are most sticky to swallow or dissolve. They not only cling to the teeth but also create an acidic environment for an extended period of time.

Drink Water in Excess
Drinking fluoridated water prevents tooth decay. Choose the one. Also try to minimize sugary beverages throughout the day which include soda, sports drinks and flavored water. The risk of tooth decay is automatically increased once the teeth are exposed to sugary beverages.

Timing Matters
When trying to limit the chances of cavities, it is not only about what you eat, but when you eat that also matters. When you want to eat your Halloween candy, try to eat it with a meal. You can also have it shortly after having a meal. The secretion of saliva increases during meals and it eliminates all the harmful acid that tends to build up into a plaque. It is also good to monitor how much candy your child eats to limit the consumption.

Schedule Your Visit
Schedule your cleaning and checkup with us so that we can catch potential problems early and prevent them from getting worse. Have a safe and Happy Halloween. Please call us for any of your family’s dental needs. To know more about how we can help you, schedule an appointment with us today.

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Tips to Keep Your Gums Healthy

The month of National Gum Care, September is here. Now is the time to raise awareness for healthy gums everywhere. No matter what age you are, you should always be looking for a great oral care routine. However, a comprehensive oral care routine goes far beyond just your teeth. Your gums are also equally important to maintain a great smile.

According to the recent development, we see how medical conditions like heart disease, diabetes, pregnancy and much more are related to infected gums. This is the reason it is important to prevent gum disease. The inflammation caused by bacteria not only destroys gum tissue but also affects the bloodstream. This can be prevented by taking care of your gums excellently.

Difference Between Healthy Gums & Diseased Gums
Healthy gums look firm and pink with no bleeding and no discomfort. However, a bad gum includes loose or shifting teeth, bad taste in mouth, redness along with bleeding and pus around the teeth. If you wear dentures, they may not fit properly in diseased gums.

If your gums become paler, you need to contact your dentists soon. It is important to get treatment at the first sign of gum disease.

Preventing Gum Disease
You can easily take care of your gums by following the tips below:

Healthy Brushing: It is important to brush your teeth at least twice a day for at least 30 min after your meal. Brushing right away leads to corrosion from leftover food.

Correct Flossing: Floss at least once a day to help eliminate the debris between teeth and near the gums. It is therefore advised to floss before brushing so that your toothbrush will be able to wipe away the leftover bacteria and debris. Flossing gently between the tooth using clean sections of floss also helps. It is also recommended to snap the floss down on the gums.

Visiting Your Dentist: A dental examination and cleaning every 6 months is recommended. You need to inform your dentist if you have concerns about your teeth and gums. If you are experiencing pain or discomfort, it’s always good to inform them.

Healthy Diet: A healthy diet plays an important role in keeping your gums healthy. If you take more sugar in your diet, chances are it will lead to lingering and sticky bacteria. Rinse your mouth with water after eating and drinking other beverages.

Limiting Drinks and Sugary Snacks: A great way to keep your teeth and gums healthy is by avoiding substances like tobacco and alcohol. Try to avoid drinking too much soda and energy drinks, fast food etc.

Other Tips: Replacing your toothbrush every 2-3 months also helps. Exercise regularly to maximize blood flow. Go for a toothpaste that matches your dental requirements.

Treating Healthy Gums
One is still vulnerable to gum disease, even if they never had cavities in their entire life. Other than home dental care, there are alternatives available too that can help get rid your mouth of infection. These include the following:

  • A professional dental cleaning
  • Pocket reduction
  • Soft tissue graft
  • Gum grafting
  • Scaling and root planing
  • Root canal therapy
  • Prescribed medication like toothpaste, mouthwash or medication

These treatment methods will keep your smile healthy in the long run. We care about your gums, therefore, we recommend that you consult our dentists and get the best treatment for yourself.

Still have any queries about your oral health? Feel free to consult our experienced dentists at Elgin.

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How Dental Checkups Impact Oral Health

We all know that brushing and flossing is extremely important for your overall oral health. It is therefore important to keep practicing these habits daily to maintain healthy smile in the years to come. Visiting your dentist regularly for professional cleaning at least twice a year is an important habit one should incorporate. This helps you in creating an optimal oral environment for lifetime.

Dentists near me recommend typical cleanings twice a year. However, patients suffering from gum disease or any other kind of dental illness should visit more frequently. Dental cleanings are just one part, oral examination is another. Professional dentists also recommend an oral examination that includes taking dental x rays to evaluate the condition of teeth, jaw and gums. They look for signs of decay, gum disease and oral cancer. On the first visit, you will be interrogated about your health history, medications you take and allergies or adverse reactions in the past. If you had any dental anxiety that kept you away from seeing a dentist before, you should immediately tell your dentist. This will help to minimize the discomfort and help you feel more relaxed.

Professional Dental Cleaning
By taking regular professional dental cleanings, you will be able to get rid of plaque, tartar that accumulates the areas of the mouth that are difficult to clean. These areas are not easily accessible by your daily brushing and flossing habits. Our dentist in Elgin may use a special instrument that removes tartar from around or below the gumline. Once this has been removed, your teeth will be polished with abrasive paste that helps in clearing away tooth stains. After the final evaluation, you can resume.

You shall be able to feel the clean and smooth surface of enamel if you run your tongue along the surface. Plaque does not gets attached on a surface that is smooth. To make sure that you are taking better care of your teeth, our dentist will also review any kind of hygiene issues that you may face.

To know more about dental checkups, feel free to give us a call. We will be more than happy to help you attain the best smile and have a great dental experience. So, call us today to set up an appointment.

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Top Mistakes You Must Avoid While Brushing Teeth

Brushing your teeth is an ideal way to maintain healthy gums and teeth. It is something we do everyday. However, there are most of the people who will commit mistakes at least once. Listed below are some common brushing mistakes you should avoid for an improved oral health in the long run.

Brushing Only for a While
The average person’s brushing time is ONLY 45 seconds. Not brushing your teeth for an extended duration means inviting cavities, tooth decay and other oral health issues. Therefore, it is recommended to brush teeth for at least 2 minutes. This is when fluoride acts on your teeth effectively. Initially, you can start by setting a timer when you start to brush. Another option is using electric toothbrushes that comes with timer.

Brushing Too Rough
The quality of cleaning teeth is independent of the strength, however, it is strictly dependent on the movements made. So, horizontal, vertical and circular movements are the most picked angles to take into account.

Not Changing Your Toothbrush for a While
It is ideal to replace your toothbrush every 3-4 months. So, as soon as your toothbrush starts degrading, you need to replace it immediately. A worn brush not only damages your gums but also quite inefficient.

Using Wrong Toothbrush
It is better to choose a toothbrush that ideally suits your needs and preferences. With different types of handles, filaments, size and head available, choose the one that fits your needs.

Our dentists at Elgin Dental Office TX recommends using an easy-to-hold, flexible toothbrush that is the right size for you.

Wrong Choice of Bristles
Angled bristles are considered the best as they clean the teeth irrespective of the position. Hard and stiff bristles could damage the gums. So, it is advisable to use soft ones. Frayed or broken bristles won’t clean your mouth properly. Change your toothbrush once the bristles lose their flexibility.

Rinsing Your Mouth With Water After Brushing Your Teeth
The moment water mixes with the toothpaste, it cuts down the efficiency of fluoride from your toothpaste. Instead use a mouth rinse that contains fluoride. Rinse, gargle and spit the mouthwash and that is sufficient. But don’t use water.

If you still have any queries, please feel free to contact us. We will be happy to help.

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Why Athletes Have Poor Oral Health

According to a recent study, athletes have higher rates of oral disease despite brushing their teeth frequently. As per the British Dental Journal, 94% of athletes report brushing their teeth at least twice a day whereas 44% reported regular flossing.

Comparatively 75% of population brush their teeth daily and 21% of them just floss. The reasons identified were regular intake of sports drinks, energy bars and gels, all of which are known to damage teeth. The sugar in these products increases the risk of tooth decay and acid erosion. This could be contributing to the high levels of tooth decay and acid erosion observed during dental check-ups.

Studies in the past have also confirmed that athletes may have a higher risk of oral disease because of having a dry mouth. Other explanations include the mouth becoming dry due to breathing heavily during exercise so there is less protection from saliva in the mouth.

The researchers surveyed data from 352 Olympics and professional male and female athletes across 11 different sports including swimming, cycling, soccer, rowing, hockey and sailing.

Even after practicing good oral hygiene, the researchers reported that the athletes had substantial amount of dental problems. One of the problems is diet. Athletes often rely on heavy carbohydrate intake to boost their energy when training or competing. They intake carbs in the form of sugars mixed with acidic sports drinks or slick gels. This gives oral bacteria a boost the same way it boosts the athlete.

However, in an attempt to improve oral health, athletes are willing to adopt behaviour change like additional fluoride use from mouthwash, reduction in the intake of sports drinks and frequent dental visits.

Therefore, it is not only important to brush and floss regularly. There are other factors like diet, lifestyle and psychology to make sure your teeth are healthy and free from gum disease.

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When to Seek Emergency Dental Care

No matter how much prepared you are, accidents happen. Dental emergencies are no exception. A dental emergency is sudden and unexpected. Some emergencies are relatively obvious in their urgency, like an infection, tooth decay, trauma, toothache, knocked out tooth, or facial swelling and so on.

Here are a few common reasons to utilize emergency dental care:

Forcibly Removed Tooth
Whether it was knocked out, pulled out or any other force exerted that resulted in the teeth coming out, it definitely requires immediate dental care. If you keep practicing good aftercare and visit the dentist, the tooth can actually be reinserted. This includes cleaning the tooth properly.

Tooth That Is Out of Aligned
If something happens and your tooth gets out of alignment, you will have to visit an emergency dental care office as soon as possible. Meanwhile, you can just try to put the tooth back to its original position. Make sure not to force it back or use too much pressure.

Chipped Tooth
If one of your teeth becomes chipped, it constitutes a dental emergency. If it does not hurt, you don’t need to see an emergency dentist. If your tooth is cracked or fractured or you experience intense pain, you will need an emergency dental care. Some fractures are so severe that the tooth is unable to be saved and need to be pulled and replaced.

We strive to keep our patients comfortable and free from injuries. So, if your tooth has been damaged or you are in pain, contact us today so that we can schedule your appointment and treat the issue quickly.

Our friendly staff will put in their best efforts to schedule the appointment. We also provide suggestions to avoid dental emergencies by teeth cleanings twice a year. You need to arrive before your appointment. Whatever emergency dental treatment you receive, it is advisable to have a follow-up appointment. We would be more than happy to assist you with all your dental emergency needs and provide you with long term dental care. All you need to do is let us know your requirements so that we can suggest an ideal treatment option for you.

Book Appointment to find out which treatment might be best for you.

Dental care

Beautify Your Smile by Choosing Elgin Family Dentist

Your search to a comprehensive family dental care stops here. We have been providing high-quality dental care services in a warm and comfortable environment. With a focus on patient-centered care, we make your experience pain-free. Our comprehensive range of family dental services are committed to give patients beautiful smiles.

Elgin Family Dentist has extensive experience in all the aspects of modern dentistry. Whether it’s preventive education to maintaining oral hygiene, we help to reduce dental problems of any type.

General and Preventive Dentistry
Our preventive dentistry services comprise cleanings, routine check-ups, restorative and cosmetic services like fillings, veneers, bridges and more. We offer our patients the most comfortable procedure for a visit that is pain-free as much as possible.

At your checkup, we will inspect your soft tissues for oral cancer, periodontal disease and other problems. Our dentist will also look at each tooth to analyze problems like tooth decay, cracks etc. We also replace old dental work like fillings, inlays, crowns and other alternatives to break off additional problems in the future.

We are also on the lookout for changes to your gums and teeth or early signs of abnormalities that could signal oral cancer. The earlier we detect issues, the better chance we have to fix the problem before it’s too late. This is the reason we recommend our patients to stick to checkup schedule and not miss cleanings. If you are in need of general or preventive dentistry services for your oral health, please schedule and appointment with us today.

Restorative procedures repair damaged teeth to create a natural smile. This includes crowns, bridges, dentures and implants for a smile you have always dreamed of. We restore damage to your teeth and gums by providing services for specific areas in your mouth.

We will check on your oral health at every step of the way, ensuring that you are getting the right treatment for individually shaped gums and teeth.

Our cosmetic dentistry services are aimed at addressing discolored and different shaped teeth. From whitening to dental bonding and veneers, you can have a beautiful smile for years. If you have been considering a smile makeover, we can help you by remodeling your look, filling you with confidence and restoring you both physically and emotionally.

We can transform your dull stained teeth to bright, eye-catchy smile. Reshape teeth that are crooked, gaped or overlapping with natural looking veneers.

Our dentists at Elgin are committed to changing the fear associated with dentistry into a positive affirmation. Sedation dentistry will make your treatment more enjoyable and help you relax in a comfortable environment. They type of sedation we use depend on your condition. When you visit, we will discuss the sedation options and recommend the appropriate method for you. If you have struggled with dental anxieties, please let us know.

Request for a consultation at our office now!

Book Appointment to find out which treatment might be best for you.